Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 38

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is facing the most serious obligations h of its existence this winter," Mrs. Les- lie Cooke, publicity chairnian for the anmal fashion show and tea sponsored by the Winnetka board of the settle- * ment. tells us. "Hundreds of f amilies whom we have known, through years of community and character building programs now turn to us for, hýelp." Wit.4 cajis of distress. spurring tbem en board members are tireless ini their effort to make their %benefit a tremen- dous .success.' This pageant of fash- ions. with, its tableaux, its musie,ý and its tea, is âthe largest all-north shore ioiety charity event of the comning week. It is to be staged ini the Winnetka Ma- SOICtemple on,1 .1m street, at 2:30 o clock fonday afternoon, October 19, 'itli north shore debutantes. young s,,ciet3- matrons, and young children, as mannequins, with luincheols preceding the revue, with Miss Harriet Vittum. head resident of Northwésteril settie- ment, guest of honior for the aiternoon1, and with more sbops exhibiting thati ever before. Miodels for the display of faslhions are the 'Misses Evelyn Bouscaren., Lucie Jacob>, Janet Kirk, Elizal.eth Knode,, Virginia Lamson, Antoinette Lackner, Louise Lackner, Louise Nellegar, Ada B. Wardrop, Chloe Wat.son, Leila \Vithers; Mesdames Theroni Chapman, John Dersi, 11, J. Scott Dow, Gerald B. Hortoni, Charles L. Howard, John Hooker, Sturtevanit inmani, William B. Mcllvaine, Jr., Eleanior Milsted Smith, William E. Smiith, Chester Sar- gent. J. E. Wheeler, and the-,e. chi- dren, Master Jim.niie Cooke, Amie Ili-1- nMail, Peggy Hoyt, Alice Graff, M-\ar-. jorse Lloyd, Mary Marslh, Patsy Sund- bloni, and Josephine Wilder. Numerous members of the Wiimictka baard are inviting somne of their friends to 'lave- luncheon with theni prior to the fashion show. Among the liostessèýs are1Mrs.reG.odfrey- Atkin. Mrs. Harve Badgerow, Mrs. Herbert Butz. Mfrs. Leslie Cooke, Mrs. Donald Dallas, Mrs. Henry Freyn, I'M rs. John Hooker, Mrs. Gog French, Mrs. Dudley Pal- mer, Mrs.Oelivter Morton Knode,' Mrs. Chester Sargent, Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, Mrs. Frank >Payne,. Mrs. William Truesdale, Mrs. Charles E. Pynlchon, *PI oto by <arn Mrs. ïVillis Harrison Littell is t/we former -Lucille Tathant of *Glencor, dangh fer of Mr. and AMrs. Char les Clinton Tathiam io f 195 Fair- micw road. Mer ,,arriale ta3Mr. Tathanr. zho is the son of the Guy Litteils of 322f oodstock avenue, KeniilwÉortii, took place September *30. The bride 'and, bride qroorn za411 make tlzeir home at 1231) Elmwzzýood .z-ood avenune. E-. anstoni. Smith Cictb to Inaugurate Travel and E vent s Taiks The Evanston and North Shore Sinith College clubr js planning for" this .winter a series oi short talks on current events of, and interesting visits to. ioreign countries. The first is to be on October 28. at 2:30 o'clock,' at the home of Mrs. WValter C. Jones, 1637 Judson avenue, Evanston ý,MrTs. Thomas I. Stacey, the mother. of Smnith graduates and a well tra-' veled person. will inaugurate - the series.. Ail alusunae of.. the north shore are inost wvelcoine, along with guests. Plans Nvill be discussed at the meeting as to ways to raise mone-v 21 Linden avenue, Wslmette, and the. late David Draper Dayton. of Minne- apolis, were married Saturday evening, October 10, at the Seconsd churchi, West Newton. Following tIhe cerefliony, which wvas, performed by: the Rev. Boynton Merrill, the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Francis Larcom, held a reception and dance at the Brae. Burn Country club. Thebride wore, an ivory'satin gown trimmed in ermine. Her veil of exquis- ite Belgian: lace had been worn by Mr s. fHow ard Snow (Bernice Denman.an Mrs. Hubert Schaddelee (Dorothy, Denman' at their marriages. The bride's fowers wvere calla Miies. M rs. Homer L. Brown of. Newton Center and 'Mrs. Morgan S. Hurley of WXest Newton attendedtheir sister as mnatrons of honor. They wore satini gowns of desert pink. Miss Dorothy Dayton, the groom's sister, asmaid of kr. nd rs. redri .ck ull honor, wore a gown of rachel, shade. 