Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 46

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ning order this week mwben the sixtb winter and spring scbedules of ac- tivities got under way*. Attenda-nce' and interest iLa the opening wveek's scbedule was pronotunced very grati- fying by Director of Recreation Dan- iel. M. Davis and bis staff of, assist-I ants. Tht e ni's basketball Ieag uv,; aW some of the other sports began theii regular scheduîes this wcek while the irst meetings. of the .wonxen's bas- kçtball league and the: men's volle3t bal league were -devot'ed to. practîce nii preparation for the regular schedl ule whirch is to start.next week. Team membership in ,all the leagues had reached capacity ini prc-vious reg- îstration before the schedules. opelnei and in -one or two sports, the recrea- tion assistant announces tbat there is a waiting ist froni teamis. who -wisli to participate in the leagites ina case of a vacancy. M ore than 300 were ini attendance at the Stolp anid HFIowgrd gyminasi- unis on the oPeniaag aigit. last Mlon- day, and a- similar attendatice is re- ported for the succeeding evcings of the week. Mr. Davis estimiates that the average attendidance of par- ticipaots in the aduit prograini (uring the Âail and ,winter hover.s around the 250 mark throughoutý tlie season., j, Iirector of Recreation Daniel ýM.- Davis dlaimis the distinction of he-, ing the first Winette resident to send for tickets for the tenith Ôlvmi- pîad, to be held in Los Angeles îîext summer. Mr. Davis will represent Wilrnette at the nineteenth annual coaigress of the National Recreation association which is to he held in Los Angeles one weck prior to the opening ofý the Olyanpic gaines on july 30, and.will remnain for th.e gaines to be lleld the etisuiig 'sixtecix da,.s2 Anntiunenaeàt is miade by thé' Ileî' ation s taff renîitding heads o.f .>rgani1- zation8 mnalntaining teamis in -the ' Bec- reation league thiat atter the fiî.st. week of play players muet reanain on tearni on whlch they were reglstered Rt tht' Recreation office prior to the opening of the leagues. if a player wishes bt transfer from one teani to an'other af- ter the tiret week of play, he inu-st ot- serve the following. transfer. rules:. 1. Persoiis destring to transfer froni oneà I r tnvse sports are asketi to cQnUil ncate mith Director' of Recrea- tion Daniel M. Davis, 9220 Fif- teentb street, or telephone Wil - mette 929 or WVilmette 468, and ar- rangements mwill be made to have th.er affiliate with some teanii. v., Ill1i11ois Bell Telephonie coinpany. Novenîber 16-7 :30 p., O'Kay vs. Ba-s- ketteesS$:15 :in. New Trier Speelals vs. Brownles, 9 :05.p.m. X-2 vs. xyz. Noimber 23-7 :30 p.m. New Trier' Speelals vs. XYZ, 8 :15 pan. Schultz 8j Nord Vs. Brownles, 9:05 'p.m. O<i vb. Wild Indians. Nov0%eniber 24-74:30 p,m., Six, Bits V. Basketeerse, 8,:15 p.m. X-1 vs. mal- linckrodt, 9 :05 p.m. X- vs. Ilni BelTeleplione compiany._ Novnber 30-7:90 'p.m., O'Kay s vs. Brownie.., :15 p.m. Wild' IndianS VS, XYM, 