THE NEW PARIS WAY 0F DOING YOUR HAIR is a soft wave to, frame the face and'a chignon of dainty curis at. the, nape of the neck.; Our opera- lors can do it in the real Paris manner! Albright's Beauty ,Sho i167 -Wilmette Ave.. Phone Wilmette 4517' IOWA vs. NEBRASKA; A ýS mart Appearance -is essential always. Trust your clothes to our care and we will keep you looking rigbr, at al trimes! Custom Tadloringqand Alterations C!eaning and Preuuin>g 1 163 WJ LMETTE AVE. PHONE WILMETTE NORTH WESTERN ys. MINNESOTA MUNS. The Glotijous Embleèm of Autumn Brillianc and beautiful. these favorite blooms arc always'f resb at Our greenhouses. At the Gamie-on the Dinner Table or for any other occasion we offer a lovely array of Mums, Roses and other desirable flowers. I Your Formai Appearance -fou the party,.after the, gag e wilI be in the best of condition if cleaned in -our -mod- ern plant witb our, uprto-dlate metbods. Establisbed 1.921 ýOTTo F., FISiER, Puesident 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 ,or 704, main Office and*.Plànt--Waukegan and Webster Aves.,' Highwood. MI.. Phone Highland Park. 3 710 WVISONSIN v.IWNMOIS I BE PREPkARED for the game Everg Tuesday, Wednesday and Thua.daçg Your Car THOROUGHLY LUBRICATED Carse IIed for and ltorlor of car vBaum deUvered, ri~~eeaned, idhe cau Battry and d iator Pd and poitmbe-no extra gprvice Ineinded. >charge. J. IR. BRANDON Lessec of Sinclair Greasing Palace Wilme37 Corner Main St.-Linden Ave.Ti.Swc NOTRE DAM Vs. PENNSYLVANIA. I TheHi 'h etScoerfor 1931 THE GREAT AMEICANVVALUE Place Your Order Now for Promîpt Dehivery Real Values in' Good Used Cars Lotvest used car priceo jin bi;torg. Corne in and set tbemn todag! higan Ave. CARSON PII Store BUY NOW AND DC NfAVY OTT& CO. Sern [en 9W. BE DISAPPOINTED 01110 vs. PURDUE vs. CENTENARY El is 336 N. Ume PU RDUE CENMARY OHIO vie