Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 51

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IrroiUesi i.nvrease provements, but object streinùotsIy in Gaoline 'lax to paving for corporate expenses, iii Vigorous protest against the pro- "The Chicago Motor club wjll op- posai to increase the gasoline tax ini pose vigorously any effort to divert Illinois to. five cents and divert the I street and hitgliway tax' ,f unds to additional two cents toward the re- other purposes. We strongiy advo- 1ief, of real estate taxes lias been [cate* spendinig every pennY of. auto- voiced, by Charles M. Hayes, presi- motive taxes upon street and.-high-- (lent of the Chicago Motor club. way ifliprovements, projects which -in The ropsaito ncrasedietaxthemseives benefit, real iestate by in- %%as mlarie re cently by Jamxes Smsni Creasing the value of adjacent. land cliairinr of thé Chicago Plan coini- aII t>tue luission 10 o evernorL. I.. 1îîîr sons revenue commission. 64 Why Risk Your .ife?" thrcbe fvecens, rea ctai wodSubjeet for 'Poster nlot benefit," declared the inotor club,> *Why, Risk 'Your Life?" is the presadent. "Such. an increàa.*e would caption on the two-color Novemiber, crîi)lei .motor, tran sportation1. The î', safety poster, which portrays a boy1 automobile and other motor truîck ai--' risking his life in- traffic . anaI readv are carrying al îc axtllw% tefllçt to catch a football.. The poster cai hear. t %%as just issueri by the Chicago Motor l'axes iit.w being paid iv the avtr- club to approximately' 36,000 scliool- agie Chicagýo automobile aincouait tioe rcoms in Illinois ai nortiiern Inà- $44.03ý per year. The value' of1the î diana. In:aý letter to teachers, which average car is estilated at $205 accomipanieri the poster,- the iiotorý Tinis. the tax on 'automnobiles p'er club poilited ôut that cbflîitless chlii x'cars is 21.4 percent. whiereas the ta\ <renl are injureri and killecd annitlallv' on real estatc is lessz than 3 percent. as a rèsuit of dashing thouglitlessWy The taxes on cars comprisie $10.77 for in front of traffic, in au effort to r e- gaseh lne ; $11,26 for the ,;tate 1lice il, t. e S e o e bject of playý. T a.er $0for 'the city. wheei -tax, and>i $6 were uirgedi to warii their pupils to for. the lrsél 1 t ts Twremniber at al tmesto refrain from tax bill paid per year hi- downjstate tliis Iractice. iiiotorists is almost. a, higli. "Car oiviers already are >dpa PckrdUssSunTs for streets and Iighi'ways. Ltac ilities P fokrdPaitses ncst vhich greatlv enhance the valle ol fr0an os nC r real estate. The proposed ilcreîis( Rays of the suni beat alivthing y et1 in the gas tax -would cost the car deviseri by clienuists and* engineers owflrs f te sate noîwr 7.5)erC for testing thie life of paint and of vear. Froin Chicago car mvnie rs top mnaterial for motor -cars. Be-, dloine it \vould take $3,500,(M0 in adi- jcause of this the Packard Motor Car dition to vvhat the-v are tiow %-payiilg. company lias established a testing It is iniperative that ever 'v Pnny- col- laboi-itor.y at MiamniFia., whete the Iected in taxes fromi car owners bce1si unsliines during mnuch . greater in-ý V.xpeiided rîpon such i îrgenitlv aîeeded tervals than in Detroit and with .1)Itjcctq as wider pavemntts, rai greater intensity. The roof of. the ý)ei> ratio', s and eleVated iha. Packard Miami Moltors 'compllanvý at, "'fli railro.ads.. whi.clîini 1929) paid I iaiii lias.been .fitteri up for the new a tax\ bill of $402.000.00, have beeni testing IaboratorV. Panels, covered act iv e1 in recen t. ye ars i ttempt., to ivibl the 1p aint under test are hung on cril)ple automnobile atnd truck omiîers. long racks iii sucli a manner as to who iii 1930 paid a tax bill of $.. receive the fuili strengthi of the suni'. I r 'orîaa sun test. Gov. Emmerson Names H Iighway, Commission To formulate %in advance of. the 58tlh General Assembly, a roari buid- -ng' program to .follow the «compfle- taon of thé state bond issue system, Gov. Louis L.* Emmerson lias coin- pleteri the 'appointment, of. the state highway1 commission. Civilian niem- bers are Col. H. L. Kellogg, chair- man of the goori roads commfittee, Chicago, Chambèr of Commerce:, Robert Kingery, of Winzîetka, man- ager, Chicago R egional Planning ast- sociation;* J.. Paul Clavton. president. Illinois Chambér of Commerce; George. B. Anderson, count2v super- intendent. of highwa.ys, M.\arion, amil A.. C. Gaucti, chairman of the Madi- son1 county Regional Planning a%- sociation, of Collinsville. .Legisiative member.î of the coin- mission are Senators Hétiry M. Duti -j lap, Savoy; W. L. Fiiîni, Luka;- Simon E. Lantz, Congerville: josephi L: Mevers, Sciota; Guy L. Smiith oi . Main St. at Linden ,Ave. Rockford; 'W.-' C. Cnlo wacth. D e ca:- tur; W. C. Franz, Freeport; and Martin B. Lohmann of Pekiat. Prepare, to Expedite State Road'Projects Downstate road construction proj- ecîs, for W'hich contracts. are to be placed on the basis of bids receivýed November 2, and November 12,, in- clude 144.80 miles of paig- 90 miles of. grading and a wide range of bridge jobs, to cost, ini ail, about $6,939,4 56, accordinig to an announce- ment issued by Frank T. Sheets, chief higlhway engineer. 111 the metro- politan district, road jobs -in these two lettings cal for 62.93 miles of roadway, which. with proposeri bridges and , grade 'separations. are to cost about $4,505,859. Gov. Louis L.' Emmerson directed the division- of highways.to.,place this work under contract.,as soon as, possible, follow- ing the courts decision that the 'pre- vailing wage lam- is invaid -ini order to provide employment during the comning winter andi spring months. - -W - wv - - N Phone Wilmiette 3334 i <reasine W ashnn Wle n attery & E1e tri ervie 740 TWELFTH STREET WILMETTE 691-696 Prepare Your' Car' NOW, f or WlmteDrivlng The wise motorit will have the GREASE in~ the TRANSMISSION and DIFFERENTIAL, changed now, before clriving troubles and cold weather sýet in. Play ýSole-G et Your,,Presý-ete or A.kohol ,Now!. THE -WL WELL Bolb 'n', Molé

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