.Ask Citizens for Aid. to Carry o n Schools MASS-MEETING. ON WATER-PLAN Villagers Invted tO Meetinüg. in Hoffnian Hall Fridây Night of This Week. Trhe fourth of a: series of public meetings on the proposed. construc- tion . of a ý municipally owned water plant and water-supply *system ini WiI- miette will be held Friday night of this week lat Hoffmann hall, Ridge ýave- r mie, et 8 o'clock. The meeting was called by Village President C. P. Dubbs to give resi- dents of the western section of thue village an opportunity .to ask ques-' tions, concerning the proposed con- struction of the water works. A ref- erendum on the niatter has hecui set for Saturdayr.-Decémber 5. Three simiilar meetings on'the ques- tion of building an independent wa- ter-supply system in WVilnxiette aI-e ready have been held. On two ýc- * casions. once lbefore the Wilmette Civic league and again before the Wihinette Chamber oi Commerce, * Village President Dubbs was asked to explaîin the. plans of the Village * board for constructing sncb a vvater SvNStetn. * AstAdress Civic Groups LatSaturday noon. Mr. I)ubhs hiiniselfgaàve a luncheon for purposes of discussing the water question at the Shawnee Country club. Ait this luncheoui every' important cîvuc, churcb ýand social organization In ftle village was reprëstntied. Wuad-dit-ion toa talk -by Mr I b Village Attorney Willjs ). Nace - plained sorne legal.questions relat.ing i to the Water plant proposition, and' W. K. Deflérard, chairman of the ýewer and water comimittee of tlic versity P1 questions put to i-resident Dubbs at the meetings beld to date. Edward D. Lilienlleld, 816 Michi- I gan ave nue, was called to Kalamazoo, Mich., lest.weekend on business. I AN. APPEAL Fromthe Joint Emergency Relie f Fund of Cook Coun»ty, Imc.- Wirn"ette and Cookcounty are ùow facing the .biggestrcharit' job in: their history. Neyer bas starvation stared us in the face from so close a'range. Neyer bas stark, abject want been so, prevaletit. Never was relief so uirgent- ly required. Thiis,.job-and it'is VOUfR job--canniot be side-stepped, dawdled with, iior put off. Yolu've GYOT tb do it-and you've got to do it RIGIIi' We are flot going to argue with. .you, because there iss no argument. We are not> going t6 approach yoti witb logic, because this iiot a mat- ter for the intellect. Our appeal is directed straight at vour-heart alonc. in an effort to stir to quick action those impulses of humiianitarianiism that lie very close to the surface in American hearts evervwbere. The situation is tiot one of tbeorv or guess-work, but a liard. col ds tressing, dangerous fact. Thousaids of families are today without the necessaries of life, haif clothed and haif fed, many withouit even shelter. ýThousands of school' children, weak- .ened by malnutrition and with gaunt, liunger gnawing at their vitals, are hravely. striving - little heroes and heroines. that they- are-to 'maintain sufficient mental alertness té keep up with theif classes. -ÀWe must prepare nlow, before wîin- te sets i n, to responid oeey mnand of these unfortunates for help. So our appeal to you is to give-give .VOW, and give to the very last lien- News....... 38 ... ... ... ..16 e.............. 32 eSection..45-46, page.....18 Mary Hastings JBradley, aitthQr,. -explorer and lectfu-er, farnous for lier darjiiy exploits in. the Africant *jungles, zvill be the speaker at the [ViinuetoSinuday Evening club, M Irs. B3radley. a Chicagoan, returned thi s suminer f rom another of ber fàm- ous expeditions into the Dark Continent. She traïveled 3,500 miles by truck f romf the Atlantic to the Nile and 2,000 miles 1wv llanef rôm the Nile to Cairo. During ber travels she took 3,000 f eet of motion ~picýttiresT Ier lecture- M s. -B[adley will tell of the lives and customs of (Continued onV Page 4) 1 the Minnsota - North- western game await thon who win., FACE DESPERATE SITUATION HERE November Payréll to 'Exhaust Aveiable -Funïda;. Cuter APPeals to ,Citizens rjy Henry JE. CutI<.r (Presidenit, Wilmette. Board) As president of the Board of jEdu- cation of the Wilhnette School dis- trict I deem it my duty to inform the citize.ns -of the, School -districtý that. we aie financially embarrassed, in fact at this moment the School dis- tric-t has unpaid bis, for scbool sup- plies aggregating about $14,000. There are funds on hand and-in sight sufficient to take tCare oif the next payroll of the teachers in No- vember. Where we will get any other nioney I do flot know. If the people of this School district will flot pay their taxes our source of revenue fails. If the high standard of our schools miust suifer, and this will fol- low if there is no money to pay for operating the scbools, the effect upon real estate values in the Village of Wilmette will be damagiung. We are a village of homes. Families coeue here . ecause we have a first class school systemn, and -real estate values *will be the first to feel the effect of a continuation of the financial distress of our School district. Must Pay Tae Due to the reassessment of real property ihroughout Cook couinty everybody knows that there basbeen delay in s ending out tax bis ïand col- lecing taxes. For a period of almost two years no taxes were payable, but every right thinking individual must would corne and that taxes miust be paid if 2overnmnent is. ta continiue I- Past Masters' Nigbt will býe- b- served by Wilmette ILodge, No. 931, A. F. and A. M., tonight (Thurs- day), in the Wilmetté Masonic tem- ple, beginning at 6-30 o'clock with a Home Coîning dinner. An entertain- ment is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock, to be followed by conferring ofde- grees by former masters of the Iodgë.: