Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 59

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Hiîgh ref. class colored couple, 11/i yr. local -as coolk, butier and houseman, Tel. Winnetka 2662 Paullne's Emp. Agencies 4 No. Shore Oftiees 43LTN,24-ltc i.OLORED' COUPLE WOULD LIKE1 Position wvith family who appreciatesi _____a good steady couple, who is working niowý but can take a job anytime. With present employer 2 yrs. who is 110W goinig south. Can give excellent refs. CliWilmette, 3655. 43LT24-ltp YOUNG COLORED COUPLE AVANTS position: Man - chauffeur,,expl wý%ith any car, good. houseman. Wife, good cook and general housework. Like<s- ebjîldren. Best of referénces. Ph. Douglae 3697. L2-n CARETAK ERS JIELIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE Ct)l-' petent ' ith highest refèrences. Johin Schoutenl, 1447), 4 reenleàf, Chieago0. 43LTN2-l COUPLE (COL.) EXCELLENT COOK :and. butlir. il yrs. exp. on the N. S., b4'st" ref. bas. ,&a1arv. Mxiwill iwork ;iloti.i, .driver. Ph,<lzenlaf179, COUPLE OR _MAN - CHEF, W'AITEI,ý eh.aufteur, jatditor, or mechanic. Ex- oeclent refs. Reasonable wags. Pli. l7nivrsity1319,3T2-t PL'AIN COK, Fil IPINO HOUSE- nian. Driî'es car. Exp). Gernmi wifef for gen. k. also if needt-0. Lin-1 i*<dxî 5473_ 43T4- l-IIGH ('I.ASS; COUPLE' - _CHAUF- feur, o<jk, Wish pos-itiofl, also drive to Florida. John ,.',houteii, 1445 Gremi- Icar, Ciciag., 43LTN24-Il housunian. and vook. Excel-lenit refer- nce(ail Glentcoe 251. 4iLTN2-'lp 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE POSITIONS OPENý tNxtdat nc, L)Ok.s, ser<înd îiaidS, thiid's nure, gnalma ids. may position s ripen f'oi, xperienced hel1p.,- 4 .Siiore Offices Winxetka 2-62 44ITN24-1tfr "_OMPE TENT WHITE MAID e'R genei.al. housework. Must be a good ëook. Ph. Ken!ilworth 3554. 44L24-ltc OMPETE NT WH1fITE MAID 1 FOR houseivork. No laundry. Ph. W'ilmiettc 3093.44LTN24-ltc LOB, 15 Chicago Aveniue, WANýTED CARPENTER WORK DONE. Wili trade Packard sedan or Lyon and Healy reproducing piano and stool for, expert carpenter work.. Home eve- nings. Address 1083..Elm, St., Win- netka. Pli. Winnetka 2239, 45L24-Itp 48 FOR 8ALE"AUTOB 1929 Franklin Sedan, 4 dr......... $775 Newv 1931 Auburn Custom Brougham, I'iee'Wheeling 995 1930 IlulVnîobile Sedan, 130 H. P, motor........... 1............... 1932 Nash, 8 sedan 775 STANDARD, MOTOR SýECUR1TTES CORP. O)PEN, EVENINGS TILL 10 O'CLOCKZ 1119 Chicago Ave. UNIversitv 0057 48LTN24-Itc Will Sacrifice our,7 Pass. Sed. which ,ip-: pears like new and runs the same, for prie 0< f 114 its original sellIng prie. lSeéethscar to appreclate' it,,pdje ê$69-5. 199Esxcceh............. ... $195, 1928. Nash sport roadster, ordinarily worth $450, wiil let it go for- $2 95. EVTANSTON NASH Co. 1735 Benson Ave., Cor Clark' 4$LTN24-ltc 19311 PONTIAC CÀBUIOLET, BOUGHT ini May. Driven only few thousand miles. ln Perfect condition. Cal] Thomas, Winnetka 2850 front 9 to à ov .794 evceniings. 48LTN24-ltc FOR SALE-1929 AUBURN CONVER- tible coupe, excellenit condition. 5 iiéw tires. Phi. inïîetk-a 228N. 4N L'-24 -1t 4 p. WANTED 70O1UUY-AUTOS WVANTED'TO BUT FOR CASH-I, U.S;D ('levrolet sedanx or. co(h,, niu.st fe, ,argaîn and g aid condition. '%Vxite .A-2>%', box 40., Wilinette. 1,11. 49bTN24-1 tî 1F'(11 SALE AT SAUJfl1 FICE, PACKARD 5 Pass. Sedan lat(, 1928 mnodel, used ve'ry little. 