Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 55

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it-, strengt i in early membe-rshýip, and cvcrv veteran of the World war shudjoin our post immnediately," George E. Leal, commiander-elect of WPinete Post No. 46, of the Legion. 1,ere. said this wveek in ant appeal to )rliiîga new% record of mcmbership to. the local organization., **in years past, the L-egin lias taken i memb'-rship .m ore, or Ie'ss for granted, and èixtended the privilege cil joining throughout the ycar. Now, hovecr chave learnedthat imeu- berhipis îecessary factor ini Le- ioniî success, and that the carlier we mieet this problem. and get it out of the wvy thc quickcr we cati dcvotc (-tir Unýdivided attention to the Le- ("lot 1 s 1rograni of. service," lie said. Plat program of service, for 1932'. the l' egion official pointed out, con- sists first, of hcelping soIve iici unnploymeflt situation now Con- lr<nting Uic United States: of spon- sorng ugnational legisiation %v h ce n congres s meets in or(Ier that ne(le(I hlospIita!îz ation bills cati, le passcd ini belhalf of disablcd veterans; of carry- iwg on the Ainericanisini activities, %\vIljcl inchude the building 111 of 1)atriotisiuu throughl the education of our vouth : and in ext.eiuding tbe. Le- gioîî's work onb behiaif of chilircu.1 R 'ecc,tly the national -coMmandler oi the ,Legion, callcd. upon, cvery I~~~i cgonicithe' Unitcd States to lielp )ý ring back good tiuuucs. by pro- vîdîîîg a job,-'ini somne ax', or-'usin'> hi, influence tocreate rk for ile veterans. The national commander pobiited out that mcml)bers of the Loioi0) are men of stab)ilitv lin their ownV1 comuuîuu-11ities. This fact wvasi slunbv the increase of miember- I >1111) lit the Legion last, year 10tt'e hîghesc.ýt point in the historv ofthtle or-,aizatioln. at a tile whcn Illce<e-r %>eso vas fully felt throughoult the *The Anuýerican ,Legion blas afinan- cial fouindetion of more than $7.000,- 000 including. the -$5,00,0W0eeidow-, mient fund,' raised to carry on. the .\-0rk of rehabilitationt and child wel- tiare. and the national commander callcd attention to the fact thiat Le- ,,iotnriaires are rather proud of their: reliability a.nd standing in this regard. .The full force of the Legion infiu- cuce, the local official said, depends AI A1briglt' 0o ChePostand Mrs. 0. G. Daily of the auxiliary. The speaker of th-le evening will be State Commander Ivan A. Elliott., State Ad jutant William 'C. Mundt will 2lso be there. The newv officers of the post -wiII be installed by Dr. W. W. Hawkins, 7th District commander, and past commander of Wilmette po'st.. Mrs. Peter Geble, state çlirector of the auxililary, will be the installing officer for the auxiliary unit. . During, the evening there will be a number Of noveltv, surprises. After the m'eeting, there will be dancing until midnight, witli music. hv joe Sch.ileider's orche.stra.. -John B. Stanton SCHOOL GETS MOSAIýC Mr. ýand. Mrs. Walter B'ottiiof of Kenilwortu have presented a miosaie. of..thie Indien chief, Powvhattan, to the joseph Segrs school as a gift fol- lowing the graduation of their daugli- te.r, Shirley. The miosaic is thue work Of Charles Morgan, well knownl painter, and, according to Supt. E. . Nygaard, is a striking examiple oitheu revival of ýthe . ncysaic donc ii, a niod- c.ru wayý. It, bas been hung in fh-,ý school art. room, and, Mr. Nvgaard. plans to kcep it there. as -an exanîple. for ;the childreni. Mr. aud. Mrs. 'David T., Bjork 216 Lindenl avenue, and Nir.. and Mrs.. . D. 1-loims of Chicago, imotored to Spread Eagle. \Vis., last week-end for a holiday of fishing. Turn Lest Yeà's Hat INJO TIlI Every Mat Modei to Your Head eted d -Of The Also on ýthe Screen Otoberl5th to l8th'inclusv ARC is mnnE ctured, old, istalled and servieed by our factory Mi, Chicago. ABC is boit quaiilied for this reason to-rendo« prompt and efficient service. LOCAL SERVICE 24 HOURS DAILY Ask out. attendant at theatre for a list of your neighbors who have Iearned fr.m experiencel the economy of ARC Autounatic Heat. Compare these Heating Costa $1.00 buys approximately 434,800 B.T.U.'s wlien spent for Gas $1.00 buys approxiuateIy 2,175,000 B.T.U.'. when spent for Coke $100, buys. approximately 2,545,400 B.T.U'à when spent for No. 3 011. Why net enjoy the. comi ort, cleanliness and convwenience of ARC heat, esPecial-, Iy ýw/zen it costs Iess. Let tes make a survey of your heating plant and submit an esti>nate on keating with oil. No Ice Creain Ente r '1000.00 Hydrox Qucsà tion (anle con test. Ask agent for blank. Sales Corp. $95 J.inden Ave., Hubbard Woods Tel Winnetka 344041-Greeuleaf 2714,

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