Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 41

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of the Woman's club of* Wilmette. Friday, October 16, is the next sew- ing day. W7ork begins at 10 and con- tinues until 4 in the afternoon, with luncheon served at nôon. Any w-o- man 'interesteci is urged to corne and do her bit ,for charity."The sewing days are flot alone for club miembers.. Mrs. G. B. Kneppér is chairman of, * the work for the hospital. Slié is assisted by 'Mrs. F. R. Adamis, Mrs.' D)ayid Davis., Mrs. T. O. Delang, Mrs. H. C. Toeppen, Mrs. G. E. WValk, and Mrs. J. H. Kiel. Mrs. J.'veMa * aister is luncheon chairman.- Sewing Friday will, consist of the niaking of gowns for 'the hospital, :ý,vhielh is said to bea needy' institu- tion, and a large attendance is, urged. *Dr. Major WVorthingtoi 'isto be thc luncheon spier'ker. Mrs. A, E. klunder. is. chairnian. oi the philanthropy departmient this' yea r,. which ôpened its. ne%%, vear s icork with ail attendance of iearl:jý fifty -womnen. At Welles.ley Club The Chicago Wellesley club is hold-1 ing its f ail meeting.and teai Moîiday, October 26P, at 2:30, o'clock in 'the Trtîstees room oth Adinistration building, Century of Progress exposi-1 tn.Miss Helen ,Bennett,' an alumnna of Wlely stô be the speaker., A trip to Fort Dearborn, is, planned, for those %who are interested., work wvil1 be discussed and planned. The first 'regular meeting of the Keniilworth league will be held at the Kenilworth club on Thursday, Octo- ber 29, at 12:30 o'clock. A lunchcon will be served at that time followed hv the program. The league is to haV.e as>speaker that day. Mrs. Walter Ben- son, wlio is §o well. known to people ini the north shore villages that, she needs' no introduction. She is an, ex- elntspeaker, well. informed. JiudgeNo*ton ,Speaker. at, Sk0kie D. A. R.. Monday,- October 19, marks the open-. ing Of the season's. work of the Skokie Valley 'chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolùtion.' At 2:-30 on that day the members will meet at the home o0f Mrs. Edward Scbeidefihelmi,. Lake avenue Wilmctte and listent ug ThoasJ. Nôrtoni talk upon "0Ou r I.solatiocn." From the subject-title, an iîiference is drawn that the speaker wvill. di.ïcuss ."Ar.erica. and lier Isola- tion" temperamentally and geographicalJ ly f romn many of the foreign problems. .Mrs . George Shipmnan, and Mrs. George WVeaver, will be assisting host- esses to Mrs. Scheidenhelm and M rs. Freder.ick IBoweq, regent. Mrs. David R. DeCamip of 615 Ab- bottsford road. Kenil%orth, enter- tained her club *at luncheon and bridge Wednlesday. DiONNE à, aone strap shoe with con" ter buckle conform- ing ta the voôýgue for surface contrait. Womenare Smarter, ing places on wer heols A. F. noop M irs. R. A. Lippincott. Mrs. At Directors' Meeting The Young M,ýother's, club hield the first meeting of its new board 'Wed- nesdav evenîng at 7:30 o'clock. '11 addition to the officers, the chairnien of committees were present. I These latter are Mrs., Normanit J.1 Radder. progr 'am chairman; Mrs. Çlifford Ives,' devotional; Mrs. Harry Kerr. social; Mrs., Clyde Smnith, member.- ship; Mrs.. Paul Spade, books: M r. Wilbur Chapman, 'frienidship. Ti Deltas Meet The North Shore alliance of Delta Delta Delta held its'regular monthly meeting Wednesday,. October 14, at the 'home of Mrs. Ralpb B uî r k e. Evanston. . Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Edward Ladd, Mrs. G. H. Tom- linson, Mrs. Webster Burke, , Mrs. John Cle mne nt s, and< Mrs. Frank. Koontz. A musical programa was fol- lowed by a, travel talk by Marguerite Rook. Johnstone. letfoSki.1l Pursue him *round thé- world this winte,i.f Yoô wiII ,from the, dock of aletliner..Or meethm ,te Indies~ Bermudia South America or on the Riviera! Go econoically i'n this uncrowded r.Succestful cruùisesiplanned for you; v 'Not. hr rvecs om yNot hr rve/cs omre. The new itineraries'are, ready. THE TRAVEL SERVICE Af iliuse dribu Sfae Bank and Trust Company Evanston Gré. 5000 WilI.5000 i. 5000 41 BRUCE WOý With DRESSES rgenuine Jap dusk. ink lights 626 Church St, Evanston Oreenleaf 9719 Stat at aiJackson -1

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