books. As some on1e lias reniarked, that is one of the joys of being a ibrarian-an'd another joy is that of sharing these same books. The pack,. age yielded a wide selection of ne w' titles for boys and girls, big ani( The first book. unwrapped w as called, "I3UCKAIO' " bv' Fiera, Hess, and the. cover, shoming a girl dressed ini chapso with,.a wide, bat riding a bucking broncoi, proinisecl a western story with pletv of action -and the promise was:flot in. vaîi. Lynn Garrow, upon Ieaving college. is faced -with -the- problemn of earnîng a. living. Acting. upon impulse,, she places her naine with a teachers,' agency, and a few weeks later is of - fered a position, as school teacher of the Pinoti school, in t1he Bijg Sniokv vallev. Whereupon, she starts X West, deterrnined to become a ."buckaroo'." as, well as a "school main." Iow she docs this with' the lheI:ý of the jolly Norton family with %vhoni she lives. hou, she helps Ted Norton and his brothers. realize the value of their abandotned goid mine, and how the six pupils that comprise the Pitnon school teachi Lynn some things. make a splendid tale for those who are .West-mlinded. The second book< ut) wralppedl re- veals another storv for girls. and its Iriglit orange cover tells us its IMe is "ILLUSTRATIONS 0F CYN-ý TI-IA" lw Erick' Berry. This proves to be a story of art school-or rath1- er, a series of episodles ini the life of Cynthia Wanstead, an illustration student in an art academny, and lier sttîdent friends. Anv girl who is, iii- terested in drawiniz. or who enjo.ys stories of schiool life wvill grow 'cil- thusiastic over this book. -whIichi certainly different from the ulstal rti of school hook and is; satisfy - ingly u p to date. The package .of iew lbooks also gives. upo some goo(l tales for boys. For instance. there is "C,EARING, WEATHER by Cornielia M eigs, which tçIls of Nicliolas Druiry's gaI- lant figlit againsï odds. in thie davs The books for Ill be anc next andtht MANY WO-MEN SAY: éIwonJIoe tf(Jniae †-« A aJ. U CC U IL 'S r YtJUIlASJ*' So will you want to reawd "M[JTINýY ISLAND," also a pirate yarQ, witlî al I the trimtnlngs that go with pirate~s and Iost treasures. For the little girl who stili likes doils, thère is an entirely'new kind of doll story called "MOM DU JOS'.',by Erick Berry. Mom was1 a negro- doil from New Oreans, taken. to Africa by the Laidy Wîth the Whlt Heirnet, dLessed !n a.