Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 40

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Member of Dr. R. Yarros' S taff and President of ýKenilwortbh L'eague on Program Oct. 26 Dr. Percy L., Clark of Dr. Rachel Varros' staff will be the speaker at the first meeting of the Wilmette League of Women Voters, ýMonday, afternoon. October 26, at Weeks', 1129 -Central avenue, Wilmette. Dr. Clark,'s tàlk last yëar before the Parent- Teacher.association aroused so much interest in bis. subject. that Mrs.. Frank J. Dowd. chairman of social -----hyiene, secured him for the league's meeting. Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, president of the. Kenilworth' League of Woinen Voters, will give a short talk on wbat the league is doing in child welfare wôrk. Mrs. A. W. Hodgkiss is chair-* man of child welfare in1 the Wilniette league. The program will begin at 2 oclocýk. .Mrs.. C. L. Clarke. president of, the league, asks aIl menibers or guests who cannot be presenit at the lunch- eon which precedes the league's meet- ings. to, cone to the programs at 2. The luncheon she regards as a pleas- a.;nt social hour for league mienibers to enjoy and 'to have .as a nicans of becomning better.acquainted. Shie sug- gests that those mwho corne tô the program only, drop in a littie before 2, to* meet the nieffbers before the neeting begins. Mrs. Murdo Ross; social chiairnian, is taking reservations for the lunch- eons. The cost lias been cut, te meet *conditions, te a very nioderate spm. Mrs. Ross will take season reserva- tions or single ones. The luncheoii isi at 1:15-at Veeks'. * The boiard ,vill niet ini the Village hall at il o'clock before the lunch-' éons., Th11 e W.ilmette Icague, although> its first meeting ivill he:October 26, bas alreadv carried- ontthree. projects this *falil a luncheon and card party ivas given at Kildeer Country club under the auspices of the -international co- operation conimittee, the first of a series of four lectures by Mrs. Quiincy ROTARY GROUP The North Shore gi of the Rotary clubo a luncheon and meeti October 7, at Club Hostesse's for -the Mis. C. W. Seanor, N lbée. anid Mrs. John, ']vadstofi. The Kenilworth Neighbors open their new scason with- a musicale and recep- tion to new niembers Tuesday afier- nMon. October 20, 'àt 2:30 o'clock, in the- Kenilworth Assembly hall. Meni- bers and their guests, for the meeting is open,1 will. be enterta.ined by the American -quartet, woemembers are M&iss Helen Bickerton, soprano; Esther Muenstermann, contralto; Fred Wise, tenor; Raymond Koch, baritone., The director is Edwin Stanley.Seder. 'InAmnerica, Italy, and France Miss Bickerton has had training aîqdexperi- ence and bas: appeared as soloist witb. leading musical. organizations. -Miss. Muensterrnann, it is. ýsaid, bas gifts ini nowise, ordinary. ýHer voiceý is deep and rich in quality and of great range and color., The tenor displays a lyric vàice of nich, beautiful quality, fine intrepreta- tion, and sincere, niusicianship. The baritone bas.appeared-as soloist with ten leading symphony orchestras, anQn.g which have been the. New, York, Chicago, and Minneapolis symphonies. .The director is a widely known con- cert and, radio organist both in the U'nited States and Canada. He also is organist director of one of Chicago's lcading churches and is assistant con-1 ductor of the Chicago Bach chorus. HosteÉsse for the afternoon wiil be the menibers of the board of directors. Mrs. Quincg Wright Has Next Lecture~ October 19 Mrs. Quincy Wright is gîving the second. of ber series. of lectures on in- ternational relations 'Monday fforn- ing, October 19, at 10:30 o'clock, at the MTinette Congregational church. under the auspices of the coninittec on. international cooperation of the WVilmette League, of. Women Voters. *Mrs. Wright.' the fornmer .Louise Leonard, of Wilmette,, opened ber course with about_ fifty -ývomen..in at- tendance. maniv of themn from Kenil- wotWinnetka. and Evanston, who, although their own villages are to hear Mrs.. Wright,. did flot wish to miss the chance to hear this stimulat- [P 01 VvVIAAeII new Womans clubbuilding, was the Chicago held work of Mrs. Burrill, as was "As It SWednesday, Was In tbe Beginning," the clever. ta del Lago. comedy given severai years ago by ernoon were