Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 34

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........... A TRAIR to briug happiness into buman PE5E~.......m.wother, of society's benefactors. AU, communications muet hé ftccompanied by the nampe and ad~dress of the wrlter. Articles for Pub- Iloo muait reach the editor by Tuesday noon to insure appearançe lu current Issue. .Remolutio>ngof condolence. cards of thanks, obitu- artl, notices or entertaluments or other. affairs wbere au admittance charge la Published, will be ebargçd ait regula.r advertislng rates. Grade Separation Wil Save Lif& I Let's Hasteni the Day! The, niovenient to re-route U,- S. 41 and State Route 42, transferring it froni Sheridan road to Waukegan' rpad, seems Re-ruteto us a very sensible, oI1C. Moreover, it is in U. Se 41-Il. 42 uine- ith the move- nient, rapfidlv spread- ing tbrougbout the country, of routing long distance' trafic awN'av f rom our towns. AnvIioieivlo, bas,,ever takeni an extended nwtor trip bas, found out to bis1 sorrow that it is distressitily, easy to lose the route wvhile going tbrough, a towvn, espe- cially - while -Ini the business district, %vhereas it is, almost imipossible.. to get lost -while .passing througb tbe sparsely settled areas. *Townless b igbways are alinost always straigbter and wider than town bigbways. They therefore offer safer and faster driv- ing, , both of. whicbh are. advantages tbat eVery- driver cpirdially appreciates. If a nortb shore.motorist desires to get to Milwvaukee quicklY, safely, and pleas- a ntly, *be sbouId ý by .al means take tbe outer, route-Waukegan, road, Green Bay road. and U. S. 41 west. of tbe city of Waukegan. Incidently,bow iniany, unotor-r ists traveling f rom ilwue oCiap have at this point west .of W'aukegan obeyed the signboard and gone east when they migbt better bave c*ontinued south on the towniess route? On1e of tbe privileges of aduits is the protection of children. Left ta themselves small, cbildren would fnot long .survive.- Adults must bring them up -Protect, to. the -levels of independ- Children, ence, meanw ile protecting themn against tbe blows of' adverse conditions. Naturaliy cbildren cannot fully. appre- ciate the (langer -that tbreatens tbpse who play in tbe streets. Older people, must therefore,: keep tbem. out of the streets. Imnersed ini their gamnes, tbey w.ill sud- denly run into -the path of an automobile in order to-retrieve a run awayý football or i)asebalL. Autoîsts must take this tend.- encv iinto account an d ac.t accordingly. Chiiidreni are impulsive. One very gopd reason. for trim-ming doývn hedges.at corners is that'suchtrim-. ining makes conditions safer for children in automobiles or on sidewalks. Many a hibas been .run -over because tbe mo-e torist -,%-o did thie dainage, could not see around the corner. The healtb and safety of' our children mnust. be well gularded. They have futures of great promise and great responsibility,. Ini a recent, article publisbed in.' the Saturday Evening Post, Calvin Coolidge ernhaszedtbenecessity laidupon every Amierican, of sup- Stipport porting tbe Presi-. Village O/Jicers dent of the United States. ,Our duty t our country, indeed our duty toourselves,' demands that we support tbrough tbick and thin, thrpugh prosperitv and advers- ity, our chief execuitive. M'e chose bim to represent us in this most powevrfulI of al offices. WVe sbotuld stand bv- oir, chosen leader. .4 puty such a genial oite Musti make thas journey ail alone; I gladly ïvould haive gone with hirnt Hlad he but beckoised me. kind zilhen tic came to waters dak I could haVe hcdmed his fairy bark, .4 waetchi by nighit, a friend by day, 1 mught have cheered hirnoit his way. Brave, kiindly,,geie, loving soul,. He, Con but win the ifairest goal, A4nd zehcre he homes in timte and space, 'Tzcre hecaven for eme to rcach that place. -J. H. Ostrander. Bernard Shiaw*s Iatest epistie .(via radio) to his Ame<ican "boob" f riends, hails Russia 'as the land of, prosperity, rather-authentic information to the ccintrary notwithstanding. Which prompts us-wvho nleyer couid takethe bearded patriarch too, seriously - to hope that hie vil soon return to his plar-writing wherein, facts are secpndary, if at.ail essentia. AWilmette youngstei, aged 12, after catching a close-up of Scarface AI at the NJorthiwestern.- Nebraska game, made this observation to'bis father: "Do you know, Dad, 1 could hardly help going over to Mr. Capone and asking hïi a question-" "ýAnd what question woùld that be? asked DAJ. "HoW' the chances of lettin' me have about twventy grand'?", vas the quick rejoinclr., Thle colored gentleman in a downtown vaudeville sho'wv allowvs as how the current depression bothiers hini fot at ail. Sezee: "It don' botha me nonte, cluz 1(dotie had nothin' When times wuz good." Which suggests to mind the Pessimist who may b e expected at some future time to long for the good old days of 1931. MUSINGS OF OUR NIGHT EDITOR The economic value of trees was stressed 'by H. N. Wheeler, chief lecturer for the Uinited States Forest Service, in bis talk at a meeting, recenti1y sponsored by the Wilmette Chamber of ýCommerce. *However, hie neglected, to mention the value of tali trees as -ioosts for smnall boys whç> deeply appre- ciate the conomic angle of not having. to pay ad- mission to gaines and races.ý We read that Dino Grandi, Italian mriniister foir foreign affairs, ivillcome to the United States in Novéniber. England may have its Gandhi, bu~t the Ltnited States wvill have its Grandi. Andu voluimes the value of ness for the ýt easily be written Ôon [ooks in getting happi- sor of the good looks.- A town which pleases the eyes of botli residents and visitors is surely, a better town to live in than a town wbose home- and. We should also cordiaily support our village health authorities, our poli ce offi- ciais, our firemen; Cooperation with vil- lage officiais, is sound commion, sen se. Newsreeis of the gaine were distinctly compli- mentary to the Purple. They started out with the (to us) rather startling information that "Notre Dame Ties Northwestern." See you at the N. U.-U. C. L. A. gaine Saturday. -MIQUE

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