f 'A WIEBOLDT'S BAýSEMENT Davs -Street -EVANSTON Wilmette I11.00 e A Typical Wieboldt, Value For Thrifty Evanstonians for Curtiss, Base.f George Woods, \vlo \vas fornéHrv sales manager at the Baltimnore base of the Curtiss-Wright. Flyinig serý-îce, is the !iew sales mianager for the coiin- panyiii Chiicago. 1His. headquarters, are at th'e*Curtiss-W'right Aeronautical tuni1- versitv on S. Michigan avenue, Chicago. .Mr. Woods cornes here with an ex-. cellent 7record-.* In the past two. years lie çnrolled aPproximàatelv 'six'hunidred students iii the technical schools at-the Cu rtiss-Wtight .Flying, service Blati- pnore base. Heis living at. the Mdge- watcr Beach hotel. H. Deale Denison, whor N 1r. od ;v.cceeds, is now associated with Apeit ?,id Colvin, Inc., distributors for Ctir, tis-\Vigh llartes iii the Chicago area.~ Flies Helre From East After Buropean Trip Mr. DIonlaldlonig, wife of the office nmnaiiigel at Skv Harbor airport. lias, jiut retuirtied( froin a tri p to uî. where she spent four nionthis 'aud a hai11. She flexv irom Ne\v York city' to Chicag-o with Honiier Berry, pilotS for Col. R. R. McCorinick of the Clhi-J cago Tribunie. - Mrs. Long is a nativeé Frenchi girl. Slie carne to this Éconnltry a iew ,years ago %vith '.\r. l.onig, w reandiiiFrance 'severa1 vears af t ri the \Vorld war.ý 1Ltri ,sses Over North Shore Many residents of -the north shore villages saw the Akroi, largest chrîgi- oIle >in the world, forý the first tînme lîst Saturday when' it passed over Xilnîiette, Kenilwortb, \\innietkla Gleîicoe aîid other north siiore towi d tivice. The giant airsbip carne t(.-) iag from Omaha, the niost iesterl 'v point, on its 2,400 niile endurance fliglit, the las t o f a series of test flights required by the United, States nalvv before. the Akron is accepted froin its bilders,, th e Goodyear-,Zeppelin cor poration. The big,.dirigible passed ov'er tili e north shore on its wav -froim Chicaut to.Milwaul.cee and return. Leaving k ,Oi .cari v 1.1a<- rnorning, the ship vj.Site(I Cincinnati. Louisville and St. Iouis 1liefore..cgo- ing wvest to Omuaha and thinlack- to Chicago, More- thian rive iililit ii dl lIar> \vasI 1j) e n t in the coîîs.-tr1uctîon îo- the Akron, [t exceeds ail it,,.rc.ee~ sors, both in, this country and al>roa<l,ý in, nearly al of itspefr nc quali- ficatis. Itlbas an over-ali leîligtli (tf 785 feet anod carnies <3Kf()ciC feetof lie linigas. Tle sh*p1 -was tU he(lvr the liavxtUichI ak eh i-st: . . ,~a tit n tî cek. Sky Harbor Chef ('i101*119__ South to Escape Winte le att eie G. A. Vono, chef at Sky Harbor air-' Plane in New York City port, expeets to leave for Laku Charles, George Fishier of 5kv Harbor air- La., about Novemnber 1, whenî the ruspd eur'drcetl rôîî an air tannant at thc airport \will close for. trip to the cast, where hie wn Ille wilnter. Coio, w-ho to)rmnrý i a(ld eliver a \1ervil planie in New Y'ork. i cliargc,( of the foiuntain iii the -Merchanil- Fisher is co-nianager of Sk flarborý. dise Mart, expects Ito retunii tO Ille arWtwthMj ;X. Sclîroeder.% north shore niext sprng-ju.-t goiing 'hile ili the. east he àlso ~1itedbi souft to escape a. few of thé vnr o h satedn oni nvr blasts off Lake Michiigati. His home 1iya taa . . n i agl-. is at Lake. Chanies ter, who is a student at Miss Spen- iBuys Plane Which B -oe sI~o*i e ôkct Transcontinental Record Chicagoani Is Working for Herbent P. Woods, who is employedl L.' C. License at Curtiss on the service staff at Curtiss airpc.rt. Dr.. Ralph A. Kordenat, Chicago sur- G eniiçe\, left for .New York la st geon., is taking instruction. at curtiss and rubber heelsi work. 77C. 1Oak hait soies Ici on ail repair Jf,1'ieboIdt's Baseinen t-E vaniston Store L\vo arrny plafleS have been makrng, Curtiss airport near Gienview their headquarters while taking part in re- cent night fianeuvers' at Fort Sheridan.' The two planes are f romn the' Ninety- fi fth Observation squadron at Scott field..'rhev are under the comnmand of Lieutenants Bul-zer and Hill. r4alîsas towfl to join hits Schiroeder expected to be lowing day. tne toi- VISIT AIRPORT -A\ large -group of pulpils from onle of the niearby schools visited ,Cu rtiss air- pot at Glenview TlIursday of la st week.4