Ba llo t on Water Plant, Decem.ber' ORGANIZE FOR. RELIEF DRIVE Wilmnette, Leaders CaIIed to) Launch Wilm ette Drive to SweIl Charity Funds: Organizatioti of efforts ini raising funds to. aid the. uneniploved locahly andl throughout Cook couilty, *as the object of a mieetinig held by XiI- mette residelits WVediesdav inight of this week at the'Village h-111. TIhis narked Xilmette'-s copera- tioix wvith the Joint 'Emergencyv Re- liefnc., a county group formed at. t the' instance of Gov. Louis L. Enmter- son' s commission on unemploynient to foster the fight againist want and pri- 'vation iti, the mietropolitan area. At -the - rehîinmary meeting on Thursday of last week. Henry Fovl- er. was elected teimporàry head of the Xilmette drive. Leslie WN. Millar va.s chosen as temiporary secretary. Meet Local Need Firit With more than 200 unemiployed pe rsons listed in Minuette and withl the 'nonetary need of the local chari- ties approxintatély three turnes that of last year, it is stressed that local requirem ents in .the comrnunity %vîll receive first attention. The aniounts raised above, that required locally will- go to.the county group. it is stated. Wednesdav nlight's mneeting was de- si gned :to enlist the aid of ail local N\Tinette charitable. activities for the jôint emergency. relief program. Arnonglp the, prorninent Wilmette resi- dents who are, helping carry out the relief project are Village President Carbon P. Dubbs, Lyman Drake,' Robert Stoddard, Judson Stone, Frank Seng. Phillip Hoffman and Alfred Hirsch. Guests at N. U. Garne; Illinois. CornesNext Three Wilmette- people will. at- tend the Notthwestern-University of alforia(Los Angeles) foot- ball 'gaine at Dyche Stadiumn this Saturday afternoon. They wiIl be tegts of WJLIMpeT'rLipe in view of the. fact that they were inesin the Football contest. announced in last week's issue of Xîl'mIem LIPrL The three WixVîLnz ~LirE-guests are: GreeVOURensperg, 726 Laurel avenue. Lowell Peterson, 231 Seventeenth- Donald Mellraith, 403 Wa.'hing- ton avenue. The next Football contest will be announced in the October issue, of XVImZTe LirE, the winners in whichi wili receive tickets to the Northwestern-Illinois gaie at I)vché Stadiumi on October 31. A rrange Hallowe'en Fete for Kenlworth A coînmunity Hallowe'en Party will be lheld Saturday night, October 31, lu the Kenilworth Memorial gyninasiîuMy according to an announcernent this week b.y Robert W. Townley, atbletic director at -the joseph Sears school. The affair ivili bec sponsored by the. Kenilworth Boy Scouts. This wil1 be the biggest and miost elahorate event the Boy Scouts have ever held in Kenilworth, Mr. Towvnley said this week. There will be stunts and contests for everyone, and the gym- nasîinm will .be appropriately decorated faNr then nnion Pu4blic Service Go. to Reduce Gas>Rates, On Wednesda3y, October 15,. the lower rates for gas service as ordered by the -illinois Commerce commis- Sion, went into effect. The new rates. will brin g a reduction to- custo mersi of the Public Service Comîpany of. Northern' illinois amoutiting to ap- proxiniately 5 percent on gas usedi for cookîng and cther domestie pur-. poses ýand approximately 30%ýé on gas. used for. heating homes. The introduction of :new gas into the system of the 'Public, Service, whiéh vas the basis for the reduction)I in raies, will begiin shërtly, accord- ing to J. W. Kehoe, district manager. The company lias mnade careftil prep- arations for adjusting the equipiment of its custoniers to burn the e fuel and -anticipates conxpleting couver-0' Sion of the entire territory served to the',new fuel within the next six weeks. Proper adjustmients, are be- ing made on each customer's premfi- ises by the comipany's own service men without anv charge to the cils- tomer. "We have had a nuniber of ini- quiries froni customers,' said Mr. Kehoe,, "asking if the reduced rates] would be i eff ect ini time to iinstall gas heating equipinent this season.- Fortunately, the announcenlient that the, reduction on house heating be- cornes effective immediatelv enables customners to secure this fuel uniderI the reduced rate for this witr" VILLAGE BOARD" APPROVES VOTE. Ordinance Provides for Ref- erendum .on bIssuance of. $600,000 Water: Bonds Saturday. Dècemnber 5, bas, been set as the date of ýa special election to be- held In Xilmette. for the purpoàe of decicing whiether the Village shall ~r shali not build a municipally owned water Plant and water-supply systenm. The date for the élection ýwas -set in an ordinance passed by the Vil- lage board at an adjourned Meeting Tuesday night.- -The legal wording of the question to be voted on at the election i ';"ha 'I the president and board of. trustees of, the Village of Wihnet te be authîorized to. improve and extend the pres en t'inunicipally o wîied water- works systein of said Village by the building of a water-supply systeni, and. to provide for the cost' thereof by the issuing of $600,000 of wa te r revenue bonds of the Village of Xi- Imette, payable solely ftoin the rev- enues derived f r o in the operation tthereof, which shiall nt ii any event consiitute an indebtedness of s a i dJ Village ivithin the meaning of the constitutional provisions or limita? t ions, said bonds to bear, interest at the rate of five percent per annuin, j payable seinei-annually." REALORSMEETMONAY rotraCted Problem RÉALTRS MET ýMODAY For inny months t 1he water sup- The ontly eetng o th. Nrthply question has been one of the. most Shore Réal Estate board will* be heldiprataddfiutpolrscn Monday evening. October 19, at the fMrtnthen. Vile. lm. cn Shawnee club; Wilniette. Dinner will fronin the Village i iidda be srve whether Wilmette should build its own water planit or continue to pay man. Ail of these officers were elected at the spring meeting of the association. The frèshman chairmail is noôt elected ý until the new class cornes in each'faîl._' music page ............ Recreation....... 5 Soci.ty Pages 8-3 Remember -the "early bird" has the. best chance fo wn. build or purchase a waterworks or water supply system, or to improve and extend such a system, b)y the (Continued on Page 5) 5