An important yoarly happening ini the world ot booksanmd playa is this volume ofIMr. Manle's. Publication date, Frîtday, October. 30 CHANDLER'Sý Founiain Square Easo IBOOKSrHOPlii ýLIBR&AIE carde Statlon ery BlIC FALL CLEARANCE CURRENT BOOKS (extra copies from o fr librar.u> 2 for $1'.___3 for $1 Seleet Tour Chbristinaà Carde NîOw and gave the Ditronunt 1724 Ornington Avenue. Bvanstom, Orrlngton motel Bldgf. millions'ý stores- 1 loi.. .uNIMIIýol ý Nili Ir. W~alpole ,publîsnedci Cl1panIy. panyt. " Rogue Herries' two -%,ars ago there (Reviczvcd by Vera McDferniid) Christina of Sweden presents an %vas a hint ini the foreword that more Mrs. W. Hamilton Walter, '5(0 .amazing set of contradictions. Borni was' to follow, and file expectation of South avenue, Glencoe, has t\ritteii *to the purple, shie pondered hloIw to a seqîei was quité general. \Vitlî the a children's bookc of ine verses about esc-i1)e it. and royýaitN.*s exaiteti statio'v appearance of thle present volume flot tevrosiscs lhuhte *wbich many scbeme and ý.truggIe oîîly is that expectation fulfilled, butarjutscevradueashe feverish]l1v to attain. she regarded the- autiior warns us that the history ai e utba e aratdte sic\' liglîtlv and yee-sbortly abdicated.i of the Herries' fainilv will extend not.euainladsiniiadwr The faith 'of lier -illustrions father, 1to two 0 volumies but to four. witî o hlren Wallea,!* .a iGustavus Ado Iphus, Protcstaîîtisin's "-Juditlh Paris" starts where -Rogue to find out' about insects. Th e but,- foreîniost Chaminpion , shie desertcd - to; Hçrries" left off. Readers of that terfly, tlie cricket, the caterpillar. becomne lier day*s most conspicuous book will remnember that the story lady-bug, firefly, ant., bee, 'grasshop- convert to Roman Catholicismi. . She cnlddwt the birth of a da.uglli- per, anîd dragon-fly are ail dcscribed. bore lier niew faîtt i wtlî some jauniti- ter to.the gypsy girl whom Hernies autlîentiéallv and iii a maniîîer that îîess, but later. on occasions whei a' had inarried rini lus old age and the 'chijdren love. bit of resiliencv could have hroughit1 death in fthe. saine hour of the mother I ler nearer the reahz7atioîî of langer 1 aind of, the Rogue himself. The inewv Teslni.lusrtos lil aims, she clung to its forin witthe j îinovel opens ivitli tlhe ailing of aMs et oeto 6 al most stubboriiî teniacit j i b. bheard Iy little Tom Gauntry as îgton avenue, Glenicoe, bas done, are She .acquired superior ititellectuali lie rode witli bis lîounids by the Her-msteaoteadcorf. Th attainnuents anîd hecamne.a distiin-;ries liouse. lnvestigating the source are il aitieccuratvaî ,guislîed patron of the arts ý but she! of tlie cry. lie discovered the bodies ~i net r rw rct ntm had also a strain of calniesta ftie Rogue and of bis gypsy wife, ical forni. The entire b>ook will be could, for example, permîit the nmur- an old woîîîan druiikenly asleep ivr-atatv adapaiî der. of lierý Grand Equerrv in a roonii lier .chair., and* a niewlvy-orn Ï-1faîît, ýoung cbîldren. next to lier own. Sbe twas a-daugli1 whom lie wrapped ini a blanktet aiiîd M Irs. NWalter*s verses have iio,(loubt ter of the rigorons north \vho. hated carried home witlî im. The infant beeh inspired by ber 'owin two chul- if, and felt lh'enelfdrawîî'ý to thle Lati-1 %Vas Judith, .tlic heroinc. and central. drenl, Margaret and Dawves. . In Au- temiperament anîd enviroiiinwiît. A claracter of tbec present volume. gust of tbis vear a book of lier verses womanl, she despised tlie cotiiipanlioîî- Judith Nvas born i il 1774, and lier entitled -Cbildren of i{ollaid" was ship of her own sex witli one niotable present s.torv carnies clown to the publisbecd., The poenis are illustrated exception,. and lier salon