Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Oct 1931, p. 53

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43 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COPLMAIL) A.Nli CHAUFýEUIR; A-i i-eferees Drexel 49T5. Gog _______43LT.X25-1 te EXPEIENCED POLISH eîLu'î.'- EXP.:uIEXCEI)COLORtED COI'L feur M. 5 Years ini last place. 1-egular fronrlhîm.,ewo;rk. Man ean d'riV. work. or will drive private %cars bv tut (O<Idefer. CalI Winnetka 608. J-tour, day or evening. Phone Wviinnet- 43LTN2 I- ka 549.42"2-______ 44 ELP: WANTED-IFZMALE %"OUNG SWtDIII M-. 1AX.tN, I'r ,)Y trade, %wants work as ýhotnseln:îîîLA Iby <CHAUFFEURI TO Dllr, lA- and painting. Can also dr-ive carI dy <a ftew tinies eàch %veek. Few hours (100< ref. Phone Winnetka 2"'9. each dy. (al at 380 Washingtona *2LTN25-lîî ,Ave., Gîenei 11. 44LTN25ltp GI Z-Z A N WAXTS POSITION. PI 46 HELP WTD.-MAgLE AND FEMALE exeXlVIie1Ied ii) and arouttiii thehowt.4 A-I North Shore. rvet.en!esý. Also Il- C'OUP'LES WANTED ~lu<ha ffetur. < allI Wiiînette :307':. Mîif-V butler', wîfe as cook, A-i ref. *2LTN25- I ne rt-., four in faitily. $1 75no 1.;XI'EUi E N( ED -)IAX 4, AMDi- tions. liole!it, will do< any kind ofý work lhi a nd arouind ho.us#e. Also drix-, ing ar.A-iN. S r--f.Phiont. (leno 434. 42LTN>5-it!> 'XEI.MAX 'O AKECAIIEF 0 furnaces. $12 ni<nth. Or amy. \vorIkl. a bou t the hotise or yard. Can drive i aymake of car. P'hone -innetlià 179af'r .n42LTN25..ltp P.XIE RI E N (E D WHITE ALL' aro(und miin, houste, yardwork, ehauf- fu.,Single $20 per' ývèek. Phi. Kenil- worth 4797. 421,TN25-iiie EXPr-RIENC.ED. MAN, WASII WIN-1 dowvs, care of furnace, garden work,, etc-. Phone W'innetka .1552. *EXPERIENCED RELIABLE MAI wishes position as chauffeur,. gardener.. Long N. S. refer. C al! Wilmette 465D-., 42L25-1,tp) RELIABE 1SWEtIISH. MAN WISHEýs chaiîffe.u', gardening or housework. Steady or by day or hour. N. S. refer. Phi. Milmette 2345. 421,T N 5-Inc E.XPl. MAN WANTS HOUSEWORK Fridays,:permnanent. 7 yrs. iast place. Good painter and Calciinier. Phi. il- mette 208K. 2 N2-n LIELIABLE WU-ITE. MAN WA-NT. eleaning, %%Iidtew.waeshing, gardeing or any, ffd Pobli.h. WilnietteM3'5.1. 42LTN25-liic w v ashin.g, .Dive car I AY OR ROURi. (-I4eanitig %alls ani .and otiir dd jobsý. .~atas hmisc-nian aidrve.Wife d(o eooking. No luindry. Aitf tq $125. j-j -4 No. Shore Office- i PAULINE~S AGEXCIES. 74>s Elîn , winfetka 2662 IF YOU WISH- TO SELL NEW LINE of Christmnas cards, fascinating and inexensvecall.Winnetka 2594 ' 46 LT25 1t 1 48 FOR SALE-AUTOS Ail Mak'es and(1 Models J1f29 tNash us. Coupe 1192! Nash 2 Door Sedlan . .. . 395 19 2N Essex (Coach10 1929 (1irahani Paige No. 621 Sedan .5 9 5 197 'acilac Brougham......37;4 119'29 Ford Sedan ...........2295 1928ý Buick 7 IPass. Sedan......39 .7 1921, Hudfson :Brougham 250 192N Nash Sport Roadster .. 29~5 Nlany More to Choose Froni EVTANST1ON NASH CO. 17:35 Benson Ave. at Clark O»nEveinings and Sundays 48LTN25-lte 1931' PONTIAC CABRIOLET, BOUGH T in MaIiy. Driven only few thousaxid mriles, In. Perfect condition. Cal] Thomas, Winnetka 2850 from 9 to 5 or 7l94 eeig. . 48LITN25-ltv GEXERIALAUTO !NIIING X vour or niy garage. LBy expert, vr îeasonal>le. A-i North Shore Ref. For (-stiniateas call Wilimette 4866., f ; ,lmd Ph. fi. S. Nvo-lý %vag( WILMdETTýE LIFE "e.for more than 20 years-a the HOME PAPER ofthe community" are aeknowledged lte Coinunity's leading medluum of exchiange. To. Place classifled ails, just 'PHONE WILMETTE 43010 roon iiianuor s aiicnilju. ,eft. Wi lie tte 221. 