Evanstn Includes residents Of Sout- wetWllmette in Uts membership.' The olci adage has it, "lseeing is be- lieving." But" in Christian Science %ve lear i that believing is een.We e cal the saying "oùnt*of sight: is out of mind, but actually, out of. mmid is out of,sight, for we cannot sec or experi-J ence what ,ve,.do not believe. A jlimit- ed state of body, mind, or purse is aI-ý ways. a limited state of thought, sometim es consciously held, some- timies tacitly. :Remiember that al things are states of inind. Christiani Science resolves al physical, financial and other limitations into mental haz-. rdrejects such falsely mental;limi- tations as lies, and replaces the false concepts with right ideas, eveni real- ization of man's infinite capacities. Becatise the humtan bod ,is the ex- Pression. of the- human mimd, such evolved mental states correct the hodv andl niaterial'coQfditions. There. is a popular song Nvith a refrain that runs. "I's nmv mind, 1 cati change it." N\Te should be sure when we change our mid it is God that changes it. When the dawn 'of Truth cones in hunian cotisciousness the charnge is alikays for the better. Human mind-changing 'ati liever be right;, but niind-chang- inig undfer divine intelligence mnust be good alwavs. That change of mmiid is the answer to prayer. Let us hear the crux of t miatter of mlan's infinite àia. d the lie of limitation : progrîanm wuî inule ca group ot the new "Germian Tanz" ini the Wignian style, and some interesting dances of the Far East which Miss' Highit brought direct fromn the Imperiar Court of Java. Claire Powell, a young "deb" of Riverside, viI1 present someé clever characterizations. Se;ior Paco Parafin of Mexico wldo 'several true- Mexican, and Yucatan! dances., Senor, Parafin is one of Miss Hights professional pqpils. Saturday fçolni 3:.3-5--FOOTBALL TRA DANCES B aturday erenlmgs, dantlag until 1,80 Suun4aY concerts frein & tp 10 P. M. condueted by Paul Whltenian, leDturng the arrangements of Ferde Grofe and Roy Bargy. EDEWATER.BEACH HO111TEL SM00 hock Sheridan Road--T.eophone LQNîbeh6M0 PA TRONIZI OUR.AD'VERT.I.SERS EdgrA.Stevens,,ic. 160 ORRI1NCTON. AVENU E ErN~~N sirc7177 Fashion again decrees v et-flte inn itself-it's more- wln1ue tor attention and removal ot tmcm, but, flot for recognition of them as 'handicaps to progress. We are handi- .capped, if at aIl, by our own thoughts, for moertals see only. their own on cepts. Handicaps, there forei, àÉe self- imposed limitations. They can. be broken only by our own. consent to: the awakening, clarifying, liberating Truth, Christ. There is no barrier to Truth other than the closed dôor of our thought, the one handicap we mav erect in false consciousness. The truth of nan's influite capacities virounent, person, place, or thing? '*Who did hinder you that ye shoulci flot obéy the truth?" Bear ini minci, the promises are to him that, over- cornes,nfot to him that acknowledges and,,bows bef oie handicaps. A stuaniug velvet 4<... with tück.d end Iut.d fnet collar. Note the, double puff on the levs-ène of velvet, the. other net. $39.50. so Wi 0th appropria.te accessories Chic blàck velvet turban with prystal 'ring orna- meont on aide. Made for jut uuch a dress as only $555. lef. ts Y