caine to b)e early 1920's. by attractive Dutcb pictures._Sbe frequentedl almnost excluisivelv hi- menu. iXVe know what:\,Mn. Walpole is tryl- poissto haveï eveli umore of ber The book treats muclh of ClîistinaJ ing to do because lie keeps telling verses published later. Mrs.,Walter, en famille. Eveni more. tlian ýGribhle us. He is attempting to show bo1wwho is a Wellesley college graduate. it brings tbe Quteen's enîtourage intoý tliere mun tbrough the generatïins of is* the dauglîter 'Of, Williamn Rufus thîe picture aîd lias cotisiderable to 1 this Englishi family the same opos Dawes of 187 Hazel avenue, Glcncoe. sav of the scholars, courtiers, aind at- i ig qualities of mind, tlic imagina- This is thec first illustrative Wor, tendants in ber train-an approach tive and. the practical, wbiclî clîarac- that Mrs. Roberts lias -done. Shie haà. that once in a wbile grows discus- terize thec race. In thue Rogue the. studied for a nuniber of years at t <lie sive wbeni it tends to forget Chiris- two wvere combined, as tbey are in Chicago Art insiuelixsieo tina. j-udith, together. with ber gypsy in- the fact that ber bomne aiid lier tbrec lieritaiice. In othiers of the fami.l-, children, David, Williami, and An.i WINS PRIZE thiey are separate,. as in the Rogue' s keep lier mucb occupied slhe does findl Walter Lippmann. Nlîose "Preface 1 wo grandsons of flie presenit story, binie to continue hier art wvork. to Morals" bias just beeni published iFrancis tbe dreanier and WVill the Here are a few of flic verses froux,, adollar edition, is the. iniier of tîîe n"an o far.Btterae id Bg" $2.000 Yale Review -aNvard for. bis biîniself taking the atbor's wébrd forTeB. artcile' "Two Revolutionis. in the it aIl rather than.butilding imp bis -uwn When, a yellow hec beiîds lier lîead Amiericati Press." Thîis awà'rd isgiveuu cotiception- of the cluaracters as, they low% in a fio%%cr- eaclî vear, for an articleofspcial enegeu tî nratv. 4r measure of' lionev to dra, menit on a question- of public con- jh sips up fl~ic ectar. witli, tripleý cern, social, economiic. or political, in CAMEOS. By Octavias Rov Cohen.,j tipped tongue, nainlor internationial affaîrs. -Appleton. \Vho, would gness tlat Iic drinks natoîaltbru a stra%%,! .1n. Lippmann's dailyv arti.cles which Iii the less tîmantlîree litindred pag- Ne%%- Yorkers sec in the Herald es of this volume tliere are fifty- Sîîe lias five %vatçhiul ey es, a i d six Tribune are ,appearing also in fifteen tbree brief narratives. Perhaps tfliicedles other' papers, in a dozen. different publisher's description of theni, Tîeoneesa r atetbli states. ..short short stories," *is as good as Theold a bae for polen, ali * -an'y. They have the sniap cnding, the,* and a bhook NEW BOOKS colntemiporaiîeity, flic vivid local color- Used in nîakiiig lier conub y-ou will ELLEN TERRY AND BERNARD ing, that wve are niost fanmiliar- witli liîid. SHAkW: Aîù Intimate Correspond- in 0. Henrv. Vieir- literarv excel- ence. Edited by Chnistopher St. lence is consïder ablv belo'W tlîr The Gra ashopper jQh. Nw ork G.P.Ptlnam'stechnical d exterity, for Mr. Coli He', a t -s-turvv. fellow THEHISORY0F MERCANfluI poos of his new book"The traigbt clOwn- the back; ' in -foru SfCUnLTUR. B Lorado Taft. ljniknowii Wan: the Story of the quite changed Mcmllan. World \Var on the Eastern Front," A dragon-fly is born. which will be published in October, Two jewel-h:ke eyes, four silver BIOGRAPHY Mn. Churchill indicated he hoped the wings,- THE S T ORY O F PRINCESS aff airs of Great Britain woul be s0 Outstretched iin rest or flight, ELIZABETH.' By. AneéRing. stabilized that he could maàke . hi - Make.of this slendndazin 1ig Dutton. visa net.yan, in th alo 92 A vision of deligbt. r ;