Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Oct 1931, p. 9

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+ 1>îctices are b)einig leid nlow uxuler the direction 4f C. \\. Reiley of the *New Trier social science departmient. Students wvho liad cntered thîe con- test tup to Mondav of this week, were, Bill Cassel, Mý,ike Hutchinson., Baldvviin Noyes, 1Bill Zimniertnan, M \ýarjorie \Veiller, Miriam iWcst, - Bill J eûki, 's.Janie (oidstein, Suzanne (;oo<hnow, M arjorie Fliningain, Mar - guerite Peterson, 1ý-*dINardl Rosenl- hieini. kaylond Nel son. Richardl juliali. Fhuis Ballard. Ralph RYck - ~oo(l, j anc I-orsting. ., ' Aiiiariýe B~ooz and1 Frailcis. i)nncani. Mr. Rilvstated tîis ~tkthat thcrel is stilli fluxe lor otîxer studenits, iiitcrest(-el iii eiIttriiIg the contest tb (Ido soý. il is the first vyear that sil-eib a coitest for freshmien lias- been ,lîeld. it 15planncid to ho-Ild a simîiar con test 1 . jwrcassnlicti later. RESIGNS FROM SANITAIRIUM Dr. .1ngeie Chee, wlîo lias been ilu charge of the North Shor~e Healhh resort for teùui years, lias resigined his psiionad lie and Ms Clieney, after spending a icw weeks anxong old, frieu(ls ilWcinn,>1rOl)al)l.wvilgo ahroad -for. a year ormoe D)r. Chci l eaviuig is co,îsidered ai great loss. as lie liad nîahy qdcc oted patients and frie,îds. Mr. and M-\rs.'Wilfiam 1)D. Gralîanm, 1100 Mohîawk road, entertained twelve dinnier guiests Iast Saturda\. .After a brief illness of o,îly tlîrce street, has returned days, death claimied bier Saturday spending two months evening in ier home. in NNues Center. She was càlled there The entire Frtqlhmani A ~icass was subsequent death of i)resent at the funeral Mass in St. Loth. T CcOJrI1 uN ! ---Md at Terminal Hardware you wili find many- ex- ceptional values beyond comparison. Core ne t&y ... See our fulil line of radios&. Coniplete check-up of any make radio only 50,cents. EVERY PHULCO A SUPERUIETERODYNE XVeeks' Diniri 1131 Central Avenue ___________________________________________________________________ua Shoi II411 Linden A v.. khere antd..SA;VE. MONE Y Phonel:Waliutt. 84 a- a t; *-* , - - - - . tr je nds. Door and table prizes of variouis linds wii1 be offered to iucky inners. 'rhe party will begin. at 2 o'clock. "Nature's Wonderland" was the fit- ting: ti tie withWhich the noted nîatur- aist Guy. Caldwell,, introduced .his illustrated lecture 'last Mond(ayv to an appreclative audience of Mallinc- krodt studenits, assernbled in the scl'uioiaudtorîxn. NI r. Caldwells visit ik always hailed witlî the great- est enthu.sîasm 1w ail the students, but. tlîs prog rami particiiiar ly promi- isettl to bc a rare treat-a nature talk îiiustrate<1 bv inians of autohÉhome. Nature scencs in illir original, fal coloring views ý of the heauties of our ý\\'st; every %varietN- of colored song- str fth 0o(ls. and1 flowers in. al their lwautifuil Iues and species wvere refiected upon. the screen. Bes*ides thé,e lecture, Mir. Caldwell- delighted lus audience by (isplaying his excepitional' talenit of mimiing calis and songs of numierous species of birds. The auditorium seemied alive with flickers, red-tailed, hawks, sanidpipers, prairie warblers. mourn- ing -warblers, white-throated spar-' rows, thrashers, thrushes, and others. Mr. Caldwell also) plaN ed several musical selections on his queer strin ged instrument uiponl whîch lic is able to imitate practically every mnu- sical instrument. The entire prograni was a delight- f ather,

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