Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 49

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Finds Laxity in Educating Aduits to Curb Accidents Mlthough urgently recommen<led. by safet: experts, ,educational ci- paigils among adluits designed to re-- duce automobile' accidents are flot receiving the public support they deserve in, the, opinion of Hugo Meyer. secretary and genieral mati- ager, of the 1Motorists' Association of Illinois. As proof of their potential s-alue lie cités the resuits of cani- paigns among children whicli, ac- cording to officially compiled figures, have hrought about a 10 percent de- crease silice 19V7 among children Of' pire-SCho6ol age and,1 lerel aiong tlhoe of, scbool age., Byý contrast witli this showing, Mr. M1eyer points to a startling increase ini aduit auto- inolile fatalities, amnounting. to 2& percent. i1t is estimnated as a- resuit of a uation-wide survey that educationa I forces amontz children, have saved 7,500 lives .a year,)p says Mr. Meyer. -1f aduits would shîow the saine acci- dent trend as children there %vould 1he a saving arnong thei of 23,000 .1vsa ý ear. *Such accident prevention ea ni- p)aigns s hould 6e extended to nliotor-, ists and pedestrians alike. The )ro- grain must promote care and court- esy aînong botb. It miust teaclh the dangers of reckless driving and Ci- ccurage aniong motorists pride in 1 the care of their cars. Ini the latter!ý resp)ect sure operating brakes. and ights tlîat work properly are espc- ciallv important, for it' lias been foun~d that this .iinefficiencv in items accounit for the great majority at accidents wherever they are attril)- uted to mechanical defects." "Nor should the educational cani- vaigns hy any mneans be. linited to, motorists, and pedestrians., Our Imu- nicipal officiais shouild be: supported 43- Public sentiment in tlieir efforts to improve traffic conditions throuigI providing more arteries of travel and bringing about unifornîiity of control. And just now particularly a vital need is for the state of Illinois to get up that a conmplete schedttle of weigbts and fees effective january 1, 1932 is Irinted on the reverse side of truck application forms and suggests al trucjk operators carefullv follow this chart in making out their applica-2 tions and submnitting their fiees. SThe following schedule shows the j weights and'fees on trucks that lie-1 cone effective Januarv'192 3,000 Ibs. and Ieoss...............'.$ 10 8,000* lbs. and more than 3,000......1 12000 Ibia. and more, than 8,000 .... 95 16.000 Ib$. and'more than 12,090... 75 30,000 Ibs. and morethan 16,006 1 24,000 lbs.and imore than 20,000 ...150: 6 or more wheels or over Tun,00:bs.............2 1 TueUp Your Car for W-inter Drivi.ng., AdVice] Withi the colning of the. wide tem- perature ranges experienced at this season of the year, the motori st wil find it tobiîs advantage to have the motor retuned and adjusted. accord- ing to M. D. Douglas, general'parts and service manager of the Civoe Motor company. Cerlt "Oneof he istnctadvantages of the modern automobile over its earl'. predecessors is found in the fact that the motor today can be adjusted to give maximum performance ini al seasons. A motorist ivho drives througli the winter with a car ad- justed to summer weather conditions deprives himiself of much of the car's capacity for performance and necd- NORTIi, SIIORE, lC£i: EVROLET.ý lesslv increases its operating ex- systemn, e specially the timning, should pense." Mr. Douglas saici. be cleaned thoroughly and checked 'The carburetor shouîd be for proper adjustment; the proper checked.- be continued. 'and the funictioning of the ignition system is val\ves sliould be adjusted to prevent essential to easy starting on cold IONS Of comhpressioni. The ignition mornings." I. CHA NG TIO UR OIL FROSTY days are your signal to Fchange: the Oit in your car. Drain out the heavy oul that coagulates in chili weather, and replace'it with a lighter oil especially adapted for winter driving. Greai*a-asa car# any day-41. OO TUE OIL main, St. et Lminden Av. Bob'nMc WELL Phono Wilmott. 3334 ECONOMY Combustion efficiency which -ydrop of oiinto oftecting considerable saving to smail truck operators. Numierous other changes ini weights and fees on trucks ini the other classi- tications are intended to more equaily distribute, the varions *Weights f rom 300to 24,000 pounds. Secretary Stratton, alsoý called at- tenticn oftruck opeatà to the fact NORTH SHIORE 611 MAIN 5T. PHONE WILM E.TTE. WIL.441' )NE TIRES REPAIRS 721 MAIN ST. !<VRWILMETTE J.<cSlon Phone WiA.2600-260 Dle-s,m pbone wilmette 3m, EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTONIOBILE

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