the Barnstormers. as a benefit for, M. X Wal- the club building fund. Mrs, B3urrillý Sweeney-of---has been à member of the North- western Univeérsity, Play*riting: class. the lake in Wilmette wîiI be openi, through the ways and mieans commit- tee of the Woman's club of Wilmette, to the public. The building fund of the Woman's club will benefii by this tour as ,it does by ait of the pro- jects of the. ways and means commit- tee, of, which Mrs. Luther is chair-ý man.. Mfs. George Iliff,, chairman of thie tours .committee, says 1t hat, reserva - tions néed hot be maàde ahead fo: this tour. Those going.will go direct to the studio which is at 612 Sheridani road, Wilmette, and me the coni- mitte tere. This.treasure bouse is open to thîe public only on 'very tare occasions. Tbrough, the courtesy of Mr. Mar- shaîl, it is open this y;ear, on Novem- ber 2, for. the benefit of the X-Voman's WVilnette people w~hô have fricnds in the city and in neigbhoring townls. who have expressed. a wish to see the, ïarnous stiudio., are invited to the tours coinmittee to bring these friends. MNrs. Earle D. Ly ôà is. co-ciairiai wih M\rs. Ilîif. They miay be phone& for particulars. Dr. Jacob Singer Speaks on Jewish Music Oct. '9 Dr. Jacob Singer, head of the dle- partmient of liturgy and intisic of the Bible at Northwestern uniiversity, wil give au illustrated lecture on Jewish nius_-ic 'Monday afternoon at the meeting of the Sisterhood of the N1orth Shore Congregation Israel. He vilbe assisted by Ej oro Horadesky, contralto,. and Samuel, Thaviui. violiniist. The follotving prço- gram iil be given: Synagogue music: cantillation; chant; fixednelody; hazzanut Waddîsch ( 1traditional) ... M. Ravel Vehogen, Proteet and Shield ......_ . .. Lewandowsky Mrs. Horadesky Musical Suite from "The Dybbuk' .. ...... J. Engel Mipne . Mah "Wherefore?." Song o Soiigs Niggun ý*aqidim <Hasidiec rnedjtatiofl) AMarch Hatunah (Weddlng mareh) .%r. Thavin meetings last Tuesday aiternoOn at the home of Mrs. C. P. Evans, 616 Gregory avenue. The meeting was followed by luncheon at 12:30. As- sisting hosteeses were M4rs. E.- L. Belache, Mrs. Henry, Cutler, and Mrs. Alonzo Coburn. Matthew P. Gafl'oey, Vera Me- gowen, John MacDonald, Ethel, Brazelton, on Program' Matthew P. >Gaffney, the new su- perintendent of New Trier ,Highiý school, will be the speaker at tli2 Woman's club of W ilmette on Wed nlesday,- October 21,, at 10:30 o'elock in the morning. This' is the opeuing, day for, the child;-and home program. Every club inember is looking forward to theý op- portunity to become acquainted with tbe community's,,talented new high school superinten dent., Mr. Gaffney cornes to the c'lubwith the reputa- tion of being an interesting and wittyý speaker. Miss Vera Megowen of Evanstoii ýilI alIso.appear on the program. Her talk will be on "Marketing and Ment. Planning." -Miss, Megowen's reputa - tion in the field of dietetiesý is so weit .known it is unneces.sary to tell of lier varions achievements. On October 21, thé afternoon pro- gramr.oif thez Woman's club will be. in . charge of the literature départ-. ment., The soloist, john MacDonald, baritone, wvas a former member of Dean LutkiW's A, Capella choir anid is, at. present Soloist at St. Jamies Cathedral. -He is a young singée who is giited wvith a voice of very musical Iiualitv and dramiatic value- The speaker of the afternoon wifl be Mrs. Ethel M. Coulson Brazéiton, bier subject, "The Literature oi Spain." Mes. Brazelton lias. a back- ground of notable literary achieve- ments and. wîde culture. Sie lbas (lotic practically every kind of writing includinig magazine* articles, versé, and .fiction. She is a former mnember. of the Mcdiii School of Journalismtn and the author of "Writing and.Edit- ing for Women," 1'*How to Write Poetryý," and "*How to Read Poetr>-." W.\idcly known as a devoted.student of literature, she hias been a popular speaker at miost of the larger clubs in Chicago and its vicinity. The lecture will introduce a course of four mnorning talks which Mrs. tober 8, at whicn time Larbon i'P. Dubbs, president of Wilmette, wna s the guest speaker. Mrs. Alex S. Joslin, 240 esse x road, Kenilworth, e ntertai ned ber club, ai luncheon and bridge Thursday, Oc- tober, 8. > '. E

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