Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Nov 1931, p. 1

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OLD PAPERS TO BOOST CHARITY Boy Scouts, rublisher& Unit.li Project t welLocal Relief Funda WzLmi£?TiZ LwEz and other 'local newspapers in the :nortb shore area will sponsor a montbly bouse-to-bouse collection of, old papérs. and maga- zincs. by Boy Scouts, tbe proceeds to be turned over to the local charitiesý in each town, according to an an- nouncement this week by Henry Fowler, president of tbe North Shore area. council of tbe Boy. Scouts o Amerîca. The towns included are.the shore towvns'from Wilmeétte to Lake Forest and the west nortb shore towns froin Glcnview tïo Libertyville. The publish- ing companies acting as sponsors are Lloyd 'lollister mnc., 'coverîng the towns of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Win- ntaand Glencoe; the Udell Pnb- lisbinig company, covering Highland Park, Lake Forest, Higbwood and Deerfield tbe Glenview Press, cov- ering Glenview, Northbrook and Dccrfield, and the Independent Regis- ter, covering the Libertyville-Munde- lein territory. Scouts to Do Work The cooperation of the Scontinas- ters of troops' in tbesc towns will be reqnested in the monthly house-to- bouse collection of papers and 'maga- zines, the Scouts to tic. them ini bun- dies andcarry thein to the parlçways. Efforts wil1 be made to enlist the help of commercial firins owning trucks to bring the papers to a central point in each town. Ail proceeds. are to >go to the char-. ity funds of each !oc'al téwn. It: is hoped thus tô achieve :a three-fold purpose-First to belp in the emer- gency relief situation;ý second toteh thrift to the Scouts, and third, to de- velop nnselfish service for the coin- munity and the 'unfortunate. The ürinei!t was nriirinallv suoe- Community Chest Calis Aniiual Meeting (Officiai eall by the President) Special calls'are nany these days, but there : s5 one organization* that functions regularly year after year, serving a paramiount purpose through good ,turnes and bad. It, bas' neyer failed the indispensable activities, that are dependent upon it. Theý Coxmmuni- ty Cbest bas ever becq, andi must continue to be, always on the job., Every ci tizen of Wilmette who has been a contributor to. Chest funds is a member o)f the organizaton. afid en- titled to a. voice in its policies. The annual meeting affords the oppor- tunity for fuît 'expressio.n. This year's meeting, now due, is called for 8 p. ni. Tuesday, November 10, at the Village hall. .There are. interesting questions to be discussed, -sncb as next year's campaign for £uaids, and its relation to other charitable activities now, going on. Therefore new directors to be elected and new polices to be con- sidered. 1.Every member of the Chcst is in- vited and urged to corne and have a voice in its affairs at this meeting.-., -Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, president. Wilmetté Community Chest,. Kenilworth Relief Drive Starts Early Next Week Organization of' a permanent coin- mittee to direct Kenilworth's partici- pation inu the joint Emergency Relief fund drive, which is being conducted throughout Cook county, was coin- pleted on Tuesday night at a meeting in the home of J. C. Carpenter, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth... .Gilbert Kelly was elected chiairman of the permaent, committee, and Karl B. Korrady was chosen secre tary and treasurer. The drive will start early next week- 'with a bouse to bouse canvass by fifty solicitors under the direction of four captains. Local needs will be met first, it is empbasized. Chamber of Commerce Endorses Water Plans Complete approval and endorsement of the Village board's ýproposai to es- tablish 1 a municipally owned -water supply plant on the lake front in, Wîl- mette Was giveà by vote of the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce. at its. regular ,November meeting, Tuesday of this week. In voting its endorsement Of the project, wbich is to be voted upon in a speciai election called byr the Vil- laýge board for Saturday, December S.,, the Çbamberoôf Commerce also adop- ted resolutions commending Village Pres ident C. P. Dubbs and the Vil-. lage trustees upon tbeir. earnest en- deavors to fully acquaint the voters of the coïmmunity witb facts regard- ing the> proposed water supply plant ,project, particularly sne such infor- mation was made available to &he 'vil- lagers through public meetings and distribution of literature many weèks in advance of the referendum vote.. 1At the meeting Tuesday evenfing,. the Chamber was addressed by 'Gin- seppe Castruccio, Italian consul gen- eral in Chicago, wbo gave, an inform- ative taik regarding Italy's progress under the present regime of Il Duce IMussolini. New Street Plan Given to Board of Trustees A new street plan for Wilmette to take the place of the so-called Major Street plan, wbich was one of the principal: issues in the last Village election, bas been presented to the Village :board by the present Plan commission of the Village appointed by Village President, C. P. Dnbbs. Myles J., Phillips às chairman of the Plan commission., The. new- street plan was referred to Trustee Arthur Lee, chairman of the streets and, al- leys committee of the Village board. BENEFIT SHOW DRIVEFEUTURE, Prioceeds From Armistice Day Matin.. at Teatro del Lago. Go to Relief Fund There'il be a military. tang and zest Fas well as an impressive note of 60- lemnity. n the Armistice day benefit matinee sponsored by, the Arnerican Lezion-Wilmette Post NO. 46 and Peter J. Huerter Post No. , 669-at the Teatro del Lago. on Wednesdaýy, November 11. The entire proceeds,.of this show will; go to the Joint> Emergency Re- lie f Fund drive, and the'Legionnaires are determined that capacity crowds will attend both, matinee performn- ances. Tickets seil aithtree for one dollar; eacb ducat is gzood forea three hour show of 'thrills and action. The first tnatiiiee performfanlce w111 start at 1 p. a.; the second at 4. Select. Fine Prograi. Sain Meyers, managing director of the Teatro del Lago. bas exercised especial care in the selection of a prograin that will be appropriate for Armistice day. "The Legion on Parade," officiaI all-talking picture 'of the national convention of the American Legion at Detroit in 1931, will be shown at the Teatro. del Lago matinee 'for the first titue in the Chicago district. Other features will be 0Flight," a marine airplane picture, fuli' of roua-' ing thrills, featuring jack Holt, Ralph Graves and. Yay Wray; a special Armistice day reel, "Lest Me For- get"; a newsreel, and a coniedy. Solemn tributes to fallen' buddies, th e martial music of the bands, the colorful units. froin al the states and seven foreigu 'countries, Detroit's en- tertaininlent of the city's guests and al the varjous -factors that go to maike a gathering of thisnature one of the most impressive held in Amer- ica-all these highlights' will make "The Legion on 'Parade" a film of throbbing interest. mens snoes were stolin, aécox, the *Wilmette police IrePÔt,--- burilary. gto 11110 mme nid Gardon .4-4 nior JLf. ... .....50> ume Page .......3 ecreation Page ....... dety pags.63 + h e*-Indiana - North- western game await those 1who win. Imeeting Tn< tion was prc Renneckar. 4ay night. 'The re sented byTrustee

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