Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 32

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Next Monday Night1 * Richard Crooks, Aniericanteuîîîîi. mwiIl sing 'on Monclay iiiglit, Noventî- ber 2. at New Trier Higli scllôol il]. the Artist-Recitai series s ponisereed1 livth Wme-a Music club. Mr. * Crooks': progranif appears in-ailother. -section of this. issue. Deems Taylor, comptoser of "Peter Ibbetsonl,"' once' pistoôk Crooks foi a, famous Wagnerian ténor,~Iî: Crooks s'ang in Germiati "Siegfrieýl* i ini a series, of concerts. Mir. Taylo~r, Who was then criie for theN~ York 'Morning WVorld. thoughît Crooks wvas a Wagnerian tenor lie hiad heard in Covent Gard en. London. before the War. He shoWered kind Words upon the youth, compliment~ , Jing him in everv waàvaand decdlaniîwý bisGerman perfect, and bis actit splendid. He .wound up With the tribute, "He sang it aimost as well as' we have ever. heard it sung. What an acquisition lie %vould to the Metro- t politan 1" And this, coming froinxoie of the niost noted of' music critics, wlîo timie -and timie again lias, beard the greatest of muodern art ists sing. rnay lie accepted as higli piraise indeed. The Wagnerian role, . lowever, xvas too great for the young. singer. and during 'the tour lie lost weighit anid was out of>coniditioni vocaliv for two weeks. He liasni't sung it silice. and declares lie will juot ti!i lie is 35 years old. Once Crooks substituited' at short notice for Johni McCormack. lii "The Dream of Cerotntius," Flgar's 'beauti- ful niass-liket oratorio, wliichi was * presented in 1926. at Los Angeles, and for. which the vouing singer re- ceived $1,500 for 'eue performance. Critics, decl.ared 1bis )eri .ormance "epochal" Crooks bas visited., Efropç several tinues, and bias alwavs' récciv.cd ova- *tions. it. is a curious fact that in i.nany of the press notices lie is spoken of as', bcing -endowed .l)y (fýod," or as 'pose*u a gift f romu Cd"Other critics lav that "'lie h ypnotizes the aiencice" Thle concert niext Monayecing * will begin at 8 :30 o'cloek'. 1 r ~Saturday ivatinee Tes Chicago Civic Opera'coinpany oesthe season on MXonday niight, Noveniber '2, with a gala perform- anice of Puccini's -Tosca," sung -with Clauidia Muzîo in the' title rôle. jan, --i pra bas the role of, Cavaradossi. nîaking his clut with the companiy,, and Vanni-Marcoux will be heard as the villainous Scarpia. Maestrô.Rob-» erto \Ioratnzoiwi!l conduct. 'Tie MgicFlue,"by Mozart, w111 lhave its,firs.t hearing by the Chicago companlv on1.Tuesday evening, Nor- vembher 3. Noel Eadie wiil make ber de>tas the (Ineen of the night. She j made a, great success with. the diffi- cuit rle a Covent garden in London last sprîng, and lier work there led to her engagement ini Chicago. Others lau iepr4,Claedi .luti uud. 'ani-.Iarouîr ~~ ýînl the cast will bc Maria RajdI, Frida tivet gandopéa b, it:ouli i'l.1 eider, Theirna Votipka, Maria Ols- twnt-frst season - of gadoeab'iso':CI/Ol'<1 Vodi Mt>Ji.zewska, Paolo Marion (debut), Ru- Novmbe 2 T/s s t i~' il' tid 5t'SOf i tit U'î' iVW()'tTI tOU~' dolph Bockelnanni.. Edwa.rd Habicli, 011 Wacker drive. Octave Dua, and, Alexander Kipniis., Ego,-n Pollak wvil conduct. Yvone G li frig SudeyI E sembe o Tw lveClauidia MNu'zio wiil sing ini "Aidla." Yvone Gal Sngs undy Enembl afTwele Verdi's great spectacle, 'on Wednies- Afternoon at Studebaker in, Sunday Concerts dav evening, Noveniber- 4. Crena Yvonne Gall, Ravinia opera star,,I rVan C .r-(k-n-:will apPear as Aî~î~ wiil sing the following progranm ol The Enisemlble i e~e of %Vlu4 tutl.' Cesare Formxci as Anmonasro, arn Sunday afternoon at the Stutdelaker Littl e Symphon01 orchestra 0 Ciii-1 Virgiliio Lazzari as the Higli Priest;. theater, wlhen she appears under dIec cago miay be heard e%,erN Siiîîday "' Sergio Benoni. basso, will inake hi.s dirctin o BethaOttFullerton hall of the Art itîstitulte dt debuit as the King of Egv ari direct3on1of certhaiOtta:f-rtv-t., M'nri 1. Songe D'Iphieenie Entauride 315(XV[IIi a . tý-být' li i Buddy.a yolng Amnerican singer, bas -Gluck cneta eyIn dnsiî >uc been cp.st in the role of the priestess. 2. a-Sp Florindo e Fedele (Xii-'l'le prograin is repeated ait 4 ]ý Maestro * Morauz7oni wili coniduct. Scarlatti. o'clock. te acconîiiodatc thc manv "Rîgoletto" on T.htrsday cvening. h 'Il Sali Ipon fthe Dog star 1 'W l ho llZar(couci N ovebr5 vi esn vN 'ýThe Fools Preferenient- .Ad jpCop e ha11Ne coriler , wllbe re -! o IV)-Henry Purcell. ti1esC finle -Stinda\-progranms a> part Fadie, Coe Olade. Jan Kieptura, John c-Air de Venus "Thesee' Renz, of tlir regullar concert rout1iÇ. Charles Thorna s a nl d Mr. Lazzari. 3 Arnour-Lulli.(;og Daschi conduct., the c clî- Mn-Naestro Moranzoni conducts. 3a-Le 'Moulin (Word.s 1» Edgard J Guiniand>-Gabriel Pierîxe. i he. wvhich plays mith the fiiwst inu- Vannii-«,arcoû)x Ihas the 'histriollîc b-Chant de NMrieDui 'il- sicianship and good taste. -a>t sa titie role ini "Boris Godtuiioff" on the c-Chan.son Triste (Wso tr 'ddinc\ agreatd mre lt Saturday matinee bi , Novm Lahor)-Henry Duparc.' thail 20,000 listeners. \01- Cajîx'. to ber 7. Coe GlIade m'ill lie the Marina. d-Les Papillons <Words by T1he(o- heat the p>rog(rains of g-ood nnu Paul Aithouse the Dmitri, and Chiase .phile Gautier)-IErnest Chausson. They hecard somietiiuî,-i. o lî;l~B-ronieo the Pimnenn. Emil Cooper 4. a-Thls-ýtle Down (Words by 1telŽ~mse n s1eto~'rle tral w 11conduct. C:oale Crev)'CarlBtcer.. I \ tu "Il Trovatore" xiii b h e a r dat b-0 That It Were so'! (wols " 11>'- - btrs. arrangeti ai 1 1lvft Walter Savage Lanidorý) -VakItCV lyrs onl pie nSaturdav cevening. Bridge. North .Sîtore 11111>1C îatrt1lis v l vI h Serafina di Leo making h e r c-Theé Sea Sheli (P'oenie loty Amin m1iemlber thiat \Ir. l)ac1x lign~lit iîs 1dEbt. and others in the cast includ- Lowell)-Carl Engel. orchestra licre for- a scric~et fa.Grdn n d-Thie Little Shephierd's S on crs;m ,iing Cvrena Van ronrnoio (Wrd *y.Wi . 1le x; 1 id vcrsa cv re lgi"to tIWCortis. Augilst Beuf (debut). a n d Percy)-Winter j a t. ear s agu. Mr. Lazzari. Maestro Mrtzn 5.MAMAN .CHANTE AVEC No1S - -- __- cnucs Heniri $usser. J____________________ (Chansons dEn fan ts-Words 1» Ma n rie. i - "'Vuuaire) Symp ony S l.it O ceta a ro * -Pur ta Fete. . ~ ~ v pov ,,' trhsr a rga Lomoftd," and iFisher's arrangenment of Shakespeare's "Sigli No More, Ladies," and on Saturday, Novenîber 7, he wil! sing "The Song of the Pri- vateers," fronu the romanti.c musical 'pldy of otd. New Orleans, -Witciiî Moon," by Franz Freund, with Iyrics, by Panit McPharlin. Mr. IFeschmüann will.give a s ongp (From Rhapsodie Espagnole No. d. Berceuse Romantique K'reish'lr recital at the Englewood Wýomiani's club On Monday afternoon, Novemi- ber 2, with, Blanche Barbot -at tIi" piano.- ELzjrcua Zaînbù.alist. 7)ioiist, is the soloýisti u'it/uth1' Chiçaqo Symphonvy orchestr-a at the çii!sci-iptioli cou- 17OIS tins wceek. MUENZER TRIO COMING. The Muenzer Trio .will be heard in Kenilworth Hall on Sunday after-. noon, November 2?,, under the aus- p iécesof the North Shoreý Chamber

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