Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 63

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.cellence.. The quartet is compo.sed i o w ~ mission on Unemployment and1 Re- Helen Bickerton, soprano; Esther The club, which holds weekly lief.p * scedued wlksandvarius amp"It is up to every community in the Muensterman, contralto; B. Fred activities, 19 flow coming to the fore sae t a e a v na e o h a Wise, tenor; Raymund Koch, bani- in a new field-photography.. Not onlyto-wieiers n eie wrk toile; and Edwin Stanley Seder, ac- do the hikers enjoy beautiful scen- wich will e titrsht in heli id- companist-director. ery; they make pictures of it, and whie ofh Octber an to sigtaintheraii .Mrs. Arthur J. Dix;on, president, they do flot luiittheir art pho togra- de fund entoet indtos wintranes greeted. members of the club gra-' phy to scenery.< For years they have si r umr ciouslv- andi saidi that she feit the club held poograhcsln fo tei was enitering a iiew decade in. its mi.embers., "The relief. organization for Chi- histo.ry, andi that she~ hoped for the Nor th shore mehmbers of the club cago and Cook county will start i as ëonltiniueti support and loyalty of eachî.i drive on October 15, and 1 arn urging include William M. Bauer, Ferdinand inlember. "Lt. is only by ourý unitedA. ichrJophN Goernt communities in other sections of the efforts that we can . maintain the high Freeland G. Stecker of Wilmette and saet otesm.A al tr standing of our: credits,"'slie pointed Mrs. Isabel C lark, Mrs. Beatrix Dan- means that the local relief, commit- ýuanti then expresseti the hiope t hat' tee, will, be able to concentrate its OUt, ~~~~~~~chy, Miss Lillian Doing. Miss, Ber-efoton efaewrbfoe i- the memberlship would be a complete e Sctlly, J li est and Missefotonwla, rkboewm %working, unit, this year.. Margery B. Windes of Winnietka. trst i.A telay wi'lIoc tt The. quartet's prograni was one to <_________ divide its work between relief-'giving al)peal to its audience' for it con- and money-raisîng." tained iimanv mlotou .. .rs 0rm ng oneenMr. Hummner called atninto Our best composers. In Bach's rNoW ïJ a the recent statements by President Let Everv Tongue Adore.Thee," with onl 'Chuild H . eaIlth Ra.v.uff-RichEr ]Photo H-oo v le r anti Wale'fod h whichi it -starteti out, the tone was 1 to Be Held Soon; Miss SaUlY oletY, teacher of chairman ofbis* nation-wide commit-. firmllv kniit and unifieti, andi alwvays the, fourtlî grade ait the 'Horaire tee, that' Illinois last year off ereti the flexible, ota h hae were Thiat -the -Chicago Regional confer- Mlaiti schllool, Wfinncttkalasbe best plan for meeting the neetis of smnooth.ly rounded Out. This quartet jene of the White House conference appoipitcd 'ffropcrt1l manaý,cqr for its peôple. icomposeti of artists ivho'Ilhave \%-on01 chilti health anid protection will the Loyola CWUWi1Viii;ii thcater, 1320 "a~ eht tod~ic individual hionors for their beautifu! be the largest of sucb proposeti re- i Ioyola avenne, Chica go, il was an- groups," hie saiti. "One took care of, voices and fine musicianship, andi so gional meetings anti will inaugurate ' noitnced this zucek. Cook county, anti the other cooperat- %%hei they sa ng together thie effect i h culpanfuhlgt hCet with' townstate communities. The Nwas p)articularly pleasing. rgt fAme.rica's 40,000,000 childreni T~v od ngis sng, v ow of molae o ongr Na mi iss Nobelty lias been assojciated with saine basic program is being carried lani. Wh't I I NyrspeeyDoadctt hnte rga ftePl the Loyola group for the last three out this year. The work, bowever, land -UhatIf'INèvr Seed'ý".andcatid wen he pogrni i th Pà years. She bas played important roles will be more intensive. Altbough the 1Farmer, \What's htl o1mrHue etnshtue o in the theater's prodluctions of "Craig's organization of local committeles bas Ba 'wresn it lwigtu ctbr39at 1 wsmte ulc Vife,"' "Everymani" anti "The Kingdom flot been completeti, there are more anti light case, and suchi grace tfhat Superintentient of Schools WVill1iam of God," Shie playeti the character coin- communities cooperating witil us now one' xvas strongly reinied of thé J. Bogani announced witiespread in- cdy role in "Thie'First Year," the clos- than there were at *ainy timie last Eng'lish Singers. Ail of the voices terest in the Chicago mneeting among ing plav of last scaso . Miss Nohelty are p)erfectlv blendeti, anti each plays child welfare workers, hiealth officiaIs, is ,knio\vni on the iiortb shore tbrough yar against the othier %vith delîcacv antieducators.. Parent-Teacher organiza-. her activities with the Glencoe Playersi Daughters of Zion to arti.