very well inmagine having .your cIE of other poople's, ail don. int solution over and over gi Trhat seems to me the chief reason for using the Shore [Âne ýCleaners*. I's flot only a Wellmordered, bkight, cdean place, with a comipeient staff. but the Miraclean Metbod of 'cleaning assur es an im- maculately pure cleaning- so- lution for every garment.. 'That's-.why theres no after- odor-why your-clothes stay clean as long as tbougb they were niew. They're CLEAN, every1 pore a nd fiber of them! No matter HOW you look at important to criical people. in price is so small that it's without Shore Uine cleaning1 taina--just as jet te know IV, the fame of t] and the most, i,, such things are And the. difference 1no. economy 'to do for your clothes! *Shore Line Claners,, mc. 1215 Wohington Avenue, wilmeute We ope fit sn't too laie. for'you10 1go bthe Célby,. Sale of Jrwin furnîture.Perbaps fi won't bo if uxou don't delat Bt hen- we were there, thé beqinning of' the weOek, hait of the fil teen cari oads in the purchase had ai readiy been sold, as. a resuit, of the first newspaper announcem ents. lt's the sort' of furniture that's dear to the hearts of interior decoratorswith . *V 42 clients of unlimited income. - ~ < It's the sort of thing Most people hope wistfully they'l1 ho able to own just a littie Exquisitely designed pieces. f rom a maker who bas for years been famous for fine Eighteenth Cen- tur y furnit-ure. And the prices' A L-ouis XVI bedroom sujte,-witb A-dam and Pergolesi deuails, înu Prima vera and enamel finish, for $298, when the original factory showroom price was $745! A Hepplewh "ite dining room group of amber as- peu. elaborately inlaid with courrasting woods. Ws$476 for ten pleces, instead.of $1,196. And s0 on.. Marvelous furniture. at Marvelously low p ices., *John A. Colby & Sons 620 Church Street w.. .lal.. . NrvI. The Slip Cover, feat'ure is almost zh e fis thing you'illhear about, when peo pie men - tion Snyder's. You tàke your .choice of a. wide assort- ment of goodyard-wide cretonnies at Si a'.yard,, which Încludes the . ailoring .of the slipco ver, meastired and lltted exactl.y to, your piece of 'fur- ns ture.- Teother daIy', Mr., Snydei called'our attention to a beautif.ul.. chair--' a, NEW chair mnade out of an. OLD one," he said. And the wvhole job, matenial, ùpholstering and ail, cost only.$22.50! A pair of handsome blocked lin en drapes pleated. Iined. ail ready to put.up-at $i 2.50, -One Of the biggest specials of the year. You'Il be interested in this shop, and I hope you'il go se Mr. Sny4ier soon! *C. C. SNYDER, INC. 1743 Shierman Avenue, Evmnstoni e e e To sorne people Edyth Diedriebe (the Countes von Abel Boineburg) is best known as official beauty advisor for the Schuberts. To others she is famous as the originator of the Janus Method of Reducing. She reduces. almost literally; by te- lu veuating, Mer method is. to redttce *Symmetrica1Fy, by--manipulation, where' vou WANT to be. reduced, The *stimul*ated circu- lation.- and more adlequate elimina- tion that result from these marvel- ous treatmieuts, re- store the slender-/ ness and vitality h of youth. h gt ives/ the-figure-a supple- = ness. an elasticity. thait no amounit of dieting and exercise can achieve. Telephone .uow for an a»pointnient, Davis MI0. tEulUIy 0# aWD5 SB Mrs. Hanna's* is si reputatiofi for distin weighed by its ren dings. vit foi its, Mrs. Hannàa's, success ý iné planning wedding clothes is due to berknowing whatis required. ýhow toi achieve ah effect, and the importance ofeveni the smallest detail. Mrs. Hanna designs- wed- 4ings as an artist paints pic- tures! Týrhe brides wedding gown, her bridesmaids' en- sembles, ber traveling clothes, cverything is thought ;out and planned for. People wbo are" to. be, married In late fail or winter *(with southland .h6neymoons): should, consuit Mrs. Hanna now. about *their clothes. And always« with the idea in minci that it Ïlaa reai economy to have tbemt planned in îhia way. 'the clothes. cost no more than if y ou ..shopped'b for thém, and there~ is no possibility of your choosing tbings that don't fit into your plans. *N. A. Hanna, Ine. 925 Spanish Court e e e Another charming shop on Spmnish Court in ýMiss Reynolds, Inc.* It's a veritable tromBine. .houa. for people who like unusual tliings! One of the things 1 found that I thought yow'd particularly like to know about is this individual ice' lowl, equipped witb two separate lines, one for tomato or orange juice, the other for fruit or sca-food 'cocktail. Each service thus conutins of three pieces, and you buy them by the dozen at the. surprisingly little Price Of $1 3.50 for the 36 pieces. A lovely wedding gift., now that 'Ve *iust meëntioned weddings. on e e Si 6.50 one.- rectuceti to $7.50, with otbers propor- tfonately p ri c ed . You should really see them... and soon! *The ChurchilIl Weavérd 152'Ceâtir Stroee, Indien Hill places., as you probabIY know, are famous for ex- cellent coffee. *Mary Anni's Grill 1605 Shermun Avenue Another thing sawwaa aa i endth sobp. 0fa, turd -was the:thing that first Iured me twilled cotton, shadow-striped in yellow, rose, green, orcbid, 1blue, with brigbtiliowers embroidered wýool. Only $11.501 *Miss Reynolds, lue. Spanish Court fLauq t.r 1.,. - .y ~ are $ i@ that way -$2' ech if you have tbçtn indivi- dually *De Nelda Beauty Salon 1651 :Sheridgim Road.