difficult role~ of the Queen of the 1 iz eurAerc' trmotOBrien of Winnietka, book critic of Night' in the revival of Mozart's Shalcespearean actor, will be seen as teCiaoDiyNw.Ms on 'Magic Flute." .Shvlock ini "The Merchant of Ven- 1vhe hiargoll il sevwsparolJohs Mis., Rose Barrons of Kansas City,%. ie," Antony in, "Jlus Caesar" and: forte*pnn lcue. a Ivric soprano, has just been en- Hamiet in~ "Hamlet"; Helen Menken,iNotshr me inrsedi a Iyric soprano~ has just been en-celebrated star of "Seventh Hav» nthsoe oe itrstdi gaged by Herbert Witberspoon, Who "The Mecropolis. vcr"enT promoting tbe series for the benefit heard hier at Salzburg. .niieShelc" lb eena of the Mount Hlolyoke Scholarship'. The addition of Miss Barrons gîves Poia in "he Mchant oflie ence" fton d include the following Mount, the Civic Opera companv sixty-three aluni'iopuis aea" n Holyoke. patronesses: Mrs.: Paul H., __ principals this seasontelreta-~Ohlaii"ait yoePwr Davis of Kenilworth; Mrs. Raymond- tîsic oser ii hehisor oftheor ~hébloved stage -and screen favorite, Atwood, Mrs. Homer P. Horton, and ganization. Twenty sopranos are lbth D"T M t Mrs. 'George F. Spaulding of Glen- lised.ofwho nne renew Tere be teDuke "n he, Aercani listd..'f whm rie ae ne., Tere n a coe:; Mrs. Jâmes, J. Forstall, Mrs. are ninie contraltos. (three new)., thir- of Venice," Brutus in "'Juli"us Caesar" Chester D. Mas ters'and Miss Eva tentnos(w... . itenbn and the Ghost in ý"Hamiet": William tonçs (two new), and sixk.:assos (one Feram einent, star ofoe0 a onsno inta new. Teny-to f te atits rchundrd stage and screen successes Officers of the Chicago M o ti n t Amrcn.including "Theý Squaw Mai"TLord H01o3ok club include, fnom the nonth Th1opéérse nldesi - o and Ladv* Alg3 > and his own produe- .shore. Miss. Elizabeth Millar of \Vil- TheLiAIIIVC ostr ncus 0fions of, "J t.lius ýCâesar*" and, "Henrv mette. memnbership chairman 'and di- field. Marie Buddy.'Claire Clairbent. II,"y il eseen at. Antonijo i-nretr Ms.Jms.Fosal f .NelEai HlenFrun Aic,'*The Mendiant of Venice," and -the Winnetka.,drc adp~ogr a ni Noel Eadie, Helen Freund, Alice~ in in Hme";Voa och.'airman; Mrs. Paul H. Davis :of L'eman,. Sria i Leo, Lotteceîebrated English and Amiericati ac- 1Kenilworth,. benefit ,conimittee chair- Lehmann, FriédNa Leide.rs.GeoreMar paMc- Comie- Lydia Mibm, Claudia Muzio. Mrs. Thomtas 1. Staceyý, 112 htres ofwl e Nrisui Th ser a-hiî rs egorge F.spald Iva Pacetti, Rosetta Pampaninii. Rosa! Ch urch street,' Evansion, WIlbe chn fVni ce," Portia in 'j uisoi'Glencoe. Chia aisn commit- Raia.Mara ajl, arhentaSavi.j /w lrt peaeron uw eris f aesair" and the Queen M-\otherý in fee chairman. Mîss Mary Bissell of Lea Turnria ThlmargVotka- I i. ilk is 01sperkr navent,scdfre of HamlIet"; Pedro de Cordoba. leadinig jEvanston. beside b e i ng recording Contraltos are Louise Bernhardt. <nfi, to I)c oldited. fhi. îï « P-Imi and star of manyv Broadm-ai and secretary, bas chargeof.he orh __ Maria Claessens, Coe Glade. 