I f Ferry A., Lint, Scout Eixecivti-ve of the Chicago cootcil will opeil the University of Scouting for> the North Shore wArea cou» cil oit mon- day, October 19, at the fEl,,,y Place scitool ist Hiqid<wd Park. The Uei- ilirsitlof scoutinq is yoiny Io br a ij$Olip of trainiu. g courses rmn for W il the lloY Scout Leaders of te shiore area. More than a hutndred nilen. are ex- 1 pected at tiie opening 5ssLjn.; The Highwood district with. an average of. thrce men registered for every one'ofý its Scout tro(>ps, stili leads the council iii the iminiher of registrations. 'Pauf, M4uzikis the Commnissionerincae of that district., Reading Class Ro&umes in Kenilworth; Is Open The Thursday morning reading class has- resurned for the winter .and the group wilI next take up Ediirth *Abbott's nemi book, ou "Social Wel- fare." They read Iast week the * "Washinigtoin Merry-Go- Round." This class is op en to ail %vho are interested' to join. There are no dues. It- is the object of the class to keep abreast of the tinies aiong Iiies s9mtiewhIat outside of the average daily thinkingi Winnetka. Nursery School board. Critics, who attended the music fes- tival, comniented on the delicate, ethereal quahity of ber voce. Ini rec- ognition of "distinguished achieve- mient" in music, Mme. Dux was awarde d the degree o>fdoctor of mus- ic by the University. of Soutbern Califorrnia .at its fiftieth commence- ment exercise. SPESAKS ON . MODERN PARENT' "The Modern Parent" is the sub- ject of an address to be given by President Edna Dean Baker of the National College of IEducation before the Indiana Home Economics associa - tion on October.22. The association is meetinig in Indianapolis., Id. 1'e peet ONE FIRE CALL The Wihnette Fire department made one run this week,,answering a cail1 last Saturday to the Stanley*M. Truska residence. 715 Forest avenue.. when an' oil burner inh the basement overfiowed. There> was no damage. FIREPROOF wA HUS UIÇI.800. WIL. 1382 W. Rerat Chaire and Tables STORý aA 0 h1 Chauidler's a New fer NEN Shirts- Hase Neckwear 1 nd other a ccessor les. -on houses, apcsrtmhents and business properties for 5, 7 or 10 year terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La Salle Street Randolph 6600 CHICAGO 742 EIm St., Win 7 12 Church St. University 3474 Phone' 3811Central Ave. Hiighuland Park 3174 Highland Park. j- cy&* AHI Qomnwcle nmode con-