Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 5

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I + I Patrons of the Wilmette Stundav dvnngcur, are Iooking forward withi keen anticipation to the inaugural pro- grain of the I7th seasun of the pop- - ti 1 a r Community orgamizat on Suni- (lav évening, 0cto- bler 25i at thec First Co i urt g ational cliurcli. Doors, are 1)peiie d at 7:30 ù oCIck. ,A sustal the sea- soit begit's inil)rcs-, sivelv. fo-.-it niarks a return engage- netof the Welsh Inmp.erial Singers,, W. F rank' 2gelerally -r e c o g- MCur i 'ii7eid as 'Brtainis greatest male .cesemi- ble. Tlhis groul) of vocalists madle tw<> al>pearances before the Stinday.E7veéi'i*g, club lastf year hefore overfiow audiences aîîd the return this season ik ýhy popular request. Tlh e Suudl(ay vein club sagt mnder the general direction of W. Frank NîcCluire, 219 Broadvvay, who lias been p)re>sîdenlt of the club silice its i1cel)7 I tion. It W largely throughi Mr. MNc- Clure'.s initiative that the organization bas been able to bring, outstandinig :speakers to the ýcommunity eacb year. Detaîled information concerning -this year s Suniday club program il lihe found on Page 12 of this issue oi, Plan Hallowe'enFcýte for Scouts, Parents The community Hallowe'en party ,which the Boy Scouts of Kenilwortht are planning for their, Parents and friend.s on11Hallowe'en* niglît, Satur- day,' October 31i promisesto ea gala'affair. t-b a Robert XV. TownIey, athletic*direc- tor at the Joseph Sears school, whoi lias charge of the Kenilivorth Boy] Scouts. said this week that a nuinler of Kenilworth familles bave givenm&p plans* for thieir oivn Hallowe'en par- ties or ivili bold them some other * iglt ini order to take part in the conimunity party at the Kenilworth netk-a tw pr9vide sandwiches morliinf- gry Chicag-o sclîool chjldren. 'l'lie %%*ork k hbeing handled tîtronigli thec Nortim-ester,î University settle- muent. of wdîicli Miss H-arriet Vittuin i.s hea(l. Nem- Trier's bel1)lias liect requested for -six scôoolsini thie river district. wvhere nmen . lîo provide for fanuilies lhave been ou.t of ývork froni six :nionithisto two vears. 1.The United Chiarities furi-s ontv reîît and tnilk. aiid sandwviches are2 soilletinlies the 'onlv food the clîildrelî ini tlese unlfortunate fanijlies receive. iýAt the hligli sciîool tlîew~ork niý col- lecting thesaindviclie, sk being spioi- spred' lw the ,Tri-Slîip club and thie Girls' .cilb, t%,o. orgaizations whlich. the building was flrst used, and a graduaI but steady decline in thie 'nimber of pupils attendiitg the Cen-. trai sclîool is an indication of the mnanner ln wlîich the village is grow, ing .westward. 1Altbougli :the :enroliment in 'the Wilmiette public.. scbools a s a wbole lias increased 'less. than a bundred silice 192, edstributioni of pupils lias changed greatlb% Maniy of: the older Xilmieue famnilies, wbose chi]- dreiî have grown up, live on the. east side of the traëks, . vhile a large' num- bier of never. fain ,ilies ivitb younger. .children live west of the tracks. West Are& Gréws i-fandsome awards Nvill g>o to three of the contestants. A fine Eastnian. Kodak will tIe awarded to the author ofteessav adjudged the hest. The second best essay hrings a XXahl pen asan award. wlîile the third, Place, inner will receive. a XX ahi pene il. ju(Iges en: the cuintest wvhich clo>ses Novenîber 1. at 5 (>Clocki , the afternoon' will be .ijss -Anne Wbit- mlack, Xilmette's, librariaiî: Breck- cjnridge *Clark. secretarv of the Chaniber ut Commierce. anid Fl{. MW. WVeber, editor nOfXILIETTe LirE. tissay., contributed inust flot be no re than 1;000 enrs i length, it is expflained. and Mihen completed niust l)e delivered toMNiSS V era Hiolding at .dte. Wilnlett.e village hall. The contest is open 1tu ail cliiîdren attenditîg XXilnette granimar slois hoth p)ublic anîd parochial. ExPlosions, Blaze Destroy Russo Home A spectacular fire of undeterîninel origin practically destroVed the largc. residence of Nunzio Russo at tll.o northiwest corner