Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 36

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imuJl oir. aithe cShawnec Clb. This; exhulbit lias been long antici- *pated by iiieinbers of the club and the coînmiittee feels fortunate ini be-. ing ablete,« present the -collection a 1t thIi< tinie. if wvIl be a one-niail exhibit and will 4e representative oft tlis strong, virile painter of the liortb country. Quoting froin -Eleanor .1 ewett, art critic. of the Chicago Tribune. refera ring 10 Mr. Zoir and bis paintings "Heý is ai n ,nividualist and, a modernist. with bis flair. for modern- isM gromidcd, on the bedrock of a faithful apprenticeship 10 acadeinic Aeachings. It will be long before we' forget otur first view of bis first ýex- hibit. when ont of the dusk of the long hiall asthe liglits %vere severally turned high 'we saw sloivly emergt. g-lantpginitinigs of the creation. Syni- bolic bis or was. andl vigorous. ro- inantie in Soulle of ils impulses. ýyet ini a last anaivsis its realisinî its Zormu- like I)ruie ness. nxust disîînguîsh il froîn other con temporary modern- ism. His Nvork is poNverful and mias- terful. He is liolder of fourteen medals and Euiropeani tities. One-haif of ail proceedg, froin anyý Sales of his pictu res will be given by ýMr. Zoir. to Dr;. Tuicker's 'Lti Churcli at the End' of the Road... i whicli lie is very ntch interested. The Northland trio will sing on1 Sunday afternoon after 'the exhibit has been opened with anl informnai e- ception in honor of Mmr. Zoir at 3:30 c'cock. , The trio, presented uinder the auspices of the miusic conunittee. jBurgeson, soprano. Aiary retersoli. mezzo soprano, and Signe Mortensoli, contralto. These artists have been singing together for a nuinier of years with the result that they effect an excellently blended ensýembile, finle attack, and phrasing. -showVing that they have given careful "study to their work. Their folk songsare. a deligit, with their pueiti' of tone. Tile.v*knov their music. and sinig ith f reedonu and vigor. *They have suing lit mosi of the S'wedish clubs ini the United* States and Swèden. The\- wear national. costumes and sing mnany songs ilii *their native tongue. per Nvill De serveda auer tme iessois. To Meet at Camp * The Arden Shome board of W\ii- mette will meet at Arden Shore camp1 Qu Tbursday, Novenuber 12, for ail ali day meeting. ir.Cal1'ant Siîaden. at Uic_' lef.ali .s.,iarsitalilWl. Kear- .1 lv. <rit lii jqhl.otu of liluîtte. aire, takin<jactivi' part i flicar-1 beami blloin, î Saturday. Novemsber 7; i the. Siezéns hoie!. Ms-s. a, .Sidcss iS r'î, '-of flic, >Sîî,mb1eai l1cag.i<, spopsor>îin, heUic i air. alîîd .1Irs. harh' S a li'a<ýi(' îîîc'siil'r. Becatise of the a(l(itiunal nutniber of catis uipon th leagtue this year, the colnrnittee is, exkpeiuling', every possible effort tainiake the bail the niiost sur- cessful one ever hcld h- the league. Trhe ball will be a Cuiban Fiesta, a (limner dance froiii 8 mitil 2, and tvill lie lield ini the Tower balirooni. \hich %vil! be ,ransfornied imîto a iniiature Cuba. A real g-aigjplank 1, to l)e iii- st lled. over the ste.ps lcading iinto tbe lialîrooin, carryilng .mitthlie iusioP thai Omie is lea\-ig iite boat at H.avaua%.' wharf. Ail the nloncy coliected Ilirotugu -lh sale of tickets ivill go to the support. of the work whicli the Suinbeamnî leagie <iloes, aniong chil(lren comxfined to lios' pital w~ardsand, other institutions. Mrs. Carroll jolinson is social èhair- manî otp tluc. hall. .Miss:Virginlia 1Erianidsoit is cýairniian of the carnival. and