Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 49

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spin aaj zaiçx iruiger growtinthe first year. Flowering shrubs- play an impor- tant part in the garden. Many of thcmi are conspic.uously beautiful wvhenl in blossom, and fit into planneci effect S in ombination with flowers while before and after their flowering season they serve as a. green.back- ground against which the annual and perennia1 flowers are displayed.. Suchi shrubs should be selected and placed ini relation to other pants i the garden with as much care. as nieeds be used in placing a group of pereninials, for their conspicuous ap- pearance may easily spoil a picture into %hich, they do iot fit. In geni- eral they should flot be used iii .the public areas of home grounds except sparingly and -wýith careful considera- tioli of their effect. Indiscrimi- nate sp ecimen planting of' such slirubs as Bridai Xreatrh, Hydran- geas. etc.. ini the front yards is coM- inplace. It prevents the working out of a dignified and harmonious pilanting, and[ belittles the importance of the' Rowering shrubs wbich are înidivduialy beautiful and deserve to be placed where their beauty will be *Properlv-set off. Thiereý are shrubs which produce exquisite lowers too beautiful to be placed anywhere except in. the fore- ground where glIl may admire theni when ini fiower.' Bechtel's Double Flowering Crab is one and Prunus Trilob)a or Double Flowering Plum is aniother. The niew French lilacs are of this nature and anyone fortunate enough to possess them should makçe the imost of them. Several beautiful new varieties of the old-fashioned syringa, or Phila- delphus, have been developed by the * French bouse of Lenioine. Bouquet Blanche, Virginal -and, White Lady' are. agnong the finest. Ail have white lowers, 1.arger than the old-fashioned type, and in some cases. are. most fragrant. Rugosa Roses are being supple- rnented .by several improved types. These r oses are ývery hardy. They grow into great bushes with dark green glossy leaves, and belong in the shrubbery border in locations where messgesaliu lr 1.31 veiVV1V. -Zn- ", nCeùieit' aiso was made this week that 'by special arrangement with the Illinois Bell Telephone company Wil- mette residents may telephone their telegrams directly to the Chicagé inaiwioffice ofPostal Telegraph, day (?r niglit. without anv telephone charge. Mrs. Arthur, B. Adair, 320 Meirose- avenue, Kenilworth entertain.ed ber club) at luîîcheon and bridge Tuesday. I at Wilmnette ini. the State of Illiniois athé dose of businesst onSept,. 29, 1931-- RESURCES L1ans anid discounits -e................ 636,090.60 Overdrafts ............. ............... United States Governuiient securities oNviied.. Other bonds, stocks, and secuiriti.es. owned. ... *1* SUITS of Gray WIf>çMord Lrefully tailored of long-wearing ay Whipcord, these suit. willi Id much to the appearance, of Furniture and fixtures.................. Real, estate owned other t ,han banking house .. Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank......... Cash and due froni banks.......... ....... Ouitside checks and other cash itenis......... Redemption fund w%%ith U, 'S. Treasurer anid (lue f rom U. S. Treastirer,....... ............. Other assets........................ 342.89 373,016.53. 59,568.01. 1,473.34ý 126,876.77 173,405.86 1,982.19 ,5,000l.00 34,51E7.20 'l'ta......................... $1697,22.3.39 LIARILITIES Capital stock paid, in,. ..... .. ............ .. .. . ... $ Surplus ............... ........ ............. IJndivided profits-net.................. Reserves for dividends, contingencies. etc........ Reserves for interest, taxes. and other expenses accruied and unpaid...................... Circulating notes outstanding................. D)ue to banks, includingr cer17titiedl, and casliers'. checks outstaîiding.................... Dernand deposits .................... Time, deposits.1................... UJnited States deposits..................... Billr l)aYalle and rediscouints............... Other liabilities............................ TOptal................ ...............$1 150,000.00 50,000.00 15,651.29 13,198.33 1 00,000.00 66,115.47 629.909.15; 489,898.64, 135,370.06 24,250.00 10,484.36 Charles Fiore Nurseries Specialists in Laiadscape Gardenig HIGH'WOOD Office- 49 Prairie .Ave.-Phone }tlghland Park 523 NXursery-lIocated. on Route,22, oneenmile west of Mil~kee venue. Phone, Libeiltyville 628-R4i. liiCorrect-Attest: , I E. B. KNUDTSON ALFRED C. WTOLFF ALBERT N. PAGE LU

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