41LTN25-Ine GIRZL XISH-ES TO DO HOUSE- k in exchange for homte and snmai! ýes. Winnetka 2697. 411LTN25)-lwj UIT. WANTED>-MALE IO LYLARGE FRONT ROOM AND' bath ini priv;ite home, suitable for 1, or 2. Gentlemien preferred. Board opt jonal. Ver>' reitsonable. Phone ,Win.netka 3191. 51LTN25-1te- WELL VENTILATED 11M. WITH adj.':slp. pch. 2111 Wilniette Ave., gâr. opt.. Phone Wilmiette 4518. 5lLrN21-tfp 1'LEASANT FRONT ROOM, HOT water heat. Convenient to .bath. Clo.';;e to trans. fleasonable. Phone Win- netka 810. 51LTN25-1tp) IZOOM WIT H KITCHEN PRIVILEGES and the -use of entire house. Cail eve- îings,. or Sunday. Iteasonable. Phone Winiietka 3641. 51LTN25-lti) 1 1,FiASA NT :F RON T ROOIM SUITA- ble for 1 or 2. Also smailer *roon). fleuasonable. P.h. Wilniette 3206. 5ILTN25"li1 NUCELY FURNISHED ROOM IN quiet homne., Gentlemen. péeferreil. Close to trans. Aiso garageý. Ph. W! -winiette 1848.- SILT12-t FUB.NISHED 110024 FOR BUSINESS 'Ma~n or wonîùt Excellenit tra1ispor. ,28 111hi St. Wilmnette 5094 or 795 51lLTN25-Itc' ATTRACTIVE ROO-MS WITH Ort without board, near lake and trans- portation. Also garalge, Winnetka 1543. LARGE ROO-M, TWIN BEDS, XICELY furn. Also 1 single room Coseto transp. Cal! Winnetka 3690. COM FORTAB LE ROOM FOR fiENT. Suitable for 1 or 2, in private home. 2 blocks ,froni trans. Ph. Glencoe 1594. FURNISH-ED ROOMI SUITABLE F0I', 1 or 2.,'$3.50 a week. Pli. Wilmiette 623. 51LTN25-Ilp 1 ORt 2 PLI'ASANT ROOMS IN PI- vatte faini1y, 1507 Washingto'n Ave.,1 Wilîete4254. SILTN2S7-ltit NICE CLEAS' 1100, $4. ALSO GAR- age. 425 hettSt Winnetka 842. LARGE, FURNISHED ROOM,. ONE- half Iblook to ail transportation. 'Ph Wirïrnetka 18IS6 7. 51LTN25-lt4- IIOOM FOR lZIENT, GENTLEMEN'1 only. Near trains. g2.5 Prairie Ave. Phi. IINDEN MANOR APARTMENTS, 1095-1101 Merrili Street HUBBARD IWOODS and .5 'roonls with colored tile batbhi' ruoiin. Best kept-up building' on north >horeý. Close .to transportatio n, -sehools, aistore. W.H. CLARIS 9. Linden Avenue Winnetka 3380 56LTN25-ltc FOR RE 'NT MODERN I ROOlM APART- meýnt, unfurnished.- Hot water heat, near tranisportation., Reasonabýle Ph.* (ilencoe 331. 56LTN2-ltpý BEAUIFULFURN. AND) UNFURN. 2 and. 3* rm. apts. Reasonàble renta1lm.' AWpy Indian Trail Tea rom, Wlnnet- ka 690. 56LTN23-tfc FOR. RENT-2tIODERN 4 RM. APT. unfurnis.hed. Hot water heat.. Near trans. Reasonable. Ph. Glencoe 331. 56L2a-tp. ôINE 4RM KITCHENETTE. APT., 2 bedrI-ns. Humphrey Building. Win- netka 98 or 328S. 56LTN20=tfc 4 O R 5 CHrERFUL f00 MS, .PARTLY furnishd if so desWred. Ph. Wi1mette 1183.56LTN25-lte 57 FOR RENT-FURNISHRD APTOS. ATTR. APTS. 3 AND 4 ROOMS ' CEN- trally located. Ph. Wilinette 2399 or 2427. 57LTN20-tfc FOR RENT NOV. 1, FOR 4 OR 5 MOS. 4 room furn. apt. Aduits. 728 lth St. Wilmette -)"4 or 795, 57LTN25-lte 60 FOR-liENT HOUSES EXCIILLENT RENTAL Charming English home, large rooms, ,sun porch, 4 bdrnis., 3 bat.hs, Frig., oit heat. att. garage, large lot. $150 a nionth. Other rentals furnîshed or unfurnished from $65 a month up. Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce St, Wininetka 1267 6OL25-Itp SEIVLN ROO.MS, 2 BATHIS, EX, LAV., large grounds, garage, beautiful loca- tion, near sehool.and ail transpbirta-. tion. $110. Completely refinished, in-. sie. 720 Linden., McKENDRY REAILTY CO. State Bank BIdg., Evanston Uni. 8383 60LTX25ltc N j-Wý 5 R100M HOIJSE IN NORTH- brook. Reasonable rent. Calt ownelr, A. M. Anderson, Winnetka 558.

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