Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 58

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Rates-" cents a line ln one paper. -25 centa a, line iI 8Ry two papers, 30cets a Jlne ln ail three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE ONE IIOLLAL Average of flve words te tthe line. No tiaock face type used. »S% dig..uut en aisl asb *lth order advertsemets whea brouRgit to oui se aS les$ Ceinri A*e.9, WImette, odl Linacolu ATe., Wlnuetha. Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for WTLMTTE LIPE or ail three papyers; Wednesday .-9 P. M. for WINNETKA OrALK and, Thursdayý 5 P. M. for ;GLENCOE ýNZWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Wlnknetk& 2006, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. WIL L WITNESSES WHO SAW AUTO- mobile collision about 9 :30 P. m. SeP- tember 10, 1931, on Sheridan road and Scott avenue, Hjubbard Woods, klnd- ly conimunicate with Wlnnetka 783. 1LTN24-ltc 11AVE JUST RETURINED FROM EX- tensive collectlng trip, have, a large collection ýof fine old Penna. Dutcll -and Early Arnericali furniture, Glas, ý * Pewter, Quilts etc. Finu old wild, cherl-ywood tittch cupho)ýard, Hîgh oheat of dlrawers, sianttoj) dusks, very cboice old bureaus andi large drop leaIfý tables, an any other odd pieces. 17oU âare icordially lnvited to inspect these new trrivals. *MARY -ANNE, DIC KE 808 Wasigo St., 1 blk. S. of Matihi 114 l)lks., west of Riâge_ 17niverslty 4611 EVA.N.TO .)L1\ 24-lt ANTIQUE 'l'OCK, ELH PERPRY mandle bonnet top, wNoodcn wr~ running order, haîf price#. Otiier an - tique cks, $15. Antique Dunicanl Ph'yfe card table, $25. eoe1:114.1 1,24 -1t 1 8 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING *CARL BENOSTON CAJLPENTER AND BUILDEl' REMODUELING AND REPAMItIN6 PIIONE WINNETKA- 2480 8LTN4 4-tle WINDOW SITADES, ALL KINDS, made to order, cleaned and repired;'I estima tes, cheerfully fiirnisbed. Schneî- der's Window Shade Shop. Ph.W Vil- mette 20-78, 9LT22-4tp 14, GARDENING FOR SALE Perennials 5-10-15 cents each. Shrubs for half price. J. OSTROWSKY 234.' West Park Ave. Highland Park Phone, Highland Park 49 14LTN18-tfe JA,Z PIANC), BEC;. ND ADV. BY APPIT. ÔON1,Y. lnfirniatimn frt-e. WrIte Evanstoi) I>opula ~ud '. P.0. BOýX 77, IEv- anstoin. 15L'TN 24- 1t. sitlon asti private t utor in- English, Latin, Freneh, niathenia tics and his- 'tory. Experlenced. Best. î'ef. Ruth, %-I('Knight. Phone Edgewater 57!96. 15LTN24-11tp JANE TIG .A., VLELY Ex.'i-n-eîtutor in telemenIta ry and 3588.15LTN24-2tlc 22 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS BEAUIFUL EVERETI'GR Pianlo. Cost $1,700 w,%hen 'new. ;\oviflg Nov. 1. $100 or best offer titkes it. Vneta3142, 221,TN24-Ilp 23 NURSING HOME FOR CONVAuESCENT OR EL- dly people, experienced nur.seý in, <'barge..Visitors invited,. C-ill Glencoe! i23l85. 23LTN23-tie. ,IPLASANT HOME FOR ELDERLY .person or convalescent, résident nurse, 1414 TIinmhan, Evanston. Ph. Univer- ~.itv2104.23LTN21-,Itp 27-A RADIATOR COVERS FAC'TORY DIRECT. LATEST DE- Elec- 1 wi-1748 Elit -tp_____ V'E WILL FURNISH PLANS, BUIL!), and finance o, home on your lot. We aise do remodellng ;and reparring. Ph. Wlnlitkaý 21". 19LTN23-2tp ii cook 28 yrs. old, 4% yrs. local PAULINE'S AGENCIE$ e Wlnnetka 2662 41LTN24-ltc EXP COLORED GIRL - - MAID, GJEN- eral housework., Ref. Call Greenleaf 2541. .41LTN24-ltlb WOMAN WANTS HOUSE .CLEANIýNG, laundrY, and, lronlng. Ref. Ph. Rogers* Park 5811. 41LTN24-lnc NURSEMAIDS Freneh, German, Engllsh; ail have first ç'asreferences on file ln this office. PAULINE'S AGENCIES 4 N. Shore Offices 41LTNg4-ltc ENXPERIENCED GIRL WÂNTS GEN- eral housework, or second work. Also un derstands care of chlldren. Stay on place. N. S. Ref. Ph. Wllmette 1714. 41LTN24-ilnc 4701MPETENT WOMAIN WISHES TO take care' of children day or night, a5 ents per hour, also 'have college daughter that can do same. Ph. Wil- mette 4203. 