Executive Urges Public to Support Work of Scouting H-ave the Girl Scouts' and other character-building agenciîes the iright toý expect public support during, at time -of economric distress?. If would be "criminal folly" tiot to support them, in 'the opinion of Allen.T.. Burns, exkecutive diretor * of the Assoçiation of Communiiy Chests, which sponsors, the. nation- wide welfare and relief mobilization in 513 commtinities, beginning Oc- tober 19, and including Girl Scout Week, October 25-31. "The dlaim of character-bujilding, organizations to public, support," Mr. Burns dèclared, '"vas, I thought. settled during the war.:'Though we then.faced a grave emergency, we devoted more effort and money to weIf are agencies than ever before. Are we f0 scrap the resuilts of that work now and, when the crisis is over, start al over again? It wvould besheerwaste f0 my mîndto cleprive. our children of such sustaining ageii- cies as Scouting just at a: time -whein they are faced witlî distress and con- sequent demoralization in their own, homes!' Miss Elizabeth D. Grobbin, New Trier Girl Scout director, lias. been taking a Brownie training couirse at Camp Seveni Hill, Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Grobbini is now at the G.irl Scout convention in Ncv 'York. Mrs. Thomnas W. Hecarne W\,innietka commnissl.ier and Mrs. Ralph IIouldý- ing deptty cominussioner for Wil- ixiette, who art ou theNwTre Girl Scout couincîl. mere sent' as [ delegates to the conventiOni. Leaders. of Girl Scout$ T/zey're Hiking for Headth F-litalth Sg.Q!t s a doctlor to soine peopleh, but ta a Girl Scout il ineans dra,,qb!11ts o f fresli air. Thoat is >whtv, diiring thec "Sez'en sc'rVic' lia s" Of' natijonai Girl Scoutf IV'ck. O cf aber 25-31, shr rt'serzas flealtit *Iay for *atirday, whcn shi, cani Iike. 114r'. . p **4 II IGirl Scout Week Is to Be Opened Suniday, Oct. 25 Girl Scout Week, wbich -crneg at the. end of this mionth and incIudes' the birthday of Juette Low,' the founder of Girl Scouting in. this coun- try, will be celebrated this year with, seven service -days, each day demon- strating a. feature of the Girl Scout programi. It is the suggestion of nation al Girl, Scout headquarters- that the, seven days begin on Sunday, October 2.. with attendance at, religious services in 'the churches of the denominations to which Girl Scouts belong, in groups, and in their uniformns. Monday, October 26, will be Home--, Making Day .'On. this day Girl Scouts. who- have Won. their housekeeper's badge, and those who are wvôrkin.z for it, may do some spécifie thing about the bouse, to relieve thieir mothers, as part of the general ob- servance of the second service day ini Girl Scout Week. Tuesday, Octoiber 27, will be Flandi- craft Day, whien Girl Scouts through- out the country will be exhibiting sonieof their hiandwork in their troop meeting places and in depart- ment stores. They mighit also giv(- demonstrations of handicraft. Wednesday, October 28, is Thlriit Day. Girl Scouts -who hàve savingsý accounts, ivili go in groups to tlielir banks, to deposit their saviings foi' the week, and girls who have no ac:ý couints, mnay open one. Thursdav is Hostess Day, when Girl Scouts mnay plan to, ,entertail! thei r parents: and friends ini their owni troop headquartcrs or in their homes, or Ioile troop.may planto e11- tertain a -visiting troop; Commnunity Service may heden-1 strated on Friday, whien Girl, Scouts throughiout the land may offer their services to relief organizations or day nurseries. In sorne cases thlev% nay dévote that day or part, of the, .6 --, auu, irown.vve are goig twraice up urganizea lin Wilmette Cýlaus')iimseilf; Hel ais were filled handicraft. In handicraft we make We are very happy to announce with packages. After we were ail silver bracelets, oilcloth bracelets, the.organization of a new Girl Scout seafed in a circle she passed around laniards and moccasins. Every night troop in Wilmette, which mneets at Dixies, cookies, candies, paper bats we sing the lullabye song. Miss the Congregational rhurch on Tues- and dressed up lollyops. It was Hen- Humphries said that next week w'e dajy aftemnoons at .3.45 o'cock. Any, rietta's birthday. Oh, what fun,! will have a potluck'supper. We ail girl who was on a. waiting list* 1e- Thank you,_ Mrs. Hayson !-BroQwni hope f0 enjoy, i t.'-Bernardine Stei- fore.may enter this troop.. Owl. ner, ,Wilmette. WINNETKA BIROWNIES The Winnetka Brownies met in the - Girl Scout room Wednesday., October 13, and new Blrownies have been ceoming to, our B1rownie Pack,ý but weare. awfully sorry fé say, that this. pack. is full,