Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 3

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mended ta the chiet engineer of tne district that a survey of the Skokie regian be made ta ascertain what is necessary ta bring'about a camplete and permanent drainage of that area. The saine committee is alsa confier-, ringwithr the legal department of the Sanitary district ta ascertain the lim-ý itation of the legal powers of the dis- trict in the undertaking. News ai tbest twa -important steps Was imparted ta 'a,, commhittee fromx the 'organizati.on of thirteen .north shore municipalities,.Thursday'of last week, wben it called for a conference with the engineering comittee ot the Chicago Sanitary district. Drain District Proble It is looked upon as one.- of' the greatest forward steps in the effort to drain the 'Skokie, Skokie drainage lias long been*recognized as a Sani- tgiry district problei,,and with the organization of the thirteen cities and villages some tinte ago. to urge imme- dlate action, rapid progress towards attaining the goal bas resulted. Not only the municipalities in- volved appreciate the urgent need of the work in order .tô insure bealth, comnfort and developmen.t of their re- spective co Mmuites, but, the Chi- cago Saitary district, as well,. it is sa.1( realizes that permanent relief rnust.cornie. The first steps, those oÎ engineering surveys and legal advice as to procedure, appear now to Ibe underway. Each of the several commnunities * interested in the Skokie drainage ino\-enent are requested to supply whatever information they iuay have * regarding the problenis which will iný any ,vay assist this preliminary sur- vey. Roert Kingery, secretary of the ChiagoRegional association, bas also been asked for what informhation lie mav- haveon the subjetét. frm Committees Coner f ôithe *north shore organization who-called on the Sanitary district's engiý.ering committee are, Villag2 Trtistee H. C. Phillips and Village En- gineer Frank A. Windes, of, Win- The subject of the essay wvill be, "Why Wilmette Needs a Commit- nity House." Three of the contestants will re- ceivé handsome awards. The essay adjudged the best will bring its author a fine Eastman Kodak. Tbe s econd best essay brings a W~ahl pen as award, while the third Place winner will receive a W~ahl pencil. Judges iin the contest which closes Novemnber 1,, at 5 oclock ini the afternoon, will be Miss Anne Whitmack, Wilmette's, ibrarian; Breckenridge Clark, secretary of the Chamberý of. Commerce; and E. W. Weber. editor of WiLlime Essays contributed must not be more than 1,000 words in length, it is explained, and when com-, pleted must be delivered to Miss Vera Holding at the M'ilmette Vil- lage hall. The contest is open', to ail chli- dren attending Wilmette grain- miar schools, hoth public and parochial. Wilm ette ýto Join in Tribute to Washington! Wilmette, -will participate in the George Washington , bi-cenitenniial celebration to he observed throughi- out the couintrv next vear. That wvas (lecided b)»y the V'illage board at its regular mneeting last week. The boardi authorized Village President Dubbs. to appoint a citizenis' commit- tee toý draw up planis for \Vilmette ,si part iii thei cel.ebratIo--n. President' Dübbs asked Tr.ustee Ruth Hl. Sir- der. chairIan'of the public service comi-mittee, to select suchi a commiit- tee. Board. Moires to .Rectify West Area Health Hazard The Village board recelved a com- miunication at its regular meeting last week from the Wilmette Hiealth de- *eiteiýgo .tL.L **l.o5i8.cU. , veza.na ana to obtain information on new arrivaIs. Only those families on which the post has noa information will bé con- tacted during the census, Families known to contain or flot to contain véterans will flot be. reached., The f amuiies to be 'contacted will be asked ýwhetbtr or not a person Iwho was ini the World war resides there. If the answer is in the affirmative, they will be asked whether. the ve teran. is a memfber of the Legion, 'and if, so. of SAny Wilmette, or Kenilworth resi- dent who does