1Ph. Wilnettek1118. GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING. IN your or jny garage. Byt expert, very reasonabie. A-i North Shore Ref. For estimates call Wllmette 4866. 50L24-ltp et, FOR RENT-ROOMU LOVELY. FRONT ROM IN PRIVATE home, suitabie for 1 or 2. Exclusive neighborhood,, but near transportation. Use of baby grand piano. Unusuai op- 'portuitty. Very reasonable. Wlnnetka 3139. 51LTN24-ltc LAR~GE, NICELY FURNISHED. ROOM with suni parlor and privarte bath with ehower. Suitable for couple. N'1. trans., 824 Foxdale, Winnetka 2010. 51LTN23-tfc SITTING ROOM. WITTH1 HEATED) sleeping porch, modern home, 414 Lin- den St., Winnetka, near trans. Phone Winnetka 880., 5ILT.N24-Ilp FOR RENT 1 OR 2 NICELY FUR- nished rooms. Cani do light housekeep- Ing., Reasonable. 1 blk.* to "L. " 321 4th -St. Ph. Wllmette 3007. 51L:TN24-ltlp PLEASANT COMFORTABLE BOO'M, haîf block te transpor. 720 Elm St. Winetka, 31rd loor. Winnetka 2480. 51LTN24-ltp) WELL VENTILATED RIM. WITHI adj. slp. pch. 2111 Wilmette,. Ave.., gar. opt. Phone .Wllmette 4518. 51LTN21-tfp ATTRACTIVE ROOMI, EAST SII)E home. Accessible aIl transpor'tation, ga- rage optional. By appointment'. Refe- once. Phi. iilmette 204. 51L24-111) NICELY FURNISHED ROO0M FO1 one or two, near transportaition. 886 Pine St. Phone Winnetka 2070. 51L24-Iti) LA--RGE ROOMI, TWIN BEDS, EXTRA sitting rm.. ancluded. Also 1 single rm., nr schools.. Reas. Plh. Wil*nette 16U~. 51LTN24-ltc NICELY' FURNISHED 11OOM IN private home. Gentleman prefe1rred. Close to trans. Also.garage-. Ph. Wil- mette 3722..51T 4-t WAR-M .COMFORTABLE, BOOM IN private homle, plenty of hot water. $5. Phi. Wilrniette,729. .51LTFN2-ltp) LARGE PLEA$ANT R OUM, coN- veiiient bt ransp. 445 Pairk Avv. lei roe. Pli. Glencoe 1403. 7,1 LTN-21- 1t c LARGE PLASANT FRONT ROO'M also smaill(,r roomi. Conv. to bath. Ph.' 'IGHT, ATI reom, two buiessdi Phone Win L.6J%. ATTRACTIV E ROOMS, WItH oR wlthout boar-d, near lake and trans- portation. Aise garage, Winnetka 1543. 51LTN24-lte LARGE FRONT ROOM, SITTING' roomn, and. g1arage, optionaL Close -te transportation. Ph. Wiltnette 2350. &1LTN24-ltc COMFORTABLY FURI!4SHED AND wel heated, rooma. Reasonabie. 731 loth. St. -Wilmette, I11. -51LTN23-2te. LARGE FUIJNISED ROOM, ONE- haif* block to ail tiransportation. Ph. .Winnetka 1867. 51LTN23-2te BRIO ýHT SUNNY ROOM ýWITH BATH, 4 blocks from station. $6 perwekP. Winnetka 872. 511,24 ltp 52a WANTED O ORENT-ROOus IN WINNETKÀ, HUEBARD WOODS, or Kenlworth-a couple wishes hait 'a. house, heated, unfurn. or partly, 3 or 4 'roonms, with bath,. garage, private entrance. Write A-27, Box 40, Wil- mette, III. 52LT24-itp, SO0ARD AND ROOM ROOMS,. SINGLE OR IN SUITE WITH private baths. With or without board. Excellent home food. Gar. availabie. 545 Provident,. Wifln. 3844. 53-LTN24-ltl. 54 WANi4ED-BOARD & ROON WANTED-BOARD AND ROOM FOR 14 yr. old boy in private famiiy.. Write A-25, box 40, Wilniette, 111. 54L24-ltp 35-A FOR flENT-LT. WSKPG. RMS. FURN. 2 BM%,. KIT. APT., HALL AND open porch. Light,,gas, and electric ice box furn. 1021 Centrai1 Ave. Ph. WllMette 2791. 55ALTN24-ltc 2 ROOMS'AND BATH- FURNISHED) for light housekeepinig., Hot water heat. Private entrance. Ileasonable. Ph. Wiimette 3839. 55-ALTN24-ltc- FURNISHED BOOXMS FOR LIGHT 'bousekeeping. Near transp. Ph. Wil1 WTLMET'TE $ LIFE ".for more than 2Oyeara the HOME PAPER of the communiy 'PHONE, WILMETTE 4300.

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