Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 50

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Howard Student Manual Trai ning, Pinds Out How Art Are Combined Paper Is Made Tar sye.r rtandinîatiual training * MY vacation was. spent at WVau-. paca, Wis. cîg'ýlîtîtgrade lboys are concerned. \W.e Onie day- we (iecided ta v i s i t - a are going9 ta make 'pewter plates with paper iii at Wisconîsin 'Rapids-. 'llite *designis - on tlein. lTe art teachier, trip was about 40 miles. We passe& Mi s , N iliharmi, is .1e1pitgng ake the *througliî two.0 rainistornîis. lesigtis,,w-ile M-r. Bail wi-il shoicw 118 At the, palier mînllis w-e aited for. * mak ni-i e plts the guidle ta take. us. arotin(l.* There 1Onaéit.ofhee di-tol.1n %werc about twenity-lhv cPeople iiite thneaHo ta li the ne adi ion ane party. ,WVc b e g a ni at the starage teHoad.coa it1engfni td roomis wliere w-e saw the great rolIs w-e arc flot able ta utaàke aur plat.es-. of- 1ape ad the cores t'ilw-ii t lie' lut placeaf tlîeîn.w-e are ni a.k iin gý arc r'led. mlechianical drawings. I hlope that the tiinwei-ett hhakn o niew section ai the building will soan w'here thie iogs are stripped ot tueurbede atasi ainae-ar bark. Fromît tlere W-e s1tw- te ro îtr plates. ýIt sotnn(lsplty n whiere the iogs arc cuit inito sînai 'terestiing ai ..I ope- it is.-Alian. chips. They ussed spirtce, piste. anid Stalitl ow-ard, ý8:. -lcmilock iogs. 'ee Bih ÉThen the wood w-as bailed iii large[H rl egh tdn vats so it iaakcd likec a brow-n break-- fast food. This Woo ad wvas t îîen Who Conducts Big Quiz hbleaclîed so it w-as as- white as snw. 1id vanknawthat: Front here it ftiaw-ed ita oa 1 a r g e 11 o\-,r Cla waraitaies ipaclineic- about 100-fet long w-iîere -ias Steve as n -r. Clark? Soo -it. w-as * flattetied on a canvas... t1 ln S1 - Clrk-So ralcd n lcatd riles utilit amew-e wihl be .abie ta hiave auir raout lin .,rlld o leabd rolcsiet l apef.the i N-wa ddition ? Tliie--addition Out a:.,great brtoad let:ofppe,iîî lbfiiislîed inithre e w'e ek1,sWe whlich iwas r0iied on a. linige core. i ~ a1ailthae aî ae Vieil it w-as wrappcd. picked tip hy, an clectric, cart and stilipc to its o ~laipîe destinatiou.--LAn(ise Meyer. a.Io' A iîew airship--tli A k r'o n-ilias ard scliool. b ilit for the Unitied S ta te s _________________IN, 'l'lie Akronis as lar-e as the Naine Kîtt en Trix, for -Zeî'upeliii- and Las Angeles put to-- jgetlier? This vear w-e are -ia\-itg She Behaves Thiat M'av draîîuatics - We'are VIIIg ym 1 liai-c a lttle kîttenit îaiiued Tix. ii : cas aus he i At first \we -did iaot 1k11w- whîat -to -c lassetat C.Hwr eol ninte lier but she dild the cuîiest Jae - rrii C lwr col tricks. Miother said to nine lier Ba trix andiiicknaint ier ITri\. Pupils Have Collection, F-ront tule -ry iiglît-w-e- gaIt ler o1 sItée egai lier tricks. irst hy sleepýiing o.ewspaper lppings'1 iii-molies piece box. Slite P Ia y s. Coi1tt e-Cience raot dse withî the craps ai goods f ora ieauor collection ai i1e \Nspaer clippiiigs antd thiel gos tes0&11. TrîX I Vla -idi wm-e have puitt up oit tte.bullet inl itauglîtv trick-s. lteaý,. becatise sliteétisb oard.. Tîtere are niallyinîterésting tage uonflc ale lidctoite ciippiligs h eing puit *up, fîor iistance Plates. Onice she Lo i te igt. id: abolit thte Akronl. the 1Ners crosilig that- w-s a bîg îtîess tor nieic leauî -tle Pacifie aceanaîidîgiii ane il p. - - L'inted S'taIes. th.e airplane lost at -After ail. 1 iidiiik shie is a dear httie sea. -iclt drifted with mein aboard, kitteti.-.1aîtet Lo.uise~ Buttoi. ;..- the nlewN plane w-heuli as-itno tal. a-nd abli ur ir. a-t ivtr, Eio',. ,et- Howad "Wnt Ads-I Lecturer Wiirns I Iloard WantAds" Against Wasting Valubnle Forests WV a n t e d, M.