flot have a phone, and wvlose family. includes a veteran of the Wo rld war, is urged to give the in-7 formation requested ini the preceding, paragrapli. bv letter, to David C. Leach.i 1417Forest avenue, it is poiîîted out. Local Charity Bor Will Fore go..Tag Day, The, Wilmette Board of- Local Charities. will not conduct a Tag day, as was at first'decided. Instead, the organization delegated to assist needy Wilmette families will go in with the Governor's Emergency Relief. drive as outlined in another colurnn of this issue. Information that the local clîarit y agency will not Make a separate solicitation for funds cameè this week from XV'ýilliai-n H. Ellis,: clairmani of the organization. Thie Board of Local, Charities is now taking. care of 1fifty needy fai- lies ini the village. Its requiremens for the corning winter will be virtu- allY trebled, it is estimated, The gen- eral relief drive specifies that calîs for assistance at home wvill receive fi rst con sidération. ATTEND CONVENTION. Fire Chief Walter Zibble1left Sat-ýý urday niight in compatiy, with Fire Chiefs G. M. Houren of Winnetka',and Albert H1ofstetter of. Evanston for Ha- vana, Cuba, to attend the aîînual con- vention of the International, Associa- tion of Fire Chief s. Chief 'Zibble lex- pectc(l to he glone for two weeks. àL 'l et, issions of the 11i'nois synod il w Deu the guest speaker at' the Minette English Lutheran church on Sunday; October 18. Dr. Bramkamp w a s formerly president of the Illinois synod of the Lutheranh churcb and is a man ofwide experience in church work. rias A4 Ai. U u 4ve UaI4I an tJL o used articles from you today ! -Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairmia. Note.,Eeonomuy Shop proceeds go to charity. The shop ig conducted by theWoman's club of Wlrette. Let's qet togel+ier! CALL WILMETTE 4aOO ASK.FOR AD-TAKER. * The Welsh Imperial Singers. Brit- ain's greate.5t male ensemble~, wil inaugurate the. Wilmette Sitpday Evèning club seasoti Sunday,f October. 25, according to annio uncement made this..week by W. Frank McClure, president of the well known com- munity. organization which annually. brings outstanIiîng speakers and mui- sical groups to MTinette, The Welsh Singers appeared bei re the Sunday. club on two occasions last season, both .tur'nes scoring a de- cided success. They are certain ta attract.an overflow audience for the opening club.progranî Sundav- Evening, club, programns, as in p revious Vears. will be held in the First Congregational churcb. Doors are opened, at 7 :30 o'clock. Prog rams that promise a season of unusual attracti'veness are assured the patrons of the club.by Président McClure who this week commented ont Iust a few of the internationially, known persons wlio will be beard duritng>the earlier rnonths bilcluded in ti-s partial Iist are: Lecture on Africa Mary T-asting Bradley of Chicago, who.,with ber husband recently made an -expedition into A frica-3.500 miles bv truck. and 2,000 miles by plane.. 'She will exhibit motion pictures de- picting their journey into the Dark Continent. Ilaridas T. Mutzoindar, Inidiani au- thlor and lecturer, who made thé fa- mous "niarchi to the sea" .wth Gan- dlhi and is the author of a book on Gandhi. He will discuss the situation ini Inidia, Capt. J oihn Noel,~ lecturer. Nwho will show niotion pictures taken at "the top * i the world," or Mt. Everest in thé: Himalayas. Brai ;on DeCpu of "dreai picture" faîn1e. ,vho.,tiii make two appear-ý ances. on one oc casion showing '"Uni- usual E-urope" and, on anotlier, "Ro- miatîtic Germian-v.". RabiM Wise Comingc Rabbi Stephen S.*W i se, of New York. faînous preacler and an ontt- stanîding leader in the Jewish race. Dr. George Vincent. until recently Arthiur Pillsbury, lecturer. and ex- poitent of underseas photography, who will show bis \Vilmiette audi- ,te Civic teague 15 particuiarly anx- ious that parents of New Trier students attend and mneet the new superintendent. The meeting will for- mally open the fal and winter sea- son for the league.

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