Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 20

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Youthf nI Face? ' ~ M)J no atter hôw. f young loo ilng vour face, is, an o n t-of- roportioit figure. cati lrand yoti as. old. No 1%1011aiî Cali lcok or feel o1l0Aif. she's wearing- this exquisitc p e a ch satin Irocade and 1 la c eSolitaire! '.fodel 1034, $14<* TIeE1CHORN COSSARD SHOP 72 EL Madison St.é Chicago Wvow ùxder the persouiarsu per- vMo fonis& JfattJqe May, for- inerlij of Bonwit-Teller, of Neu Yorkc City. mierciful utito uis, ,and bless ius; and cause- Iis face to sinie upon us; tilat thy way' may be known uipon earth, ýR EU ALE FoRgePruOOF WAREHfOUSES UNI. 98100 WIL. 1332 Re nt Chatirs and' Tables 0TaRA GEC EVERYTHING TUTýORING CO" ISA.BEL:WARRINGT!ON HEAPSý TUORNGSCHOOL 814. Ridge Terracé. Evantfon: 1. blk. souti of Central, st.. -near Iuilge. UNIVEIRSITY 4198 WIEBOLDT'S BASEMENT EVANSTON Davis Street anidiieaitfl with Kiey to, the Scrip- turcs," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Un- less the harrnony and irnmortality of man are becoming more apparent. we are flot gaining the true idea of God; and the body will refléct what gov- erns it, whether it be Truth or error, understanding- or belief,. Spirit or matter. Therefore 'acquaint now thv- self with Him, and be at peace.' B e watchfutl, ,sober and vigilant (p. 324).. POSTPONE GRID GAMES, Ramin tcrfcrcd-withi the opcning of the joseph Sears school's football schcdulc in the North 'Shore Graini- mar School league Tuesday of this weck. Two Kcnilworth teamns of the 75-pound class' were schieduled t'O play Haven that day. but the gaines Were postponed. Ttc Joseph Sears; 85-pound and. lO-pound teanis will play, Haven at Evanston todav, (Thursday), unless inclem.iient.w~eatihcr again causes.'a postponcment. SPEKS- AT M4IOOL "Creative Music" wvas discussed 1w David Dushkin of Cylencoe, at -tIiIý o pe ning mneeting Of mothers and teachers of the. Childreni's schioo,] National College of Education,' on Monday aftcrnoon, October 12.. Mr. Dushkin brouglit *with hini a. groui) of bis pupils from Glencoe NNho played original selections upon iii1- strumehts which th1ev hlad made. Wilmefte 11I00 OAKL ALF-SOLES TRISW WEEK ONLY!., keeping magazine. UovcrnQ(4r Roosevelt goes on to say, "If every intelligent woman made it arnde to learn sonie- tlîing about her. local. state, or nia- tional government every day, more. would be accomplishied in a year toward govcrnmental. reform than le -aIl the, books and pamphlets.writtenii ia gen- eration. »The League of Women Vote rs is the only organization in the, United States ivorkingý for education in govcrnment. ýWhcn you support the league, you are supporting the lcague's work for goOd governnicnt. At.voting:time it is a.sound mile niever to vote f or1 a -candidate without finding1 out first what. his qualifications. for office are, and wvhat -policy he prom- is es to pursue. The League of W.0mèii--Voters haî devisecl anexcellen t plan for assembling this data. Before cleçtion they request the, candidates to express their views on .vital questions and they, also stage de- bates hbetveeni oppoing candidates. or their .represe.ntatives, s0 tliat tho e who are înterested mnav corne and hear and mnake arn intelligent Choice. This seenis to bc the hest knowiu f ea- turc of the league's. work but it isflot its only' ývork. To. support the league and listen to ucl- speakers as E .a Dan. Baker, Mlargaret Haley, and Vrs. B3. F. Lang- wiorth\r is to he entertaincd as well as educated, but the big thing is to sup- port the league.-Elizabeth F. Kinnear. c7J0 ING? THE GARRETT METHOD I-w 1NSURES ECONOMY Catilornia JD[ew 'York-Florida or <zny distant ýpoint "THiE GARRETT MIETHO»1" Work Don. While You W Delivered Free to Your 1 NN ieboldt's Ba semiet-E.vanston r Cbicago's Oldest IIk Company .6542 N. Clark St. 6716 Cottage Grove Ave.

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