PROM THE LINGERIE AND THI4RFT DRESS SECTION Bianket robes, shawi collar. Silk braid biniding and silk cord tic..................$I.95 Frocks-withi long or short sleeves. Smart stvies-new prints .......$1.95 and $2.95 \V'oôi flannel robes,. nativ: tail- ored. Sm'art, stripeï. Unusual at .................. $2.95 Dresses of French spun j ersey. New f al shades. Tfrimmed with varn embroidery in icontrasting. colr............. $3.75 XVooi twill dresses. Triniimed, wvith two-tone scarf s ()r white pique. Black and blue onfly. Sizes 38to44..............$5 Fiannelette night gowns ..~.. $ I Philippine gowns, . Han(lem- b)roidered of ery . fine .nraitsok, . . . . .. . . .... 75e 1Hand ýmade Porto Rico gowns. . .. . . . . ... .. 5 C Flannelette pajanias in noveltv stripes. One a nd two-piece styles . . . . . . . . . . $ Lustrous -ray on slips... $1 Tub. f rocks of" charming prints. Shortseeso sleeveless models. Pinaf ore aprons, floral prints bound -in contrasting materiai SOcý A gown made of French finish crepe de chine, tearose or blue. trimmed with Alencon patterned lace ...... --........$29 Satin bandeau set attractivelV trimmed with lace; tea rose onlv ...... .......... $1 .95 Satin chemise.. tea'rose onilv;- also trimmed with lace ...... $ 1.95 Petticoat of French finish crepe de chine, fitted top ...... $] ' 5 Two-piece ravon pajanla. cones ipink, blue, or peach . $ 1.95 Freiîch.finish crepe«.de chine slip. tea rose or white, fitted ,Unes. trirmeéd wîth Aleiîcon pat terned lace .......... ....... $I.95- Tii ird Floor, WOMEN'S AND CI4ILDREN'S SHOES \Vomen's shoes, a special pur- chase with fulli-Marshall Field- quality, at. pair.....39 Children's high shoes.. oxfords, and patent, straps, size 5 to 8,, 82tto 1 Ir to 3, pair..$25 First Floor» NOTIONS Kotex, Kez or Modess (lim1it 10 boxes), box 22C or 5 for ...$ Kotex- Silk Sanitary Aprons, each, 25C 2. for .......... 35c Kleenex, package I15C 5 f orj5C Milo, Absorbent Cheesecloth. 5 yards to 'the boit, boit...... 28c Milo 'Perfect DyCleaner, 8 ounce sie. can,,2)c. 3 for 50C -Milo Perf ect Dry Cleaner, 20- ounce size, can, 35C 3 for -$ MEN'S APPAREL Men's o%-ercoats. The season 1 s niew colors. styles. and, fabrics Areal special at....$2850: Campus coats.. Ail wool campus coats, ini three colors...$5.45 Men,'s, suede jackets. A remark- * able value iti -a f uli cut suiede jacket ..........$9 Men's ail wool flannel r-obe& In. inanY- colors and patterus. $5 .5 Seconid Floor Plain . white pre-shrunk shirts., Collar attached and neckband style,*..........I3 WoVen madras collar attached shirts.'N eat fnew 'patterns $1I.85 Woen niadres shirts in neck- band style, .with two starched nîatched coliars......... $2 BOYS" APPAREL, AND ACCESSORIES Leather coat ini sizes 8 to 20. Brown horsehide, sheep - lined with womibat collar..$27 juvenile overcoat in sizes 3 to 20. Navy blue fleece ........ $9.75 XVool shorts.' Fine tailoring and a splendid value. 4 to 10, price $1 'Wool sweaters to go witb wool, shorts. Sizes 4 to 10.,pic.$ Bathrobes in stripes and' plain, colors of wool flannel. Sizes 4 to 20, at.............. $4.95 One-piece snow suit in sizes 4 to 12. Heavy, wool in plain colors ............... ý.$4.95 MARSHA LL ,FJELD &-COMPANY M m