Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 57

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li "This Modern Age,"' the new Joan Crawford picture which ivili be shown at the Wilmette. theater on Sunday and. Monday, October 18 and 19, a decided record has' been set. in -the choice of the, cast. A Parisian comiedy with, all-English speech mre- coring ovr alf of* the cast is Frenlch. Joanl Crawford, playing, the miost carefree role of.gay youth yet in ber career, .is of French ancestry. Pauline Frederick, Wvho plays. along witli ber daugh- t e ràand her (laughter's c o m - 1)aiionis, is of ~ French extraction. Albert Conti, wbo plavs' the debon- air mani about townl and conm- PuieFeei J)aflîof of Miss Frederîck in hier gay~ escaPades, îs a niative of France. Tvo. of the youthfut coiiplall*nIs of. Joan" Crawford. inithe Pa ris, )arties ar e Adrienne d'Ambricourt-and Mlar- celle Cordayý. ThereÀsil o need fori * explanation about, the. forbears of *Miss ('Arrbricourt. . Marcelle Ccordas- is a native of the French capital. Powerful Cast 6daLy, October 15 -y' Finui". Teatro del Li e"*............Vilme ided- . .. .. . .V r .ý - .. .... . ..V ars t i 4 .............................. . ..............ýIinI 'l'liebalanice of the powc-rfiuî cast ay October 22 *~ ~I iihdsNeil Hamilton, ivlio recentlv '\ýstr-o i-*., sco-red ii"Stranigers May Kiss";'TieM ser 1 ie Moniroe Owsley, wvho' made such 1al....... ......Teatro del Lago biit iii "Holiday" with Ami. Hardin1g; I Too M1any Coolks- Teatro, del Lago Hobart Bosworth anîd Emmna Dinn. i. aughC .. . . .. WNiltette -This Modemi Age". is . recoin- nîended as adult entertainniient. I ARC C ERSE On Tesdy, ctôer 2, te \il- To see an autonmobile skidditig on nitt wllprset Godie,." %ise-. an ice-covered road inithe lîeart of crack- ing comedy t of.sio 1feadEquiatorial Africa is a rare aîîd mc- love co-sýtarring Spencer Tracy allnd 1freshing sight. WarnHymner, 'ith jean H iarlo. This and a, snowstorm i the sanie Benjamn i toloif direcied. locality are features of an exception- Thirills scrved ut) in truc wýe.sterii ally intèrcsting travel'filmu, "Hel! Be- style are proi nîised witlh the adîvent low Zero," Whichi is sbowni at the of "Cauight, to. be sliowtn at thte W'11_ Teatro del Lago on Tbursday, Friday ineet theater on Wedniesdav anid and Saturdav. October 15, 16 aid, 17. Thiursday. October 21 and 22.~ Craml- ~ ~ ~ n~ ut-lhs Mo as ath e %,,OmunI:uItY 1zzue on. rmiav and Saturday, October 16 and 17. The film is also notable in that it marks the first time that George Arliss hasý ever undertaken à picture, hgt made from one of his stage plays. It is the first titue.that he'bas ever made a pictume so esseotially American ini theme and, action, critics declare.. Thé story, is. of -a we.althy automo- bile mùanufacturer who is ordered by his physician to give' up ail work. The.work is his life, butlhe goes west. witl bis family and, disgusted, with' constant nurses and.servants, hlegc out on the q. t. and gets hjmself ant,,- other' business,. Evalyn Knapp, as the daughter,, 18 attractive, and Davidi Manuers, as tbe business partiler, ïis l)articularly apptaling. luIn addition to the feature there will be a Laurel and H1ardyv conîedy. N. D. FOOTBALL SERIES The Notre Da me Football series by Knunte Rockue will be .shown at the WVilmette theater starting Fr1- day and Saturday, October 23 and 24ý IWha.t Island wiII disappear Into file ocean withln twenty years! ,jThe World Bock nbilaiti flwers Friday, October'lé '.Huckleberry, Finn" . Teatro del1 Lago "ewly ]Rich"'.1...........Wilmette ':Dirigible" .. .Varsity "Broad Minded".........\rarsity "ýThe Millionaire" 'Conmurîitv House Satwrday OctoWber 17 "Huckleberry. Finti",.Teatro del1 Lago ":Newly Ricb" . Wilmette "Broad Minided" .... ... Var-sity ,"Dirigible"............VNarsitv "The Millionaire". C-oilnnunitv ýHouse Suaday,. October 18. "Dirigible" ......... Teatro del Lago. "First to Figlit' .. Teatro .del Lago. "This Modem Age" Wilmette MQnday, October .19 "Dirgibl"......Teatro del Lago- "First to Figlît-.Teatro del Lagoi -This Modern Xge*".....Wiltette, Tuesday, October 20 "Dirigîble'....... . Teatro del Lago "First to Fight .Teatro del Lago *"Goldie" .....Wilmette Wednesuday, October 21 "The Mysterv of Life'... . .~Teatro del Lago *'ooa Manyi Cooks". Teatro (lel Lagoi Fr., Sat., Oct. 16-17 MITZI GREEN- JACKIX SEARIL'iii Su., Mon., Oct. 18-19 <Not Reeomniended for Cidren) I JOAN "-,Tais 1-A àgç.Sq 171 Shu~erman Av.. J Thurs. Fri. & Sal. Oct. .15 -16. 17 2 BIG FEATURES' For Price Ô0* One' 2'1 EDNA, KIDS WILL PLEASE Edna May Oliver and a cluster of clever youngsters, including Mitzi Green, jackie Searl and Bruce Line, will be. seen in the comedy, "Newly Rich," at theý Wilmette- theater on Friday- and Saturday, October ý16 and 17.. Ailventures lit Africa "An African Boma» LAUREL & HARDI' COMEDY 89ç .ADMITS THE FAMILY 2 5c CHILOREN 10c Sat. fo 6-.00 1~~'I oit Kylv Sun. e. 174:5 .M 0. . Hughes Tie Il'or-Id Book Maol 426 Linden Winnetka 2337 ïtf

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