Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 64

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Delta Tiam Delta J., Kurtz, P. Tqngoma, J. Wooledge, G. Le Bret, D. Bearden, C. Unger,, G. Gunnieson.. F. Kunkel, H. Hanson, C. Werner, S. Sweeney, P.- Neunavýeit, D. ýBieraten, J. Conqueror, L,.'Fisher, N. Christianson, E. Biggens. Beta Theta Pl B. Kerber.- D. Hubbell. R. Fineli, R. Mundy, W. Bledsoe, P., Horm, J. Quigley,, S. Freemian,. N. Preeman, G.. Olander,. D. M«athews, R. Herdoemn, W., Canipbell, E. Hougij, A.I Kawval, I. :Valentine, A. McPherrin, T. Howe, C. Johnson, .GilI, V. Lesuinasse, L. Wfltko sY. Wixton.-t nRcadBerger, iH. Reid,, ed Hlfance, G. Sweet, A. Scbuyler, C. Weldemnan, R. Shiebley, E. Geltz, T. Swerdabl, W. Swan, C., Taylor, H. Hofberr, 1. Harbour, G. Moring,. H. Bender, V. Olsen, Allen, Lind,I Reid, Moore,, Cunninghami. Phi Gamma Delta W. Akin, 0.ý Aspegren, M.. BlerR, T. Black, J. Buechel, J. Feld,, F. Fisher, C. Frane, J. Fundi s, G. Furrey, W. Huches, , H. IHtlman, H. Kent, R. Roberts, W. Stephenson, Il. Sayers, F. Segur. elta Upsilon W. Bigler, J. Divyer, Rl. France, C. Gibson, W. Hiammon, W.ý Jacoby, T. 4Quackenbass, W.. Routse, E. Surprison,, VW Wadsworth, O. White, W.*-Youtg- clans. Albert McCleary, Victor Car lson, G. Smlith. R. Hoerne, G. Sehui1lîe, Clark, F. .1ohfison, E. Knapp, R. L Bowe, T. Egbi sigma Nu W. Simpson, P. Handley, R. Nottley, R. B0b,ý F. ýhivlley, C. Sanborn.. R. Johnson, W. Brown, W. ,ane, N. -Grandstrunî.i,F E. Barnett, I 'averly, W.l Vinter, J. Bet 'arichael, T. lennlm. oee 1 Wrauglers R. Kennedy, W.. Ott, W. ýMaxwell, E. Dierks, R. nnett, D. Stelinback, R. .Bockus, H. Gavseir, J. Ivey,_L. Grey, E. Olsen, Besides detailed reports of tbe activ- ities of the various departmnents of the Village, the report contains a chart sbowing the plan of organization of the Village, statistical information, a diagram shoing the division of NVil-, mette's tax dollar, pictures of the Vil- lag e's niew garbageý incinerator and its niew storm sewver pumping station on Lakeavenue, the annual 'Village audit, a.list.andsumimary of, al ordinances passed, by the Board of Trustees >in, the past year, a list of the activities and accomplishmnents of the Villae boart for the pas 1ar ad a list of poects which Village Manager: Osborni be- lieves shotild receive the attention 'of the Village board in the near future. Mr. Osborn summarizes the activi- tics and accomplishmnents of the Vil- lage board f or the past year- as f ol- 1.. Bujît modern garbage and :rubbisli incinerator so that Nve now dispose of otir waste in the inost sanitary and modern way. 2. Acquired property necessary for the extension of Main street north of EKlmvood avenue. This will complete the opening of ,Mlain street thiroughf MTilmette. -: I 3. Started definite action toward grade separation hy authorized negotia-' tions with railroad comipanies for grade. separation and instruction,, to Village attorneY to represent the Village and prosecute \Viimette's grade separati,)n Case-brfore the Illinois Commerce comn- mission. 4. Ilistalled new vcvhicular actuated traffic control. stop-and-go - lights, au Sheridan road and Lake avenue, thus, expediting the flow .of traffic 0o1 bothi of these streets. Vote for Village Manager 5. Passed ordinance establishing vil- lage manager form of governuient and appointed, a village maniagér, .thus, giv- ing Wiimette a modern form, of gov- ernmenit. 6. Inaugurated systemn of publisbing and issuing mimieographed copies of minutes of the Board of Local Im-f provemnents and the Village board, and5 mnthlv f6nncwil sd2fenntt for mein-r one Ford car and two [h new equipment in the motorc police Chiet Attends "School" 14". Chief ofpolice attended course in. ."Modern Metbods of Crime De- tection" at Northwestern university._ 18. Purcha .sed a new one-ton Ford tr.uck for the, street departuient. 19. Purcbased, new snow plow blade for'truck. This helpedmateri.allyin keeping our streetsopen last wînter. . 20,. Awarded. contract for Collection ofgarbage anîd combustible waste at a -saving over the cost.the previous year. 21. Let contracts for and construct- ed storm: sewver systeni for ail that part of -the Village west of Ridge road at a cost of $1,50Ù0,O00.00., This improvement makes it possible to de- velop.the western part of the-Village into ahigh class residential section. 22.- Put into operation. and .e ff ect the issuing of occupancy peri.nits, on, ail , new buidings and alterations. This iil aid materially in K-ecping out the non-conforming uses. Garbage Collection System -3. 