41LTN24-lnc EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN waànts I3 aündry or cleaning Thursdays, al.ur very other Saturday. References. 0al Wilnette' 4288 after 5 :30. 41ILTN 4ltp EXPMR COLORED GIRL W'ANTS cookine, or first fioor work. No laun- di-yC. Willing to go aNvay in the winter. N.X. ref. Phone Glencoe 446:ý EXPERIENCED WOANrIHE laundry and clea,ýning by day. Curtains a~nd fancy linenis done at bomne, rea- ýýe-nall. Pli. Wilmette 3206. 4]ITN24-IlnCI E XP EPIENCED IHOUTSeEF-EPER & mnanageýr for wîdi.wer or mnotlierless home by refined miiddle aged lady. Refreree<Cail iorinitngs heldrake T-ý V 41LTN24-ltp WIIL DO FAMILIY WSIN AT iyý homie resonale]. %Vill caîIl for and dt,]iver. Also cle-aning l'y the day. Ph. Willnette 189. 41LTN'-I-lnc EXN- P E R I E N C E I-) SC'ANINAVI-A-N woran ants laund'ty and cleaning l'y the daIy. WVill so do laundrv -work at; 4home. Ph. Wi]niette 1n87. '411TN'24-linc IIWI SCHOOL GIRL W'ISHFS. FOR3 Nvork *taking cr of (ohildrecn or houjsework.' esoah<ail evenings.i MWImeIte 2785. 1LTN24- lné NEAÎT -LIGHT iLORi GRL wnsgeneraI, ls îhpreAsen t enipoye. I'au in'~,Winnetka. 2-662. 41LTN24-ltc EXPEIF-RIEN-CED. WITE MATU FOR eýod<king and i1ight housewori-k. N. S. ref.>,Phon.e Wiluiette 2a-32 411LTN24-ltp EXPERIENCE!) LAUND)RES- AN! cleatiing -%vonian ýwants worl' Tuesday, WednedayThursdav. N. S. .efs .1 Kenwood 7589. 41LI'N*-I-l)> YOUNG WVOMAN TO DO PLIN SEW- iris, bousework, lauîidry wvork, oi- 1,c11, FaulLine's, V1innetka262 41LTN24-Ite, HOUSEWORIC BY COMPETE;'4T MID- dle aged white woman. Gxood cook. $10. fleferences. Ph, Longbeach 084î. 41LTN24-îtp WuITE W tOMfAN WANTS LAUNDRY or cleanIng 1,whole or haif daysq. Win- netka 3164. 41LTN24-ltc EXP. GIRL WANTS POSITION AS stenhgrapher and general office work. Preferably on the North Sho're Ph. Winnetka 1167. 41L24-ltp EXPERIENCED LADYr WOULD LIKE general houseworkç. N. S. references. CalissVogel, Ph. Wllmette 1080. 41LTN24-Inc YOUNGLAflIES WITH 9 YRS. GEN- eral office- and bookkeeping, experi- ence... Haif days if desired.. Ph. Win- netka 2644. .41L24-ltp SISTERS," AMERICANS, WHITE, good references,,wanit woYrk together- cook-second. Paullne's, Winnetka 2662.41LTN24-ltc SWEDISH AM. GIRL 26> YRS. OLD wants cooklng or, general. 3 yr. ref. Pauline's, Winnetka 2662. 41LT.N%24-Itc EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY work Mondays or Thursdays.. .S. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 4411. 41LT24-lne LAUNDRY WORK OR CLEANING B3Y the day. N. S. ref. Ph. Winne tka 354q. 41LTN24-ltc EXP . SWiEDISH WO-MA.N WA-NTS waQhing, ironîng and cleaning, hy the dayv. Tel.. Wilmette 481.'*41LTN24-1nc, F Nl 8 H GIRL 27 'YR. OLD WANTS eneral. 2 yr. high class raýf. Paulint-'s W"%intietka 2662. 4LN2-t work, or general housework Ref. Ph. wilmette 1311. ý41LT-N24-Ine 11HS('HOOL GIIIL AS MOTHIE'S lielper, alfter schoolhours. Ref. Pli. ýWilyieftte 2430. T' 4I -lne EX.,ýPER., WOAMAN, 35 YEARS, 'WANTS work by day or hour. Winnetka. ref. Phone Vini. 2292. 41124-Itp EXPER WOMAN WITHI N. S. REl ,F. wou )id like general oueol.Phone- Wilmetlte 3504. 4llfT21-îtl) GENERAL HUEOT. GOOP .()(, kRfeferenýIces; Cal un iven-itv 4096. -~ - ~ 411LTN21-ltl> 42 SIT. WANTED>-MALE G ER\M A MAN WILING IWORKER wants position by day or boui',, eperi- enced in ând arounid the bouse. A-1 North Shore reference. Call Wilmett.e 3073 afte'r 5 o'clock. 42LTN24-lnc- 'hauffur, worth 2 67.- .1A1, ANY ,-K IN D 0 F board,' rm., srmall, wa-ges. gardener, gen>. 'wk.' Kenil- >4 -1N4-t EXP., MAN- WANTS H EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work. N. S. refer. Caîl Wilrnette 3fl73- * 42LTN24-Inc EXPERIENCED MAN WUDLIKE window washing, house. and garden work, Ph. 'Wilmette 2995. 42LTN24-lnie EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES TO take cane of furnaces. Wininetka 1813. *42L24-lti, 0.4 1. 1. .-J

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