lotus V inesda~y evening, October 7. Two important cOmn>ttee chairmen. were elected. Mrs. James Barcus, * who lias served so eficiently as e- ing chairman for the last two years liha- consented to assume this work for another terni. The newly elected house Committee chairman' is Mr,. S. C. Warden. Every auxiliary member will want to l)e present at the joint installation <iuîuier of the Legion and auxiliary at Shawtee Country club Tuesday, e e- ning. October 20. This is, the second affair of *its kind and. the success of last year's dinnier assures an enjoy- able evening to ail who attend. Danc- inig .iIl follow the dininer. Reserva-. tions -must -be Mnade before October 181 ivalt rs.0. G. Daily or A. D. AI- briglît. Mrs. Josephine Gebel, sevcnth. district director -will install the fol- lowiiug auxiliary oficers:. Mrs. F. J. I)owd. president;. Mrs. R. C. Johnsont, Iirst vice-president;i Mrs. Norman' I)eno., recording ,secretary;' M rs.S.* \'an. Inwagan, secretary; Mrs. W *.J. Beuner,' publicity ; Mrs. W. E. Ricli-J mioud, child welfare ; Mrs. S. C. W.ar- den. biouse; and Mrs. James Barcus, s ewî g. The Auxiliary bas just finiished a înost successful year, in point, Of ac- eomnplishiment and in enjoyable, asso- ication, under the capable leadership. 4. 1i \rs.'C. B. Cochran, as president. Cýonittee chairmen bave biad lier hearty cooperation in ail projects, and lier enthiusiasmn and efficiency' havel l)eeii reflected ini ail auxiliarv activi-ý Mlr. XV. E. Richimond a§ first vice- I)residentt.lias never failed as the, Ipresidlent's rigit lhand man to do well ail thie arduious tasks assigne(l to lier.i 'l'lie work of the recording secret- lias een ,'ry f aithfully liaudledi lw Mr.,, F. J. Dowd,,who las . tthîded niaîîv neetings ofthe dis;trict ;'d i C ook County,c ouncil besiýides ;tlo.>V, r tular xititgsiii Xinette. The atidit- i ng comnmittee reports the treasurers books ini perfect condition, bu1)t:thisI represeuts, o.nly a part of the %%Itrk ý doue by Mrs.,A. C. Johnso, loia taken care of the nunr;Icdtaiîs catiiecterl with this (Alice and, hasý takeu on tasks tiot r'~lrvCon-~ nected withi it. The child velfare work lias been under the supervision of Mrs. E.. V. Cullison and the Lnint igý Evanston Shop Open gTuesday, Thursday tand Saturdoy Eve,îings I - Ojier New and Greater Vaium oci iowned F' c ment:' Speakîng of C u 1 v e r, the wvriter s a y s, "Anderson apparently lias ittle to worry about ini regard to lus line. C ulIve r and Kurth, two tackles are left over from last year. Kurth is a first-class tackle and Cul. ver is one 'of tbe -best -in' football, a big, fast, powerful forward wbo caui lîold bis own with anybody." OThe Hub, 1931 Orrington and Winnetka Church-EVANSTON 188 (No toil charge) v Internat Lin.ed with Our Super-,constractedl Celau.-P