ýtrv\. tions, andi the general public. Hie and the North Shore Circuit Players,H ('u.1 NI is s' Bickerton and Mr-. *KôclI'also made public' the names of local popular 'littie theater groups with vwhom i Hold Meetfig ct 1 show.~ed .good ensemble ini twG duets, ' cOmitttee chairmen and members, as shie w'as aslsociatcdl hefore rmoving to _An.ý interesting' afternoon has been one froni -Massenet's "Thais," and Well. as of the majority of the general Chicago. In 1929, she. taughit in the arrangeti for the first regular mneet- * M1ozart's' ever popular "La Ci Da.reni sessions speakers. pulic schools at Glencoe. Miss Nohelty ing of the North Shore auxiliary, La MNaiio."' t was impossible for ti Conference Open té Alil is a graduate of Northwestern univer- Daughters. of Zion whichl is to take ritic to' hear the rest ýiofthprgan The 1act was etnphasized,'that an]\-- îy n at.me o h It Sga lae Mnday,' October 19, at 2 but reports are that ,thle quartet in- one- interesteti in the -conference. ma V honorary eduicational sororitv. o,'clock at the. Admirai hotel, Foster gratiated itself inito the.etem ofisatn.'Rsratisfrtelnh avenue,. Chicago, at. the lake. Lt Wil listeners more, and more. Thiat fthey! eon nidne a emaet .vriv r ane hraXag-e guest day. The hostesses for the were aIppreciateti w'as quite evident. l. Burchard, 460 Soutli State street, ington- Chilti. Research, center"- Dr. afternoow will be Mrs. L. Klaas, Mrs. Ali, exhibit of stunu.litng water col-ý Chicago. Howard W. Oduni, editor of Socialati~ Ors C. 11a11 g ani' ui i Wil hlve etoa meetings Forces; Dr. I. Abt, of Clicao n Mrs. H.. M. Berman, who is presi- confrenc wil be1resetetiothesnd'dent, ill welçome the members and clbb1 pyiinsca.wresa~~T~fv.gnrlscin n h their guests. Cards wilI be played there until the next regular cand byprefreshrocilnentss2 d hesie.reneti.sct me etinig: t was' open to the public educators of high reputatiot., their ledeooscaiaind'b:h edial Th frst of aserves fevnn .last Sundav. 'l'lie club plans to pul' atdresses wilI 'be popular in f1 o r ni. Research-chairman, Dr. Johni Har- jcard parties - 'y11- be given on Weti on a new exhibit every .nonth, Jiang- 1 l'ie talks of the numnber of nation- ger, president' Chicago Médical si- 'nesday, October 21, at 8 o'clock lat ing it Just before the regular miôiithly 'ally known speakers at the banquet ciety.. 2. Public Healtb service-chair- 1 the' AdmiraI hotel, as a "g.et together"' club meeting, anti having it op)[en to anti gererai 'sessions 'wilIl also be' of man, Dr. Hernian Bugdeseni. '. Edu- party.AImebr aeugeit the' public on the followinig Suiday. ~g r'e a t nteres't to those concernîetir a _-ni .rr. ' .---------i--'Y-.. tural History. lThe filmus to' be showux A. UEvans, health editor, Chicago 'Trubi- eeAr"aniN t Knri' y , bn ocetr. r.Egl are~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ TeSce ete"~Wnc ue r .H uiio h ivrTreés' anti Their Uses"; Thursday, hardt is one the faculty of the Davidi Book," "Froni Mountain 'to Cernent sity of Chicago; Miss* Julia Lathrop, two general tours of anthropological, Dushkin Scbool of Musical Arts andi Sack," anti "The l)ogville Th'lcater" noted social worker of Rockford; Dr. botanical, geological and zoological, Crafts in Winnetka. Therç will be two showing.s, one at L.eroy i}owman, Child Stutiy Associa-1 exhibits; anti Fritiay, "Compar.tji __________ 10 a. m. anti one at,11, in iite' Jgim»s tion of America; Dr. E. C., Lindeman,. Anatomy" and "Peoples of the South Mrs. N. S. Giv 1en anti sister, Mrs. Sirpsn hete o te msern Nw or Sc ho ' o Scil e-Seas." These tours are open to ail M. B. Cottreli, 112 Sixth1 street, wer Chlie'fror alil'parts of Chicago search; Prfeso eene, 'physical ýrnuseurn visitors. Parties assemble inl- co-hostessesatauchoIstwe anti suburbs are invited Io' attenid. education specialist* of Buffalo uni- side 'the north entrance. a t Shawnee Countryclub. f j

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