Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 22

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r o' WHJTEMAN DaningEvery Nigbt Except Sundy Fridays until1 1:30 A. M. Fornal-Saturdays until 2:30 A. M. In Addition 10 Our Regular Menu SPECI AL STEAKOR CHICKEN DINNER,ý $1.75 No Cover. or Admission Charge to Dinner Guests During the Entire Evening, Exceptf on Saturday Edgewater..Bea,'c-.h Hotel S300 Block Sheridan Road Chicago We Wuant. VouwTo I Wleu OpenYVour Dry Clet What -do you sec when .yopen your dry, c.leaning package?ý Do, you sec merely the gen- eral appearance or do you examine, the gar- ment carefully? If the garment is one that hasl been eleaned by us, we hope you wiIl serutinize ivery carefully.. Examnineý the lining_ for ample-se ow odorless it is-noi dean Lf~N4). ex- and The commerce club of _ 'rrwT ier Princess Iýugeime mode. rer veil oi New 'ivorv tulle wvas caughit with a wreatli i ighi school wvi1I hold its animal If orange blossomis. She carried -, t-Iallowve'en îparty Friday night of shower bouquet of liles of the val- this wveek at the home of' David Ee. wierss ht we es 1~nso î~a~andt seve~ral spraysof white heather jolio i, imet. r.Jhno, l hchwe-setfrmScot land- partmient at the higli school. and The ceremony took placé at ýthc manager of the book store. is faculty Cuc fteI-oyCmotr s~onor 0 theclui Kenilworth. and xvas performed 1) Offcer oftueorgniztio tIi~Dr. Herbert:L Willett. A reccntioi year rc: alte Waier, as, given afte rwards bIv the bride'> vea aruth Wlteruangn, president prets i.an rs. William E . Rt.J'hnovice-president ; Anita its t hirhme 11 rwvicl. Johuson, secretarv,, and, Norman. 1 road, Kenilworth. Th o hnso, resuW r.*Miss Marian Suis, whù :attnded Th lb hich.,ast vear ia'd a lier si ster as maid of honor, wore aî inembership of 112, is one of 'the oldi- gown of rust colored velvet trimmne<l est and, largest in the school. I1t in brown furt; a brown feit -hat nieets on the, third Thursday of eacà - trjmme(l iii. a long plume of the sainé month., Special meetings are called.l shade; and long, brown kid --loves. occasionally. She carried an amni bouquet oi talis- miaiî . roses -and blue delphinium, Tlc bridestnaids, Miss, Bella, Smith ý of E~ anston, Miss R~uth Shellîan au(! M11iss Marion Rorn of Wilnette., wore gownls in the auttiu shades miade, soiiewhat like that of the inaid of honor. They also liad on lrowi at aiii g ]Package and. kid gloves, and held amurin hOU- qucts of roses and delphinium_ 'l'lie two little flower girls, Sally and Sull zatîie ,Hazelet .of. Winlietka. Nvore quaint -fmocks, of shaded' pink and yellow taffeta, with long skirts and ptuffed sleeves. Thev each carried a colonial bouquet. The bride's inother worc (la rk l)mown velvet and lace. Ntrs, Mcl Kee's gown was of browii satin Crvlie * .eml)roidered iii blàck and silvur. voni, Ariz., served. bis brother as best man. The ushers were Frankiin J Wakefield (-f Highland Park., Harrv & Quast, and Frank C Gernand. The. church. was decoratéd %vitl 1 palmis and tali standards oi white.ý yellow,, and brown crsnhmns On'each side of the aisie there .wer e candelabra withf smilax. ixtertwined: The, house was gaylv decorated \%.itd the, different shades of clirysaiiîthe- (J munis and oak leaves. Mag~azine Writer Talks then itral Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-321 sealed. in ,noth proof bags at no adcitional charge. Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 land Park, on i nursday evenlng, No- vember 5, at 8 o'chock. Somne impres-, sions of Peterboro given by a recent worker at the colony, will precede a ,program of French and Enghish' songs by:.Josephine Lydston Seyl, so prano, with Carmel. Power at the piano. 1152 1 . ..........

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