'Maria <'>- hthi, .vanston AxOrtîzh Shocensccse il eBsaniisore eeegso te cu.The Olszewý.ska, Helen Ornstein. Iren. Smtî ole*'lbtThe Merchant of Vnc. Cassius first of these was a picic h eld re-, Pavloka,' onia harnva, Cnchitub.i "Jius Caesar." and(tLaertes ini centlv on tlhe beach at Northî esternl Supervia. and Cyrena Van Gordon. U e drs jl egvnXednes-~~ne* îîvrîv Teoswill bie Paul Althouise. Crin- day, Oct. 28. at 2:30 at the home of 1 sepMaaoe. Oscar Colcaire. An-1 Mrs. Walter C. Jones, 1637 Judson ave- First Shawnee Musicale Virginia MeConneIl Is toniô Cortis, Octave Dua. Charles'inue .Evanston. Mrs. Stacev is the' Shows Artistie Menit Seriblerus- Club Leader Hackett. JanKieýpuira, Rene Maio, iotler of twvo Smith college graduates, Paolo Marion,. Charles Marshîall, ,Id menibers of the -club are especially 0 ig risi 1en 's u ro-;TeSnllrsclbo e re Lodovico Oliviero. Theodore Ritclî, pleased to. have procured bier fo-r tjje gram presented at Shîawnee club as J Higli, school held a meeting Moniday Tito Scina. first mieetingo. Ali aluimnae and friends the opening concert of the season afterîîoon to elect officers for the nem; Baritories are Salvatore Bac caloni, are iinvited. ýTea \villîé une.Strday. October 4. \vith Ms Miles' school Nyear. Vinginia McConnell of Vittoo Damiani, DesirelDerer . Gerningen. chairnian of thie music' ilmette was elected president, Jeromne VeittororDmnihi.. edua rr el, M scine ec "l mmnittee in charge. 'Miss Donothiv Straus of Winnetka. vice-president and Cesar Formchi .duar Habcli, rs. idneyBeechWill Boive wasthe slois andcissa.1-ofma Bikhmmofteim secretareta- Barr 1-It, ansHermnn issen, Gjve N. S. G L. Lectures Sandor lier accompanist. Thework ofl treasuren.fo Giacomno Rimini, Robent Ringling, both singer and accompanistw Tryouts fo mênmbership are being Euigeiot Sandnini. John Charles The North Shore Cathiolic rare and beautifi-l. Miss Bowen sang hetd now. Students are elected. to the Thioma.s. Vanni - Marcotux, jean an's teague annourices another' ser1e1ý \ith great fin-ish and sincere feeling club on the basis of pieces. of writing Xrieîiîîeof clirretit revieivs l)v Mrs, iiiy and Miss Sandor plaved witîî sensi- Whichi. they submit. The manuscripts' Bassos are Chase Baromieo, Sengio Beecli. As in past years. these -,il1tt . drtadng ad x »mu st be of exceptional menit if, a stu- Benoti-. Edouard Cotreuil, Alexander be given once each monithad te unesndg and exqusit dent desires to earnammbrhp Ki*pis. Virgilio. Lazzani, Antonio b.e of social. as welas cultural in- Ms enne is arne The club ivill meet the fi's n Nicoich.teret a .thy wit b givn i1 th unique and, interesting musical pro- hrdTurdy of each month, and The conductors ivili hé Enil Coop- homes of members and followe Ygasfrtecu ob iven ur plans to hold at least one meeting each er. Charles Lauiwers. Roherto M~oraîi- t tT' is fths- tea Te irs o tis ea'sseiesing this; comning season. Amoîîg ftl-- nontti at.the honiie of one of its menri, zoni, Egzon Pollak,.Frank St. Leger, wiIl take place next W'edncesda at atsstob îar sMe.brv2 ers. Itfoet e bet btihot Isa'ac Van Grove. Assistant coniduic- 2 o'clock at the home of M\rs. XW. snîroS-shrew)tes s pekes'atit-1et tons. are Franco Au\ttori. Dinô Bigalli. 'T. Davis, 978 EIm Ridge drive. Gien- in________ îgs. Leo Kn.Giacom1o Spadonii. .Dn. coe. 'Those ,N-islilg sea-soni .tickets ,. 1-. C. Pifer and Miss Louise Hamil- 'Otto Erhardt is the stage dinector, are asked by the 'league to' cati Mrs. Mis., 1-een. Sears of 41- Warwick t'>n, are the 'facuiltv sponsors of the Attico Bernahin.i is chorus mlaster, William Schildgen of Evaliston. '.frs rom iacl. ,Ke'i oof. reýre awekc. joseph. Raffaelli is orchestra iiian-l Williamù Pavev of Winnetka. r.jtoi 'vcto f iewek t the __________ -agerHanv W. Beattv i-; tte tecti- W.T. Davis of Glencoe, onr n .H M.adM~ hmsWteo nicai directer, Launrent Novikof is D. Hessey of Highland Pari,' 1 Richmiond ro)ad. Kenilworth, have as the baîîett dinector. Rutli Prvor is the 1n -s ila arde.adMs 'r edo their guest Mr., White's" mother, fromn ' sus;EdadCaton 1 1'M.'.\Ir. adMs a ter ea of premniere dbaeusletard14Mr0.aF dres vlnue, h ave re4rded t isconsin Rapids u-érler tenorth jTh'omastown, Ga. the 1440eFoeest aveueuhaveanetthee hore lst.eek-edvi'siting 'Mr. and -' s~olîst ar Tla Iarashkova-.Ha- hhn'Witclb etat niet t uidgretiC 'ven L.arsen.. er oe feratedi' heW Nid\rs. Hferbert W.,Lucas of 173 Fullièr The Me mt a Lusfrt hl' hliadelphia, niket Of 'the Soveneignliotel, foriiieni T1ROTH ~A!*#OUNCED back to St. Louis.- Th'ev were gone ITe"te"cu fap'Ajl of UWltmiette. " i M r and Mrs. George S.. Fx.131 7abolit tw.o weeks. I Thta %orority-holds >the finst meéetng i 0 E4inwood avenUe, îlniette. au E. Firthuesehool, er t S- hatî Te . boIds have closed their- ~nnuce the egagetent of their Wiand li Eiii er iis 9 t2siimrlata ulLkMé n - 4iahtrMarv Elizabeth. to Dr. T. gr.nddaîtglierMiss M*igaret Fit ue 4iida, Ctb t'19 t i e t'their WJJM<~ idian flera Tane.-o yn a~'Ix-Stickhouse, wbo .havre beeii t0ti¶ 44iik --h& metiedt 1~j ' te homie, Fx sa kinderizarten teacher tthe i--I ' O'at Fesaene - -b'--. T t f -1 ierandsister-i1t-law, M r.atd a'<i tr iV vO1en Edwn oye, 01 Ïhetnu aene. Mrs. Frank Thale, 710 Linden ave- Mrs. O. E. Replogle. . and Memphis. spent Iast Saturday and Sunday witilnune, had as their guests. fast week -0-0 Victor Joyce at Purdue university. lber grandnothen, Mrs. J, W. Sparks, Dr. and M rs. E. A. Andenson ne- Miss Marion Ortseifen of .337 Es Vko, i i reianter.~u~and lier àunt. Mrs. Robent Finney, tunned to ,theirnbhome at 827 Linden sex noad, Kenilworth, today is resuin- bee pedgd o igm N fatenu~.of Arkansas City, Ark. avenue, after spendi'ng five weeks at ing bier private instruction in draina 0 - 'Webb Lake, \Vjs, tic art. Mn. and Mrs. B. Ward Colegrove of Mn. and ,Mns. Robent Sainl, 701 ' 0-- o- New York City were visiting tie for- Laurel avenue, bad visiting tiem last Mrs. Arthur Adair will -entertain Wanren Triggs bas netunned to bis mer's Parents Iast week, Mr.. and week-end, their daughter, Mrs., Stan- the Monday sewing club on next home at 1041 Ashlatid avenue after Mrs. E. H. Cetegnove, 1227 Asiland. lev Olnistead, and ber .cildnen, Stan- Monday, Octoben .10, at ber home on spending the sumýmer'on a ranch in avenue. 1e%.J.an lanor, of. Danville. Ill. Merose, avenue, n enlot'. Santa, Fe, N. M.