"I Mrs. George B. Williaeis, presi- dent of the iVonant's society of tlhe If iililette Baptist cburch, and Mrýs. WUalter O. Haas, for many years leader of the, EnpIoyed. Girlslinik, irieie hostesses at a luncheon given u t the Hearthstonc ini Hubbard Wfoods* las t Tuteýda.v. For ieà,rlv tell ears, it is aignouptced, Mrs. tl'illiotits lias girep Most generous- Il- o!fler lime and unusu ai talents. tu flic various activitie's of the Bap- * tist chiirch. She orgacnized -and sponsored the World Wide guild nlow tenider the able leadersýhip of M rs. H. -A. Orvis. S/e is an active iei(imbr of tteé Wolnal's cliii> and t/e vening G4rdeii clubl. *Guests of honor at the lunclieon %Nrere Mrs. George. D. Allison and the mem- bers of the executive board, including Mfrs. A. V. Gruhn, Mrs. H. A. Smith. :and Mrs. John Segsworth. The other gue,;ts were the o-hairmen of the vari- ous comniittees, Mesdames C. H. Jones, J. C. Blavlock, George N. Lamb, .Hi l<aufman, AIlfred Heerens, Arthur Scott. Henry Beach, W. A. Kendrick, H. A. Orv'is, R. F. Lynch, Howard Bowen, C. P. Dubbs, Edwvin Phelps, anîd \Iiss.Miainie Haas. Singa on7 P. E, . p Prgam Mrs., Paul Clovis, 640 Abbottsford, road. Kenilworth, was hostess Octo- ber 2, at a. luncheon an 'd meeting ot the C. R. chapter of P. E Owhiich ivas the, first meeting of the season. D uÉritn g the afternoon the guest artist was Mrs. Frank Whitmore of Kenilwortfi, soprano, who gave a group of song selections. Mrs., Whit- M-ore 'ý%aS the arti$t Dupi of William 17148Bisthdag Partyg Mrs. William G. Bird gave a hirth- day party last' Saturday for ber five- year-old son,. William Gordoni. Jr. Eight small guests Were entertained at a luncheon and splash .party. 'J M IfThey Have, -Who'sto Blame D NT biame your clothesif +eeIzy, Iimp and sicky Blame yourself. You are the one wko prescribed,+he cI.aninq lbey should have-and, if Ihat cieaning spoiled their freshness, if, and Iusre-it's your own faui* You are tb. one who can, and should, talc. tbe malter in bond, and give your cIothes~ the. "breaks" they're entifled loi Ciothes cosl money. MIRACLEAN. cosls. liflie. And MIRACLEAN is the saivalion ofyô r 'oh S. ifwilIpe lbem. up-make lhem fres h and wh le ômew-ri'h ànd color fuis if is lhe kind of -cIeaning you can depend on day in and day oul for quaily lhat bas yet la see ifs equal. You'II ney.er find sleepy sickness ini MIRACLEANEO clolhes-and OVER! il,.