3fr an Mr. FedeickBule v The bridesmaids were Miss Doris and of~~~~~~~ 221hrdnraKnl'rh Miss Virginia Koops and Miss Eliza-> danuncr e it egagen of their OC beth Edwards of West Newton, Mass. Taune, soreo rnc. andMroe Their gowns were of rose opaline. The A. Turner so of 3fr.ad o dresses, which were the gîfts of tihe .-1 M.Turer .f van Ml.- ' bride to her bridesmaids, were made Turner is a graduate of Yale and MissBulev o Jfllesev.with tops of angel pink which crossed. _______________and tied in knots in the back. The waists miere tight fitting andthe skjrts Select Committees for > ull. Ail the,'attendants carried talis- Crade BeefitBallman roses., C rade BeelitBail The church was decorated with green Arrangements for the aniual Cra- cedar trees, palms, and yellow chrysan- dle baIl which will be hield this year themums-. Tail lighted candles wer*e October 31, at the Drake, are in the piaced along the church aisles. hands of the following committees: Burt J. Denman served lis stepsoni Mrs. Charles G. Dawes, honorary as best. man. The ushers included chairinan; Mrs. Howard W. ]Fenton, George. Dayton, II. of Minneapolis, chairman, with Mrs. Augustus M. Gardiner Robinson of West Roxçbury, Ecddv and Mrs. Frederick H. Scott, Mass., Homer Brown, 'an~d Morgan co- chai.rmen.- Hurley. Entertainnsent ieatuire-.\rs. K. V., Mr. Dayton and his bride bave gone R. Nicol, Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, .Mrs. to Cape Co d on their honieymnoon. Tbey WVarren A. Lamson, 'Mrs. .Frank Wi.ll make t heir home at the Roland, Payne: supper arranîgement-Mrs.' apart ment in Baltinmore,. Md. AugustusM.Eddy, Mrs. M. L og kins: decorations-M.Nrs. Robert E.N.S Gis in Plans Wýood., Mrs. A. Fenton Burrege; pub-fo Alh PiDnc icity-,Mrs. Stanley Morrili; reserva- frApaPh D nc tions-Mrs. Eugene M. Stevens-, Miss Frances Thurstcn of Rogers bridge tables-Mrs. Buckinghanm Park is chairman of the Hallowe'en Chandler. 'Mrs. Horace W. Arm- subscription dance being sponsored strong, Mrs. Rollin W. Keyes; mu- by Beta Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi sic-Mrs. Henri, Dawes,- Mrs.. Avenu , sorority on the night of the North- ici ni1 i aie two years becca Fitch of 1131 JEjmwooa avenue, wïth M(rs. Robert, Stoddard as co- ebairman,, will be in charge of the sîabscription drve. The first play, "The Fouirth.Waflt' by A. A. Milne, :to be directedl by James Grifin, is now beimw cast and Wi,11 go into re-. hearia -lu the verY near future. ."~ *Opens Home for D. B. E. Gives Shower l or' Bride Thse regular monthîy card party of 1On Monda.y cvening Miss Helen the Cambridge chapter,. Datagiters of Southward, 306 -Oxford road, enter- the British Empire, is taking place tained about twenty, .guests at'a linen at the home of MIrs. Thomas Mathie- shower for Mrs. Fredenick S. Floyd, son,. 545 Exmoor road, Kenilworth,, the former FrancesOleson of Kenil- Friday afternoon, October 16. Miss worth, .Jane Doig wYill be the hostess. of ,Keunion" and a welcome to June graduates. Football Dance Saturdag 1Shawnee Country club Will. hold a Senior Football dance on Saturýday, October 17..

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