Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 48

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FRANKEN'S Tulips have arriv ed from Holland++ Send for our Master List of Tulip s Make your selectôàn.whlethe stock is complete. 10 Louis XIV, dark purple, edged 9gold. 10 Paniorama. deep orange, shaded ma- hogany. 10 Afterglow, bright orange, lighter. edge. 10Faust, dark satiny purpie. Large. 10 Dido, orange red. Immense. ID0 Marvel,,slo-oe salmon border. 10. Sirené. sati:n-rose. Lilyshaped. 10 Aegjir,. cherry rose. Large. 80 choice *bulbs for $5.20. ,Our:Special Value Collection 25 Clora Buff, salmon pink. 25 Pride of Haarlem, red. 25 R.v. Ewbank, lovely lavender. 25 Inglescombe YeIlow, Yellow Darwnir. 100 buIbs at $3.75. .pur Special Color Collection -25 Clara Duf, salmon p ink. 1 1 25 Valentine, Hei*iotrope-violet. Large. 25 Faust, dark satiny-purple.ý Immense. 100 bul>s for $500. . DE RIi.D' wL Special'Narcissus Collection. of our Choice 1Varietiois Spring Glory-Very showvy early Bicolor, wth large white perianth, truffpef * largýe, rght yeliow, open frled mouth. Emperr-Entire flower rch yellow; trumpet of immense size a nd petals * so broad that they overlap. A magnfkent sort. Priceps-Primrose perianth,-yeliow trumpet, Lauren Kostr's-Perianth white, cup ilght,. orange-yelIow. Bafii Conspicuous-Flower of exqiste beauty. Unexcelied for cutting. Large, broad perianth, short cup edged orange scarlet. j Fail Garden A djustments B1 J. R. Foote PERENNIALS NEEDAN 'these, gardens, and they arc m(,re ANNUAL OVERHAUL formai. During the fali rnonthis, aliter the .Aniong the irregular i'sorts of, Stonie, perenn ials finish. blooming. an% straylthe tufas, the boulders, thie.sandstoiies- stems which have fallen over or he- and the Wisconsin boulders, wc find corne unsightly for any, cause, may %vell, .the latter seems in its handling tu giyc be removed, and in, fact;. as. the seàson, the amiateur trouble a plenty. Ini gar- advances, many gardeners prefer to cut dens of ýthis sèft boulder, type. we fiiid off the tops entirely, so that they mnay generally, that an' attempt lias been be cultivated. and tidied up otlîerwise, ýmade to group the stonles ratlier thain more readily. This practice deprives to scatter them broadcast, but hcyond many sorts of plants of.some.additional this, very littie attempt has heen miade help which thege. tops might have ýgiven tô approxituate the natural, %vild effect. the' roots in preparing for w inter., These semi-formal and semi-informial The annual workover offers a good stones require a different type of place- time to. discard groups* whichi have ment f rom. the haphazard tufa, the proved to be less desirable ini the corn- larsh boulders.or the severely formai binations and circumstances of whichi layered rock. they are a parti Varieties and varlous They certainly shou.ld, flot lie laid i nfe groupingsmay be rearranged to fit b(it- upon1 an other to any great extent, as ter as to height and color, as the years . is done with the more highlv stratif ed experience in living with the gardè'ns stoines. Neither. is it possible to make bas shown to be advisablé. a natural effect, either 1w aimle,,s cat- This general housecleaning ýgives ai, tering or by haphazard grouping. mnusual chance to do a lot of deep cul- It: becomes apparent at once tlu' tivating where otherwise, the (lensenies these stones have their lst" skes,, of thé plantings lias made it. impossihle their 'prettier sides, their moare, inter - to stir the'soit. Fertili zers, and humusj esting aspects or as someoiie puts it, may be easily added. j they have, facres."- The terni face,. in Adjoiîîing groupings of'Perennialsgénéral, usage, means the side vhich becomie.s quick-Iy interwoven. that il, lias been washied flat by the passing the annual; cleanups, it is often: eazier river, or wvhich hias been left exposed to take up the whole planlttigs.. sort to the ýveathering process of the, cIe- out the various kinds of plants,, divide ments, Nvhen the sluffing off of a bit the plant clusters wlherever needed. and of hilîside has left a stone cliii onte then replant the entire border areas. hillside siope. Perenniais which xnipy vr The former sort of face should lie rapidlv. need to be divided anuuialy.ý placed so that it will ie. seen more bulbs. about everv two or thrcee years,1 readily, where it \vjIll be c9nspictuols. wVhile perennials wvhich establish themn- The latter sort of faces as a matter selv'es slowly need to he lef t iindis. of f act, are. usually the more initerest- turbed as far as possible. I tlîis lat- ing 'sides of tiiese more flattened out ter class wve have.the peonies. dlelphin-,,stones. They wid ble- placed to faic iums. columbine. and others, but. par- Out f roilithe hilisides. and xiii then ticularl% the peonies should seldom 1w ,U tualiv lie conspicuouslypae. çisturbed. Laying the Cornerstone There are -comparatively few rock IfrN x ' ' - gardens or alp.ine gardens which miglit fr N x eason's Garden not even at this late date,. be. improv-éd The cornerstone of a garden mt ini tlîeir contours. their groupi.ngs of be set -into place ini the fail. Riglît stoile-\\ork and in the plantings. now is the time to plan and lay, out The -%ild greswch re et yvotr garden needs for next season. among the stratifieil stones seem to bej AIl bullis and many perenîîiais bettcr laid out~ than other rockeries, shouid lie planted in the faîl, leaving because the amateur catn-e;isii% copy areas for tender tubers and annuals yourown J.R.Foote Laudseape Servite Expert Tree Service at Reasonable Cost THORNHLL BROS. 419 Prairie Ave., Phone Wi 18i1 THIS: WEEK ONLY To famîitiaerize our customers with àa'Most beautiful variety, of Narcissus, SPRING GLORY, vie are giving, wth,,each order of- e hundred tulip 'bulbs, six, bulbs» of this showy flower,. if requested., We have pur- chased ou r bulbs, from the same: grower for over twenty-_ five ye ars. Quatity. First Price'Sècondary Our Bulbs Satisfy

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