Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 22

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NEW BISMARCK HOTEL Dancng during dinner and supp.r No Cover Charge Table d'HoteDinner $t.50-$2.OO, Suppor a la Carte Phono Ofto, Harting regard ing special arrangements for private parties Sroadcasting WGN Bl 4IfMÂRCýK HOT EL C HI CAeO RANDOLPH AT LA SALLE North Shore trains$ stop at Our door - 3 minutes to C. &'N. W. Station trick Bulley, the retiring president. presided. The other officers élected for the ensuing year are, Mrs. Frederick BuI1ey, vice-president; Mirs. Frank C. Nason, second vice-president; Nfrs. Herman G. Seely, secretary; NirS. John P. Oleso n, treasurer. and Mrs. William O. Beit, custodian. Mrs. Johnx P. Dix told of the -part taken biv the club ini the work of the Nçational1 Plant, FloWer and. Fruit guild, which collects flowers during thegarden season for distribution to the Chicago hospitals and sliutS-Jis. Mrs. Dix paid a special tribute to the cooperation shown by Frank Hiava- cek, the Ridge road florist.- The re- ports of the retiring officiais were read and approved. SAt the conclusion of the business meeting, a reading of the play, "As HIîTsbands Go." ivas, given b-, Mrs. Helen Roesing of !E-vanstoi.. L Bellare. t/wMOTfS! The danger of moths is Particulaily. ac ute during the'winter months, and they ecspecially start attack garments', furs' anid Rainbow ot the Rio Grande" a gayly co lored comic opera of the West whichi proved to be as splendidly donc as its sponsors predicted. Cowboys, Indians, and Spanish dancers with their color- fuI costumes provided plenty of enter- taitnment. Betty Hope, <Alice Lippeti Heuider- son) and bier brother, "Pepper" Hope, (William Shepherd>, New Yorkers,, wohave înherited a. ranch ini the Ri& Graîxdc corne, into financial difficulties, a-i ahînost have to give upthe ranch Uî'itil the%, ai e spared doing so throughi several ýintervening. cir cuinstances, the- chie i of whuch is the discovery of oil. Aside f rom the plot there are thre iuteresting love affairs-Zazu. Ketchuitni,. the niaid-of-a1l-wvork (Kathleen Daily), and' Axel' Swanson (Charles 'Brook-. iouer) ; Betty Hlope and Ted Travers (George Petersoû) who pretends to lie an artist, but who bas really corne to survey the ranch, and finally, "Pepper*" and BlineFeathier (Helen M.\cNauglh- toin), an Indian. girl. daughter (;f the great Chief RagIJ Winigs (George Bi--rsci!) 'Cdffledians ýVho stop at the ranchi for a. bref visit are. Philo Pillips (r-. H. Myrlanid). a theatricai, nianager, and The' Great Marlo (James C.. Anderson), a magician f roni the Varieties. ThVen. there is the 1'villain, Jos.ih Rock.,(George, Iliff), aàTexas bner; Jerome. Davis (Stanton V an hiwàgen'>. an Eastern newsî>aper ail, and assassins enpîoyed. hy Josiah. Bill <Victor McKeighIai) and Pete. (Ed- m-ard Smart)>. Delitful Muzic 'l'lie nmusical numibers were nost de- lwýLitftut. and were exceptinnally \\el] reiidered. Miss Henderson and -Miss McINatighiton h av e charning voices. G;eolrge. Berschi, who is; a studlenit, at Cake-Forest college, perfornîed an i- teresting: Indian dance, whichi lie liearnied at Camnp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wail. George. Petersoîx's 'richi tenor trade his s ongs 1 mrost eCljoyat)le. Thenme Goe herrv Bushies" sung by Blue, Feather, and Axel, was nîost clever and humor- atis. The entire' production' was. ex- celntlv doue, each actor coo peratitig, te , niake a" harmnoniotis %whole. The, girls who too k par t ini the choruis are as folows: Lisbethi Goss, M. J1. Kellog., sum- monns wil e secur sealed in nioth proof bi at -no additional ca Cleaners to the biscriminating 1152 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones 320-321> Evans ton Phone: Greenleaf 6660 ili oos, ase~i4&ii teai UI meU High Crest shool, Illinois road and rw*enty-third street, Ios;t a 5 to () decision to the Northbrook schooi Thursdav of last week. The gaine was plaved at Northbrook. This week the High Crest boys are to ineet Glenview at Wilmette on Thursdav and. Wheeling. at Wheeling on Friday. The Hligh Crest girl' team ,lost a game on its hmefield: 25 to 16, to the Nules. school. last week.-

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