Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 37

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H. Herbert Mueller and d Mrs. Stewart Harris. Mrs. Samnuèl Jaike> wiIl lead Have Treasure Hunt thle negative and ber assistants will. be -A. Treastire lîtnt wvas given ou1 Mrs. F. Jeflerson Redfield and'NIdrs. Hallowe'en nlighit, starting at the Mal-1 WV. J. Grotenhuis. îmV el oea 3 al tet Thie vays and int'ns coiuittee, Veerlom t ,5 alesret ~vhchMr. ame Tylr teart \\iîîietka Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Cook1 whibýMr, ame Tylr Stear î o 1092 Spruce street. Winnetkaen chairmari. and Mrs. Charles Holg, etieden-dMr.Hrer ua Wilmettte, is co-chairmaýn. ,will ,ethé ertie M.adM ebr ua h,,teçes ortheaftrnoîîand Mr. and Mrs. Johnii Corey at diii-l _________________ er I)efore the hunt. Lend Spaish arbGives Hallowe-'en Pairt y for Musical 1Pro gram, Miss Margaret Keithi of 310 War- Thue Lake-View Musicall,()Ciet%3 held wivck road, Kenilworth gave a Hal-1 its flrst meeting of the seasoni. ls o-lwen pr for about twent% guests ]n l the Cryvstal ,lbal trocii of the, at her home on Saturday evening 1B1ackst',)1in r htel. A reception wvas Octoher 31. Her brother-in-laN% and iurf the presiden1t. r Herbert. sister,, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Larsen, .Alden Seymnour ýof Evaniston. drove up f romn Peoria to be present. \1me. Rence Engel J .idge.. Plinst \010 has just returnied fir(eiiisummer r .~ studr in Europe, vvas onie of the Sol.-; 0.E.. L. Paty Nv. 7 ists during the afternibun prograM. X\ilmnette. chapter number 753. 0- Tiie other one Nvas Miss Mal>ia Mat- d1er of Eastern Star, is giving a liar-' yas. soprano, ôtorerl3\i~ii îthe Arn- vestdanceàandcard party anid- no>el- enican Opera companiv. Il, a ro of ty bazaar Saturdav eveninig. Noveniî- Spailish ,'on,,YF Miss Malv Sv&oe'ajber 7, at 8:3t) oclock att he NWillinette Spanishi Mantoti, or slîa\\ 1. a anîla asonic temple. afid Iigh combh. or painc, whichi were 1iuaned tco her bv Mrs. Franik IP. \Vit- h more oi Ketilwortli,,~I is a mreuti- ber and this vear's corr.eëpîing(lt- secre 1 tav i the Society.:I SkokieW Club Notes The golf and outdoor tenis.. seasons1 ahinost over, Skokîe Cutvclub- mem- bers are playing ping po-ng and pool while awa 'iting the opeinin.g f tile win- ter sports season. The grill is to be kept open for fireside suppers after skating this winter. l'le club an-! nouinces the following- dates for a series Of .Combinied. dinner dances and card parties: Noember 14 and 28, Decem- lier 12 and 31; Jantiary 16 and 30; February ]il4 and 27:.,M\archi 12 and] 21'. MacDo0well, Club Meeting The North Shore MacDowelSociety -will meet at the home of 'Mrs. R. J. Bea'tty, 260 Ravine drive. Highland Park, on Thursday evenig November S.a lc. 2f R n ,Drp-on ý"f Wednesday Afternoon and Evening ýNov.ember llth: AtÀ and 8 P.M. "The Rose antd The Ring", Aduits'Tickets, $1 .00- ýYoung People's Tickets, Main Floor, 75c Balcony-, 50C. Balcony I1s.Reserved for Young *Peo ple Only On sale-at CHAÀNDLE=R'S BOOK STORE, Euganston LEE's DRUG STORE, 901 ýChscago AVenue, Evanston SîNIEIR AND CAZEL DRUG STORE, Wilrrtte Socia Stat(ion ey For 'the- pres cnt sea.son we are. able to shwrew and. interestins, pro= cluctions, both in, irportecl and clomestic. statio.nety AT PRICES W.'HICH'ARECQNSIDIERABLY BLOW THOSE CF FORMER >L4RS. You May conhclently expect the Sratification of exceptiona! values Hlas Surprise Part y Ht-lrbert A. Gould, 1130 Lake ave- 'nue, was entertained -at a surprise Party 1Friday ievening, October 23, on the occasion, of bis sixty-ninth birth-1 day. 1.

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