Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 38

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(1ricUtor ._vic upe&VAKm. a. Frackelton Gives TaIk i'llie(ll)artnit of music of the Xeighhoý(rs- of. Kenilworth, under the chairina'îship, of Nrs. Earl C. Moss, wilh have its next meeting Tuesday,- No vember 10. 'at the. residence of Mrs. juin> O'Connor,' 149 :Kenilworth ave- nue, at 10:1bS u'clock in the morining. The sp)eaker wlibe jP J. Crrije o wilbe -GrandOeai the Makinig." Mr. Carriek is ini charge of the'.pub- licity and programn adv'ertising for the opera as, wel as heing, a prominent uitilitv mati, rhis promises to. be a very interesting as. weIl as'an instruc- tive mnornutîg and it is- hoped thlere wvill bea large attendance. Last week at the home of Mrs. . G. Cowvdery, 245 Sheridan. road, Kenil- wvrth,* Mrs. 'Stsan Frackeiton again demonstrated -lier, versatility toý the Keniîwor-tiih1 Neiglors \when sie gave anintformaI talk on *Historic D)ia- Mrs. Fracicelton lias -made- anit iitein- sive stuidy uot the, subjeet for- înally years and' las, lectu rerd ontjcelts, in numerçcîus large cities.. Her dlelight- fuliv informiai delivery is further éi-' chanced bk' aà>ryfine set tof. replicas of the more iimiportanit st>uîes. Thle Koh-i-iiuur. ('Cullinai. ami thu 1 «anuius, blue Hiope diïàmondlr are amuong those displayed. 3v ',tle waY, h.iti nterest- itlg to .note tlîat t1ii, Collection o.fo re!)iicas ivas origî;uall, i wne hvflic late Harry -ý-Deakin \i ,wslargely mlt struienital iniawknîg Iilwatikee's ,ntierest liitthe uricntai art. Mrs. Frackeltuîî, It \%-111lbci cinim- .hered, wstlipe oîta <ime<lal. Paàris Inte riatttial expoitio-.She. wvas aIs>i, the creatî ir ii a iluagificentlNv illtimiuiate(I -hook whdc I tse peeîe recently to the Chicago uîtîscii She cati Speffk witlî aIItlIoritý' ontu Choreg'ie Nlouuinituit of I.scae n on théeNitultin i.-"f Inla aler1 Woman's Aid Announces Dates for Yule Fair 'l'lieC hristina .i aîr of th Wo u Robert 'f.1. C(iÇt'V. .MIitoili ku.nz0 aitimor, '.î'florer. alid e- jurer. wihc 'tales of hi. tipio !îs i.'rt i lînd lili c ' S'oifl, S'es elid i Js. 'îeûnemto i/r lhe eenhv oiîîs's !akenoun /lsis i.çandi il'oiUCS Jo1 tto lc mm11Ç 'ailîliit :rIli> ) ji.71 11tteOC111 of ii n u!i:inl< etn lî da 1. 1to ,'r !3. it t h'1, 11tjjlillnS club, 7'h tîiî .Im"and m"hîi<, 141prseîtii"NIr. Casey, tue cClub feelsý thaUt.. i il hv a rat'e treat fo ýr tut.husaîîd ofnituers N 1wiI Y the giiests of the club that. evening. lic éprograun bas .henarratîged liv thle fitî& arts' dep)artm.ieui î. ithe clu111) which feels partîciularly prolud tif lîav- iîîg pi-orucl heervices of -Mr. Ca-sci. MNr. ,Cascy' is espc)ciaiilv well knuxvi ini Chic ago ani ts. subtitrbs becatîse o f lîis \\vîrk on the Chicago Iaily.Nw anîd tiuse milo f!o le ii througli lus atrt1cles inth te paper a year or sut mette. Mrs. D5avid Cooke is to gilie an illustratecf talk on "Rock Gardens,- an~d will showv autochrome stides of other. gardens as welt as of rock gar- deus. George Mclntyre, a young landscape gardener, will tell his aud- ience what to do with shady. spots. And Otto Henkel will explain, what should be accomplished in November. 