Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 52

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1cents a lino ln one paper. 25 cents à lino lna aiy two papota. Rates-e0 cents a lino ln al ibree Papem . NIXIUW CUARIC UONE DOL A L Aveageof ve worde to- the linoe. No black face type uned. 10% ýdl..oatoenagil caSh Wilb order ai1vortIrsueuts wea breuh t u emstalm081Ceairai Ave., Wimeiies or 41 In. in Ae., Wimmei&16 for lnortilgeIaualiied advcrtilements wili be se- Deadinse f, Isrio septed up to Tuesday 9. P. IL for WILMETTS LIFE or ail three papers;* Wednesday 9 P. M., for WINNÉTKÀ TALK and Thuraday 5 P. M, for, QL.INCGO NEWS, Télephones: Willnetteè 4300. Wlnnetko 302M. Greenileaf 4300'or Sheidrake 687. i.OST - TES. AFISCRNOON, -OCT. 2th..betweea 924 Geeniwood and 1104 Forest, roil of bills tri wblte linen case. Reward., Tel Wlmettc 15531. 2LTN26-1te LIBERAL REWARD' FOR RETURN of 5 months old male police puppy, lost Frlday October 23r&1 Large up- stnigcars and dark coat. Ph. Win- netka 1854. 2LTN26-Itc i.OST ON TUESDAY OCTOER 20TH la Wllmette, an old fasbioned folding fan, red paper wjth dark foes Dated 1888 or 1884. Keepsake. Cal Wllmette 2475. 2L26-ltc LOST-BROOCH, LARGE PLATINUII. oval shape, smail pearîs and dianîonds. about"2 weeks ago' near Pirst Nation- al Bank, Wiimette. Liberal reward. Pbi. Kenilworth. 2610. 2LT26-Itc LOST-MAN'S BLACK GARTER WITI-1 gold buckle marked "V. E." Ph. '%Vin- netka39. -2ur264tc 8 PENSONAL ANYONE GIVJNG ANY INFORMA- tion or whereabouts of William Avella, last heard of ia Wllmette. Reward. Write'Frank Avella, 217 Grenelle Ave., G~arfild, New Jersey. 3L26- tp 4 ACCOUNTING ACCUNTANT DESIRES SE,ýVERAI. addtioal ontnection.--, with b)uqIpes1ý bouses inte'rested in reduelng over- head. -Books. kept., FinanVlal 1state- ments. Phone Lehalan. Gre, 7400. 4LTN26-1 tp1 SBUILDING AND CONTRACTING Peren»lals 5-10-15 cents eacb. Shirubs for baif price. J. OSTtOWSICY 2343 West Park Ave. Highland Park Phone Highland Park 49 14LTNis8-tfc FORSALe-PEVERGREENS AT IHALl? price. Fret-l dug,. home grown at the stand . Waukegan road, W. Lake PFor- est. A. J. Hoolc. 14LTN25-2tp) ta MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOU~ SALE - CHILt'S VIOLIN IN perfect condition, with case and music stand. $15. Phone Wlnnetka 2797. 22L26-lti) 88 NURSING HiOME FOR CONVALESCENT OR EL- derly people, experlenced nurse ln chaqrge. Visi tors. invlted. Call Glencoe 1985. 23LTN23-tfc t'O.IUPFETENTr NURSE WISHES ('ARE of cblldren. invalid or elderly person, by hour 0or day. .RAeasonable. Tel. Keinilwdrtli 114f). 23LTN?6-ltp 24 PAINTENQ AND DECORATII4G Special Redutced Prices For This MN/oîîth CEILING CALCÀIMINED $1.50 UP, R31. washed, starched $2.50 up, rm. papered $5 ùp, paper furnisbed-.1932 samples. Paper cleatned $ a. batbrm. enamiel-_ cd $6, kitchen palnted $6 up. Ail work guaranteed. Best material furnisheti. Free estimates iurnished. CALL DAVIS 1819, 24LTN26-Itc Danisih Am. girl, 23 .yr., excellent Win- netkaref. German Am. girl, 25 yr., 1% yr. Glencou ref. Swedlsh Amn. girl, 26 yr., 3 yr. ref. Irish girl,. 35 yr4, 7 yr. ref. SECOND AND CHAMBER English girl, 30 1ir., 5 yr. Winnetka ref. Gerpian Amý girl, 20 yr.. 2 yr., excellent Ar.SURSEMAIDS Eng. Am.0g yr., 3 good local refs. scotch girli, 35 yr.,' wants Infants up. Good ref. Eng. Ain. 27 yr., hwpltal training, ln- fants up. German! girl, 23 yr., 'à yr. Wllmette ref. Eng. girl, 40,yr.' Wafits governess or nurse work.. Speaks' French. COUPLES Several Ilgh Clasm Couples. 4 North~ Shore Offices 78 PAULINE'S AGENCIES 78Elm Winnetka 2602 -41LTN26ltc FIRST r CLASS ýLAUNDRY WORK done at home. Rough dry or finlsbed., Any fancy ironing, buttons and mead- Inig taken caré o!. Experienced laun- Idrees la charge. Reasonabie. Will eati and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 5099., 41LTm26-Itp. COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES TO take care of children day or night, 35 cents per hoifr a)-o >have college daughter that can do same. Ph. Wil- mette 4203. 