of Seidnroacl and Central avenue Mondai- nighit, cattilig daniage estiniated at $50.000. An 'explosion preceded the blaze. and w-hen the \XVilmette Fire depart- nment arrived at about 8 :15 o'clock the entire bouse vas en flaîies. A second explosion followed the arrivai of the, fire departmnent. Fire Cîii Walter Zibble states tbat lie believes the fire m-as of incendiary origin, but the, caus.e of the explosions k noi known. Tlhe Russo fainily %vas ont of towni at the timne and thehuevauo- cuipied.. Mr. .RuMsso is one of' the partner s iii,,the concerui of A,. RUssto and. comîpati,. wbolesale groceér. Chicago- Planto Widen Ridge Road Paving Abundoned, Proceediiîgs on the. proposed pav- ing improvenient 0o1 Ridge road fr0111 Wilmette Man Appointed to High Masonie Office At thue sessios of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Illinois. held Octobcr 13, 14 and 15 1i11Chîicago, J. E. Swif t Teal, thîe present Mfaster of ýWilmette Lodge, No. 931. A. F. -& A. M. was appoiîited district deputy 'grand mnaster 'of the 2th district. whicliinclùdès tbree Iodgesi Evatîston. together wvitl onie each iii \\i!miette. Wiimetka, Glencoe, Glenvie.w, alid forton Grove. side schools nave a total enrolmrent of 763. The west side schools, How- ardl and Lilgan. bave a combined en- rolinieent of 846 nov as compared to ')IA lu 1924-1925. Foliowing is a summ a ry of the cmi- roilnient figures at the varjous sçbools for the last sevenyearsi 1924-925-Hloward, 309; Central, 751 ; Logan, 305, and Laurel, 148. To- tal for ail schools. 1,513. 1925-1926-Howardl, 357; Central, 748; Logan, 313, and Laurel, 131. To- '"Lez tby attire be com)elti, but flot costi q." - LYLY. AT CATHOLIC LEAGUE Tlhe first fail meeting of the social service department of the North Shore Catholic Woman's, league, will be beld at ? o'clock, Tuesday, October 27., at. the borne of, Mrs. Pautîne Scully, 1010 Sprutce street, Winnetka. O <ur calis for meîî's. clotlîîng are ,great and we have but little iii stock. - Mrs. Henry Cutier, chair- man. Note: E conomy Shop is conduct- ed by .the Woman's club of. Wil- mette. Proceeds go to 'cbarity WILM 43E00 week vIauingi~Iuesaa, ticoi e zu, while eleveni old cases of the sanie. disease were reported still active i the Village. One mild case of infan- tile paralysis also was, reported by tbe Wilmette .eaIth department. The_ victini,; a cbild who was not in sclîool, wvas renîoved -to a hospital. take- ini the enitire student body. The .\t. preseîît the total enrolîment of j %ork of packing- the sandwviches for the public schools is ,609, compared sliipnîent bas beeii taken over.,bv to 1.5113 in.i-thîe M9-1925 term, the. Y;rls m-ho are taking post graduat*e first year that the Howvard scbool Wvork art le school. ausd.luth. ea- te nroîlment The, sandwiches' -vill lie collecte(I at Howard wvas 309'and at Central, it at be îîg scîoo evrv ednsda was .751. This y'ear tbe Howard, a thr ig hshole,ek .în 'eesdf ieschool bas -an eîîrollment.of 657, while senior class furnislied 'the sanid\ c lies, sconl 4>ppl ttn eta and thîe varions classes wviI take turns, Beiore the Howvard school was in providing. themn froin week t' built sixth, seventli and eiglîth grade wveek. Sirice the students are called cii-euliin wstoffle tracks uipon onlv once in four es theyv wNere required to cross the tracks to bave been asked to bring fou ad attend tue Central scbooL.Tule lower îviches. grade children -vest of the tracks Througl tthe courtesy% of thîe Northî attenlded-the Logan school. Enroll- Western railwav, the sandwiches, are nment. at tbe Logan school bias de- being taken to Chicago on the, 10 creased because of the transfer of o'clock train f roi inîîetka. Mis sonie of the children to the larger Vittun's tru tck ineets the train and Howard building. At the Laurel takes the boxes of sa,îd%\-iclhes to thie scbiool east of the tracks the enroîl- clisni the -congested districts of ment alsolbas decreased. Chicago. . Thîe combined enrolîment ofthe

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