1The meeting of the club held Oc- tobecr 13, was, one of great inteires.t. Mrs. Mildred Andrews, who is an au-. thority on the subject 'of mosses and lichens 1and W.elI kno*n for. her unique terrariums, -guided themern- bers throughi an inaginary walk in the woods. One could picture each step 'of the, waY, and could breathe the air, and. scent thef ragrance, of the woods.AMrs. A. E. Gebert gave an: instructive paper on the. subject of bent grass. which explained eachl step in ttleépreparation of a wveIi iounded hent Iawn., To- Sew for, St. Mar y's at Wo man's Cluib Friday The next philanthr.opy sewing (laat the Womtiani's club of \\iliinette oc- curs Friday, November .6, Nviei wonfict, of XVilmette are linited ýto corne to the' cluh to sew for the St. tr% psu pal home. Meinbers tn thle c' îtuuittee wlho, are iii charge are Mliss, Lauira D)avy, \r los-ter Bratti i, Mrs. I Iulwrt Carleton. Mrs. F~. \V. Fiieriiaun, Nrs. Bi. P. 0\\eii. NiMrs. C. T. Riple 'v, Mrs. Frarik Swre.ani MrW.V, l obertson, 'l'le hjtiheolu chaîtrmian ii ilhe _\lr s. lleniry C. Hll. 'l'lie speaker î.ý to 1w Nirs. 1', . -E. Appleton of Oak Partk. *These sew11)g daYs, vhici àr oplu tii A w0ornent(if \Viliiti c l.thr thev arec lûb iliirs e<s il ot arc spouoreb1wthe phi1iit1ir ijîx lepari - tetoi thé Clubi. Brazel ton T"aIk Monda*y 0il ouMdondav. Nvemler1). ;rt 10 o'Clock. Ni .5. thl olsoî razi toni %ijligive the secoixL lectureii, tiie scries o(fi hteratuire.hl'ie, mcctiing. will be helti iii thelu ig.ýe Ofthte \\'oiiati's club )and( the topîc on ifi T, occasion vîli be iLîeIiteratinre of ('entralituopec." Play Hostes te AII-iJay Ses- sion cf Women's Clubs Th e Federation of club- ot the Tenth Congr-essionai district w ill mneet.-tNitli the Wornian's. club of Ev- anston Tuesday. November 10, with the presidetit. M.\rs,. Ivor .1eftreys ot Glencoe, presiding. The prog4rani.,as, usuai. vilI he di- vided into. a morning, afd atternooni sessi1on, as follows MORNING SE-SSI3ON" Board meeting ................ District %Meeting .-.............1ifil) .America the Beauttiful,*',led bý ... .I... .. . W n. .. 1ig t S« lute, to the FIag Collect for Club Womèn Greetings ..i. Robert, Bruu.- o. ct SPresident Wonman'sclub of ;Evamti -te8pouie . ...........i .Ivoi, jeffrevsY! President ofifl-Le Tenth District Reports of ýOffieers. Routine' Busines- '.'WVhat Maküs: the MusicalP'-~n' (Cbirman o usuieI(Ilunois , ii-ý ; .Fift. , SyiWord'js ChairnIien oc PI lptnl(Ilits iltltt istr it New Business Roll Cal Adjournment forit l ' ieoii Luneheeon at12:i APTERNOtIN SS>( Meeting called I:?r< C'ouîuiutysinigiî.g led b> i tuveriti Ietigefuy nRdîet *..........Mr. .iis-ph ' M. d.h *<Op nI)fsonigs Mrs, Y. T '- lir,, Acconip:inN!t. l. heSbtr' -'A ;nryofl"g's' 9? Adjournilielit Reservatioti.. for th,-e luuichcouî, arc te> l)C madle aithte office (--f the Wîm Club of Evanston., 1702 Cicag(îe- nu. vastn utlater than Monl- ,Nort bridge Notes A\ meeting . (f ithe board f tllc Noýrtiiridge onansClub ) 'f )\ il- mette wvas hc1ld aàt the home 4 if NM rs. William H1Inuhs. 1917 Ash]ilàtd ave- mie. Thiursdav. October 29. A ~ces fui HIallowe'en partv w~as lheldSattur- day. October 31. at thee home îd Mrs C.. lJtckson the ,asssting hostesses. During the meeting officers will be elected who will be inducted into office in January. Mrs. 1'arry. I. Barnum of Winnetka will talk oni "New Orleans Courtyards anid Louisi- ana, Plantations." poigîîancy, of draina andc so striknngly runiustual are sonie of its episodes that they are tinged with ahi the glamiour of romnance. 1Somieone. xvho %vrote a f ew lines for 'the decorative jackeit of his Iatest book gtlest içe. The hostesses be Mrs- Edwin Zeck and Mrs. Russell Flood is j. by paving the tsuial for the eveiing ,, vi;1 Georger, M rs. NV. P, Forest Miller. M rs. fine ,arts chairman. TO SEW FOR VETS The ex-service mien's conmiittec.o the Woman's club of Wilmnette Nvili have an all-day meeting at the home of r.C G. Sinith, 1325Geewo avenue, 'Mendav, November 9.-

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