9:05 P.11. Schultz & Nordv. il- linnis Bell Télephone :company. J)eceniber 1-7 :30 p.rn. Mallinckrodtv. New Trier Speeials, 8 :15 P.m.. X-2 ~s Six Bit.,9 :05 p.m. Basketeers vs. )eemiiber 7-7 :30.p.mi. O'Ka3rs.vs. XYZ, Bell Telephoxie Conmpany. tieuember 8-7 :30 p.nîi. X-1 -vs. X-2, 8 :15 p.m. Basketeers vs. New Trier Speclals, 9 :05 p.jjj Six Bits vs. Schultz & Nord. flecemiber 14-7 :30 p.ml. Brownien vs SSix Bits, 8 :15 p.mi. X.yz VS. Malliaiek- rodt,. 9:05 P.M. O'Kay vs. Illinoiq Bell. Telephone coinpany.. Decemer 15-7 :30, p.mh. X-2 vs. New TirSpecials, 8 :15 p.m., X-1 vs. Séhultz & Nord, .9:05 p.mi. Wild In- dians vs. fasketeers. Jnary 4-7:30 p.m. O'Kays vs. Mai- iinckrodt, 8 :1,5 p.il. Zv.Bskt eers, .9:05 p.m. Six Bits vs., Illinois Bell Telephone company. Jatnuaal'Y 5-.7:30 P.nt. Brownien vs. X1 8 :15 P-11. Wlld Indians vs. X-2, 9 :05 P;ni. New, Trier, ~Schultz & Nord. January 11-7:30 p.mi. O'Kays vs, Six Bits, 8 :15 p.m, Baskeceers s..Mal- ,Iinckrodt, 9 :05 p.mn. X-4 vs. Illinois Bell Telephone (eomnpany. January 12-7 :30 p.ni. XYZ vs. X-2. S :15 p.mn. Broîvnies vs. New Trier SPecials, 9 :05 p.ni. ild m.dian s Schultz & Nord.asv. january 18-7:30 p.mi. Nallinckrodt vtS. .X-2, 8:15 p.m. Six Bit.9 vs. X-': 9 :0-, p-..O'Kays vs., Basketeers. January 19-7 :,30 p.mn.. BroDwnies. v' Wild' Indians, 8 :15 p.rn. XYZ. vs Schultz & Nord, 9 :05 p.m. New Trier vs. IllilnoiS Bell Telephone èoimpafly January 2à--7;:30, p.mi. New Trier Spe- ciais vs. Six Bits, s :15 pý.. OKatyS V.. X-1, 9:05 p.m. Basketeers vs. X2 January26... :0p.m. MalIlinckrodt vs. December 14-7:80 p.m. Hoffman Fior-ý lst 1 vs. Gym Class, 8 :15 p.m. Meth- odlst vs. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy, 8:15 p.m. Wiimette Tallors vs. Howard P. T. A.,. 9 : p.m. Congregaeonals vs. Baptist, January 4-7:30 p.m. Methodist v. Hoffman Florist II, 8 :15 p.m. Howa%,rd P. T. A. vs. Gym Class, :8:15 p.m. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy vs. Congr.e- gational, 9 :00 p.rn. Baptist V1;.WiI-- UL>41 Uunier Iwn~ose aupice inepar- ties are held on Hallowe'en evening at Stolp and Howard gymnrasiums each year. More than 1,800 cbildren were eni- tertaiined a-t the two gymnasiuins froni 7 o'clock to 10 o'clock Hallowe'e'n eveni ng, wbich is higbei than thlat recored fo preLous ears January 11-7:-30 p.pa. Howard P. T. A. Moving pictures, musical numbers, IVs. Hoffman Florist 1, 8 :15 p.m.,Cçon- and a costumne'parade furnisbed the. Jgregational vs . Hoffman Florist Il. entertainment for each audience dur- 8 :J5 p,,m. Baptiést vs. Gym Ciass, 9:00 p.mi. Ridge Ave. Pharmacy vs. Wjl- ing the evening and- following the mette Tailors. moving pictures, refreshments of, Januýtary 18-7:30 p.m. congregational doughnluts and apples were served. ys ethodisat,S:1 p.n.