'Inaugurated system of' -daily collection of garbage «and rubbish in the business section. This service keeps the business sectioil dean and does awvaY Nith the burning of rub- bish ini the alfrys back of stores. 24. Put into operation the" new storm sewer booster pumiping station for the storm sewer systemn west of Ridge road. Villa ge Manager Osborn suggests% the following as sone of the projects that should receive the. attention of the Village board. (Since the village' nagcer's a.nnual report wvas 'issued. several of these matters have :been taken up by the board..)- 1. 'The appointinent of an art coin- mis sion sothat' we may bhave conitrol over the art and- architecture of buildings ini the business'district, and also the design of strÉucture. in the. grade separation improvemnent. 2. N'egotiate a new contract or franchise with the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad . The Yet M adame Sperantzeva, erst- while artist of the Chauve Souris and the 'Moscow Kammer theatre, and now of Xilmete, has knowri them' both. .Whiçh she prefers is, perhaps, something which she alone will ever know-b.ut sbe'do'es like Wilmete very, very much, and she will tell you with' ber ýwinning smile that she is most happy in ber borne there. .Madame Sperantzev a, who bas just become a part- of the., Cicago Art theater, where she trains tbe actors in rhytbm, and pantomime,. a tràiný- ing wbicli. is necessary in the Moscow Art theatre method, of acting which is used at the. Chicago Art theatre, is well kn own to. tbe north, shore., She. formierly' lived in Ravinia and. has appeare d in pantomime and bal- let before the. Winnetka Woman's club. Shè înow resides 'at 1050 Lin- den avenue, Wilmette. This, artist began hier career as, a student of Madame Preobrogenska of the Imperial sebool and later %vas associated ivith -the Russian conserv- atof\-. Stili later she toureci tbrougbout Europe with Boris Romanoif, ballet master of the. Imperial tbeatre. 'in ballet and opera. Several years ago she appeared..as a premiere. danseuse in. ailieff's "Chauve Souris," ini Lon-. don. Paris, and Né«w York. ïf you have tneyer seen, a Russiati moving picture romance, perhaps Madame Sperantze'va will tell. you about those in Which she appearèd. She was starred in half a dozen picm- tures made by the Neptune company of Russia. The reels were filmed on the cold shores of the Baltic sea, but if yoti wisb to take Madame Sperant- zeva's word lor it, the actors were anythi»g butt f rigid and untempera- mental. She is tal1 and blonde with. an ex- tremelv expressive, face and voice,. and is full cf tha.t naive: enthusiasm.. so chara.cteristic of Russian artists. BEGIN GYM. WORK After-school gymnasium work for boy s and girls of the Joseph Sears, school ini Kenilwortb will start the first week ini November. The classes are for pupils frorn seven to fifteen years old. Already the girls have.new gymnasiuin suits and are looking for- Capt. John Janssens, present coin- "B"$ commercial and "" industnial dis- 5. Negotiations for a new and mander of the Grand Marais Coast tnicts. larger water supply should be con- Guard station, wiil succeed tCapt. Otto , 12. Purchased a new Hudson coupe summated at as early a date as pos- W. Friclçe at the Wilmette Harbor for the fine chief. sible. 7station and take charge this Thurs- 13.. Increased the efficiency of the 6. A study should be mnade of the day, kt was unoffilcially stated this fire departinent by the appointment of No Man's Land situation and a defi- week. Capt. Fricke will take coin- two additional full-time paid firemien. nite policy and prograin set for. fu- mand of thée coast guardstation at 14. Amended building code by pro- ture develop>ment. Duluth. Minn. viding for "fine stops" ahd proper fram1- 7.-IMain'stretnrtéfElwo Il. Consideration might be given toward having a citizens' group make a survey for a five or ten year pro- gramn of improvement, ýthis to include al Village activities, such as sebools, parks, library, recreation, bhealth and aIl activities that go to Make, a good, ..well-rounded comùmunity. L.augnner, unharles Vonesn, Larry iBvyu, Phi Kappa Sigma D. Harris, D. Cockrill, D. Thiompson, L. Hugenor, C. Kamne, G. Lyons,, W. Surclair, W, Flynn, Jr., R. . Hebb, D. Swift, A. Denson, Jr., H. Stran.d. M. Rinehart Robet Williamuson, E.. Wag- ner.

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