Mrs. Gecorge Kirkgassem chaïiian of -the nîiusic. Ali-ong the leagule' other oficers alid membher., who are tiela isa graouate olJ -NrhIwsteri.uni- versity and is a meniber of Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Allen is a, Yale iman. - veniber 21, at 8 o'clock, ini te eve- ning at the ciubhôousè for the benefit of the building fund, are being 501(1 rapidly, says Mrs. ,Richard T. Hfos- king, chairman of tickets. She advises those wishing tables ii -the main auditoriumi, which; holds only eighty tables,. to'send in their checks early, as the table reserva- tions ivilil)be flled in the order .ini which the checks are rèceived. The partv is, alwvàys a -gala event .in the club!s year.. Mrs. Arthiur Lee Fuller, chairnman oi -the card party, a nnounces that the. attractive prizes, gift of. merchants 'of the village to the building fund of the Woman's club, will include,anc for, éach table. The prizes bear the uiames of the *donors, and mnuch oi the interest> of the: evening will. be found in "seeing wlio recéives this or that which.s and so gave," the publicity chairman predicts. .Mrs. H. O. von der Hoff, cliairman of the comnmittee for'prizesj, reports, that, many liandsomne'donations ai- ready have been received by lier comnittee .and many more are promi- ised. Refreshments will be served. Home and Gar~den Clutb Sees Rate Old Samplers The Homne and Garden club of *Kenlworth mnet Monday, November 2, aIt te home' of Mms. Alfred R. Hodge, 220, Woodstocl, avenue. Kenilvomth. After the busineéss mleet- ing, 'Mrs. Robert 0. Bflit gave a sho9rt taik tèlling of the Nvonderfui nId Sani- pler., on exhibition. These were fromn the Collection of the late Mrs. Emima B. Hodge, who %vas for many years honorary curator of ceranics at the Art institute. She.t N .vas also a cotilector of. rare old books,. etchings, shavîs. enibroideries froni- the Near: Eastc. pat chwork quilts. valentines. and samiplers. There are about, 130 samiplers. in this collection which is the finest known and liasý been exhibited -ii most ntuseumns in this couintrv. Mrs. Johin P.- Oieson reai ;i very ter UULII. Ji 7 :15 o'ciock. Jewish Women's Council Gives Tea Novembet- 12 1The National Council of Jewvish ýVomnen, Chicago section, is antficipati- ing greeting old members and new members at a north shore tea ta be given at the home of Mrs. Felix Lowy, 140 Sheridan road,. Winnetka, f rom 3 until 5 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, November 12, in lionor of Mrs. E~stelle Sternberger, vxecutive secretary. Hostesses tor the afternoon are ta be Mrs. $amuel Alsehuier, Mrs. Mar- tini Barbe, Mrs. A. G. Becker, Mrs. Israel Cowen, Mms. Abel Davis, Miss Julia I.- Feisenthal, Mrs. Bar»ett JFaroll, Mrs. Abraham Freiler, -Mrs. Hanna G. Solomon; Mrs. Richard Kubus, Mms., Felix A.. Levvy, Mrs. Emanuel Manidel, Mrs. Moses L., Pur- vin, Mrs. Ignace J.. Reis, Mms. Charles, Rutbens, Mms.' Charles Shuinian and Mms. josephi Spiegel. A splendid opportunity of meeting prominent national workems in. coun-. ci! ranks and presidents of local sec- tions wiil be afforded those attend- ing lle tea. Guild of Union Chus-ch ing of this week the i.n.nv, výyaIIderers uay nurserv. ub is holding a suppe aeH#es od Mrs. Edgar Stevens, WelfaeH ss M n y White. and MNrs. Clyde T-lie Wiimette Senior Infant Wel- ýses. Boîli contract and fare board will meet at thme home of >be played with prizes Mrs. Oscar Townsend, 1337 Ashland mner will ie served at 'avenue, Monday, November 9, at 11 o'clock.

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