ý Hoffnîa' The program was termed the niost Florist I vs. Baptist, 8 :15 p.M. IVil- meétte Tàilors vs.. Hoffmian Florist 1i. successful of ail such parties which 9 :0(#.. y Class vs. Ridcge A ve wre staged in other years by men-, Phriie.bers of the recreation< staff and whichi are considered by the police authori- tics and Xilmette citizenry as of niaý- SP terial. assistance in the prevention of ortsua-endr andalism from youthful prankists on spook night. Tomorow Nb 6 he Special Occasions corumittee,: 7 p.mChess Novemer 6 1hcadcd hby George'H. Red ding, 1516 7top se-hesl 1and ychecker matches. 1Elmwoc d. avenue, .planned both pro- 7tl p. oo m.-Juir agte e'sba-grams and arranged for Director. o ketball. Wildcats vs. 8-Rocks. Hoivard eracnDneiM aiadMl gymnasium.ton E. Reid;ý 601 Lake avenue, astmas- .g8pm.sium ensbktbl. ter of ceremîonies at the Howard and 8 p. m.vs. Lemague Mn' acsktHoard.Stolp gy nnsiums, respectively. *Mrs. Elies s. 3'mn exaos.HowrdStanleyW Smth and Mrs. R. 'W. gymnasiunî. rsrn were chimno te 8:n15 p m nasPihgpn.-, ad~v-committees to dispense refreshments nien Stop gninaium at their respective schools and had as 8 .m.--B Leagtie men's basketball. itheir assistants members of the How- Termnal., vs. 8-Rocks. Howvard'gym-adCnrlLue n a s i m - nr-Loaai rassociations. Pr mondayN nbr~Judges who selected the prize w' n-. 7:30p m-Baketbil or irlners at each place were: Howard 7.30 p.vs.-BaskTrertbcal fôr gils. school-Henry C. Fowler, R. NM., O'Knas v. e Tiripeils tolP Johnston and Mrs. 'H. O. von der 111n11um Hoff; Stolp 'school-Mrs. Herbert J. 7:30 P. n.Vlebl for mcii. Leach. Mrs. Rollo Gullickson and Howard P. T'. A. vs. Baptists. Howard i stacv .Bnet 8:15 p. mn.-Basketbali for 'girls. Basketeers vs. X-2. Stolp gymaîasîum. 8 :15 P. m.-Volleyball, for men. M Nethodists vs. NWilmcttc Tailors: Howard. gymnasium. 8:15 p. m.-Volleyball. for men. Hoffmaîî Florist 1 vs. Ridge' Ave. Pharmacv. Howard gynasiumi. 9 P. M.-NI olleyball for men. H1of- mani Florists Il vs. Gymn class. Howard 9:0.a5inP. .Bseblfr ir, mii. Hoffmani Florist, I vs. S.P.. Stolp gymnasîum. 8P. m-.'-Ladies .gymniasiumi class., Hligh Crest school. 9 p. m.-A league basketball for men. Sharnrocks. vs. K. of C. Ho%%ard gymnasium. 9 p. m.-A league. basketbàll' for men. State Bank vs. Hawks. Stole gymVa siu m. nm wlllDbepiayed. at Stolp gymi- im. Teams reporting fifteen min- Iate for soheduled games are lia-j oforfeit. siber 9-7:~30 p.m. O'Kays vs. New er Spectale, 8:15 p.m. Ilasketeers X-2. 9:06 p.m. Brownien vu. X-1. mbr 10-7:30 p.m. XYZ vs. Six iý 8:15 p.m. Schu1tà & Nord vs. à Inàdiano;, 9.5 pm, Mallinckrodt vs. 1-bfian Florist Il. -__-X- -.1 y..llbl. . uuuaan rîorîst il vs. Terminais. November 23-7:30 p.ni. Pi-dve iAve. 7 p. in.-Girls gymnasium class. Howard gyrnnasiuni. Phariiacy vs. Baptist, 8:15 p.m. Con High Crest school. 8:1.5 P. m.-Ping pong. Stolp gym- gregational va. Gymi Clans, 8:15- p.11. 8 p. m.-A league. Basketball for nasium. Howard P. T. A. vs. Hoffman Florist men. Presbyterians vs. Blackhawks. 9 p. m.-B league. Basketball for 1, 9 :00 p.mi. Hoffman Florist Iv~ MethodIst.. Howard gymnasium. mien. 8-Rocks Vs. Elites. Howard gym- Novemiberi 30-7 :30 'a. . ym clas vs. 8, P. m.-B league. Basktalfr aim

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