at' considerabMe saving. 'And, bein1 Richelieu quality food, it i always appropriato for the Most honor.d guesi or special occasion. ECONOMIES- NOV. 6th TO NOV. .I2th HAMS. ýStar: or Premium. Whole or haif IL24 OYSTERS. Extra large selects.... q. 85c LAMB STEAKS. Choice lean cuts..IL. 32c,, ROUND STEAK. Our very best beef l. ... b. 38c SUGAR. Pure cane lgranulated incloh, sacks., I Ô lbs.5c SUPER SUDS. The Iargest cartons.. 2 for 3 5c OLIVE OIL. Anýtonini. The finest obtainable. qf. $1.46 PLUM PUDDING, Heinz 1. -lb. tin ..each 35C RICE. Extra tancy,:long Honduras ... 3,1bs. 25c; DRIWD PEACH5S Richelileu èextra- fine new crôp 1b., 21c BREAKFAST FIGS. Richelieu Kadotas in No. 2 tins ............. 2 tins 49c. MARASCHINO CHERRIES. Richelieu, 3-ounce bottle ' . . . .. . . . each 10c MI1NCE MEAT. Richelieu conidensed, 9-ounce box ...1. . .. ... . .. ... each 15C POP CORN. Baby Stuart sure pop, I 0-ounce tin......... .................- 2 tins 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS. Richelieu new crop, 15-ounce box ................ each lic PRUNES. Richelieu extra large, 20 30 size sweet Santa CLaras ... . . . . . l. CHOCOLATES. 19C Schraft's nougatines. dip caramels', molasses chip s. armallow-, sor orange,. etcetera. FancybOc, qua.lity . ..lbi. 49ç FRiDAY & SATURDAY ONLY fresh Lake iuperi IL \%TiLMEiTTe LiPe in consideration ot having won the most recent Foot- bal contest. conducted Iby this îiews-, magazine. The three bolders of guest tickets. to the Purple-Copher gaine are: Evan mciiraitii, 03 Wa&hing- ton Street. John Bartholmnew, i04 Ninth Street. Vincent Meiter, 1114 Fourth etreet. The next ýanId fnal contest of the year peasi this issue of WVîL- ME«TTE LIVFE. It will pro vide guest tickets for .tbree grid f an, f or the -Nort.hweteérn-Indiaiia gaine sched- uled. for Nýovemhber 14 at D13vche Stadiuîn. ELLA B. BUTZ Ma.-ker of DECOJlATIVE ACCESSORIIES Pillows, qilk Lamp Shades, Slip Covers. Oid Articles Refurbishied. Prices MNoderate. 802 Lake Ave., Wilm0ette Phone WI1. 801. c>dIIs for keen 1carving sets, and we have CENTRAL AND WILMETTE GROCERY -M ARKIET PHONE 510 PHONE 514I Jeweler and Opticiaen 1166 WILMETTE AVE. Phone Wilmette 1061 BERENICE VIOLE Terscker and Planisi Studio-, 114 Third St. Phone Wilipette 1705 Mr. ýNVessel liad appeared earlier ini the evening before an audience in T1eatro del Lago, motion picture biouse. speaking ini the interests of the joint Emergency Re-lief fund. He passed away shortly afte'r returhing wto bis home at. 216 Wood court. Mr. Wessel lield the, rank of First Lieutenant in the Adjutant General's, (lel) artment during the World .war. .He' had enilisýted as, a sergeant clerk in the quartermaster's corps atz the outbreak of the ,war and by sheer abilitygradually rose to the rank.of a commissioned officer. His duties. in various (lepartl -nerits, took> hlm t(; everal of the larger army camps ini the Honr.1e was honorably, di-s- charged. at-Camp Wadswojrth, S. C.. while attached to-the Adjutant Geni éral's department headquarters. Mr, Wessel had been active in WiI- li ette civic affairs for several 'ears,. n1e was one of. the leaders in inaking possible the org anization oft!,e ViI-ý miette Druin and BuglIe cŽrîîs,,. and wvas active ini the various commmiity celebrations anîd observances spoi- byed1wthe;on ,post. \faiîtlý ethcr civiec cnterprises clainied hi, active initerest. ,He. -vas appointed to tle \Wilrawettk Plan commission under the adminis- tration of former Village Presi!eltý Earl E. Orner and served for ,several years in that capacity. H1e Iiad been erigaged ini the oi] distribution business. Funeral services, %vit1i fulli militarv hionors, *were conducted f rom S, ott'> Funeral home Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Preston Bradley, mnnster of the Peo- ple's clitrcli. Chicago, and an intimiate friénd of -Mr. WVessel, spok e at the services. Memibers of Wilmiette Post Nýo. 46, Ainericani Legion,. conducted the Legion fuineral ritual. Afirn sqîuad iromn Fort Sheridan,.co)nirisùd a guard of honor and fired ttîe salinte atthe, grýave. Surviving Mr. Wessel are bhis wid- ow,' Florence Marie XVessel, lis par- ents, Mr. -and M'rs. Peter Wess'el of 'Chicago, and two brothers, Erling ot« Alton, Ill, and Bertram of Kailsas, City, -Mo. +