\faie or Feýmale:, Good speilers and good. instrument players. -Wantéd to,,rent: Good instruments« for our band and orchestra. Wanted by October 311: 'H o w a r d school new addition ,fiüishied. For Sale: AIl ta r d y people: and thiousands of flics.at a iow cost.' Lost : Our gyni. Found: Some iice new teachers and ilice aid teachers. WVearing A.p p a r e 1I Wanted: Six dozen tîice mniddies and bloomers; and gymi shoes for girls in, the s i x t h, sevent-It and, eighth grades.' -Shirley Garniss, 8A. Howard school. On. Monday night of last wNeek,ý at the Masonic temple, therew:tas a talk 'on trees. It was given by a mat! who was ini the -forestry work. These are soime.aof the things he toid »us:. *Much land is ýwasted.by people who chop down treies- to- use for faàrming. *and then- fi1nd it is impossible to raise crops there and so w*aste that strip of land. Other people chop dowii trees so they -can use, the land for grazing, and then they find that the land lias become hard and therefore cannat -use it. and sa that strip of 1ajid is wasted. Be careful of fires. 'Manv o)f otîr 1 txs roi. dlat e Ilow and Approve of Taste, The eighth grade girls hiave beer liavi-ng lot" of fun in cooking at Ho- ard school. lTe first thing we made was banana whip. That proved ta b.e very -good and ail1 the girls liked it. 19. Nebraska d7.-Geo.-rgze Sha7A. In~ oil science we 'are ituding 1'laard ehoo. coonie snc . asLondon and Piv- - -- nluitll Companîy. J anîestowN-n alni DIFFERENT INSTRUMENTS 1andi mnali tlers. Ilt is Very inter - Last %-Car ini music %ve studied com-, cstîng. \\'len w~e fiish a chapter p>osrs. Titis year we are stud.ving MNrs. Groves gives uis sheets af paper the ditTC-rent kind. -insruents. I wich we are ta answNer. That gc>es thinkz we wili ail findthis work. ver.%-, oward, the gradeN. and the tests we intéresting thisyea.-FranceN, Bebas,: have a 1 S o %counit.-Elean.tr Speredes. Howrd 8A . SA. HaL.ward schôtol. MANY IN ORCHESTRA Hwr cal 1,1; vear the orchesýtra lias verv1 BIRDS INSPIRE BOOKS nîaîî' children. WVe have four violiins. In 'Miss B r o-wn * s roaam wc are six ecoand violinS. IWO celios. three study.ing birds. so we- ail decid!edl to drum- t. our flutes. seven ciarinets. m.,ake bird books. lu t1içm wNe %wili and n'. e trugpe ts. M'<e are woV1rking; put 'differelt* facts about birds. WI'xýeni ,>,il~ 'SOiers- and pns ac'w-e ail finish. wve iil sec WhIo lias the -Lloyd Hilkberg. Howard, 8A. best oné.-j.oin. Lang. Central, 6A. I BOYS preCpare tolMeet trests are îost, Dy tire s.Mead Their Foes on. Gridiron ette stubs, for they are the' cause of We are going tomake tp a liom 1e many fires. Manv. of our men are teamini football.. WNe. are gaing to. killed trying to stop ires you may .p1av-- thle Fifeenth treet teamn, Si.x- have started. Not only do men ]ose. teenith s tr e et tcam. thle East side thieir lives but many of our -wild anii- teomi, and the two Indiaii Hill teamis. mais which are roarnîng the torestS WVe made a tackiing dunmv toac are attacked by forest fires.-Veriia tic an lIe bys n ar pac-Archambault, 8C, Howard schiooi. Harold Henderson R a v Heid ersan, jack Ailes, Kenneth Hoffman. Charies Grass Plays Important Steffens, L ester Steffenis.'R ohbe rt Part as'Food for Man S;teffenis, Bo--b Steffens,. Earl Barre, Frank Zitchel and H-arvey Seffens. Dlo you know lhat ,our food de- WVe imay find more players but w-e pends on grass? For instance, our cati get'along without thiemi-Harvey cereais. are products of grass. We. Ste ifens, Howard, 7A. aiso get our d a i r y 1roducts fron grass. The cows eat the grass anid Study of Egypt Guides the coNN gives the ilk. - The African niatives depèrid verv Plans of Three Classes inuch an bamboo. Thev use it 1- The tlîîrd w eek of sc-haol Nve started food and thev also use it for build- ta study Egypt. ltu historv .ve arel îng their bouises. Bamnboo i-s thie stuidviing wlire Egyptisl 1 e n largest iemfber of the grass family. vhtkitid of products w e apu ake.ý It ranges fromn a feW feet ta 120 fieet like pyramnids of clay o)rposýters ùaudin heiglit. 'éther thi-ngs oai da. lit art-ithe girls \Výýe us,,e grass for beau tifirig o are 1akipg Eg.ptiantaestries or' lawis and parks. Imagine: how aUr se,.ing book covers. Thé three. sixth: parks wotildlo ftee~eenu grade roomns of -boys hiad, a cho('ice of lnstea(Iofai grass. - M\ariôon Pickard. inaking a. mumntyiii case. bo:ok enîds: or SC.. Howard school. Egyptiani boats iii mianutal traînitné. --Hairriette. Lagerlif. Miss *lauî-l Girls Cook Delicacies

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