41LTN26-Ine -MRS. SMCLARKE OF' WINNETKA wisbes to place ber nurse wbo bas been la ber employ for the past silx Years. Willing to do second work. Ph. Winnetka 1406. 411LTN26-Inec EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS iaun dry or cleaning by day. ('urtains ndfancy linens donc at home rea- ,sonable. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 41LTN26-liie MOTHER AND DAUGIITER WISHES position. MotIher neat, excellent cook, daughter. wishes 1nursing or Znd wo'rk. (No, Shbore refs.ý Tel Winnetka 3668. 41LTN26-Ine SWEDISH GIRL JUST RETUiRNED from Swedea wishes position ýas c-hild',s nurse, hospital training. Excellent refereaces. Ph. Lakeview 4057. 411,TN26-Itc EXPERIENCED SECON> MAID, ehblffd- ens nurse wishes position. Will eonsider general workc. N. ýS. refer- ences. Wiinetka 1597 ask for Amelia. 41LTN26-lnël EX-P.1 or-P LN WANTS eday or wei cleaning. Re 8679.q RK ALL A-i cook ,ences. Ph. 41L26-ltp TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT woric by week, day, or hour. Gen. housework. Experlenced cook. Cal] Wlnnetka 689. 41LTN26-ltlp 'YOUNG WOMAN 1 DO PLAIN SEW- lng, housework, iaundryr work, ce care of'children. Ref. Ph. Wilmrette. 169.' 4ILTN26-liit EXPER. LAUNDRESS WISHESl WORK to talce home. Wil oeil for, and de- liver. Or day work. Phone Wlnnetka 2994" 41LTN42«-ltc EXP. GERMAN ,; wOMAN W!IIHES laundry, cleanlng, housework'and tak- ing care of ehlldreUt. Ph. Kenfilworth 2304- 41LTN26-ltp EXP. STENO. WANTS PART TIME ,position or typlng or simple book - keeplng to do' at home. Ph. WilmettW 3.74. 41LTN26-Ite ýNORWEGIAN GIRL WANTS GEN- eral housework. $12-16. Good refer - ences. Tel University 6172 between 4 and 6. 41LT'.N2&ltp> SWËDISH. GIRL.' 27 YEARS, GEN- eral bswk. Good refs. $16-18 wk. Cal bet. 10 and 3, Brunswick 7267, 41LTN26-îtp MIDDLE AGED WHITE WOMAN wants general housework or will take, catre of eilidren. Tel. Wllmette 2987, 41LTN26-It!i SITUATION WANTED BY HIGH school graduate, experleneed ln office wodrk. Good references. Cali Glencoe 1194ý 41LTN26-lté EXPERTENCED WHITE WOMAN wants laundry or cleanlng by the day. Reference. Cali Wllmette 4288 after 5:30 P. M. 41LTN2r3-lne( NURSERY GOIJERNESS, EXPERI- enced, reliable. $12 a week. Ph. Wil- mette 3046; 41LTN26-1n(- EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL Do laundry work in ber bomne. Ph. WiI- nieftte 516. 4lLTN2G-ln1c WOMAN WISHES TO TAKE WASII. ing home. WIII call and deliver. Phý. Winnetka 3611. 4ILTN25-2te WANiE DDAYWORK, CLEAN INO, ironing,- taklng care of children. Rea-, sonable.. Wilmette 12785. 41LTN2-n REI'NED MATURE GIRL. WILL take care of cbildrea. 25 cents ýper hour. Ph. Wilmiette 32H. 41LTN26-1n( EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS wodr1, wamhing, Ironing and clèaning. Ph. W1imette 480. 41 LTN26Ine Ing,ateratzsunu suan allknuc is or s ing. Ph. Winnetka 1167. EXPERT DRESSMAICERAND HOUSE- hoid acamstress wlll work la your home by the day.' Ph. Wlmette 1571. 11ILTN2$-ltp LOANS TO PROPERTY OWN1IRS. cleanlng. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1987. Make and buy lst and 2nd Uiortgages. . 41LTN26-Inc EVANSTON 13OND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf. 5600 WANTED - FAMILY WAS$JINGS, 381LTN$,6-tfe special attention given siîks, blankets, and lace eurtains. Reasonable. Ph. 41 31T. WANTED-FEMALE wilmnette 189. 41LTN26-Ine PRACT. AND EXP. CHILD'S NURS E; TRAINED NURSE, WILL IV invalld or *companion:; asslst with board, roomn, and care for convalesant. work; phone eves. Wl. 2261. Or patient. Ph. Wllmette' 509à. 41LÉN26-tî' 41LTN6lt Mette 42~ BOY 18 WANTS, STEADI will take odd jobs. Caîl Wil MAN FOR 'HOUSEWORK, WINDOW washing. North. Shor.e ref.-,Ph. WIii- nietka 779. 42LTN24-lnc

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