This store priidos itseif on the quality of individual, attention it olTfers when supplying the iîeeds of Its custoiners. The pharniacists an(] salespeoeple behind our counterit. a re alert, courteous, eageiu to serve, attentive, campe- lent and accurate: They klw the mierehandise, they have ft,r sale,, and. tell the.truth concerning it. 3 'Seil you what you ask*for and solicit your trade on the luisis of quality products anddepe ndable pro sevive.p proa -a-- * -t Sq Ced-Uv .~ --- ~.- -:a?" - a~. '... r..~r ~ - SQUIBB N .itanjin Tested Vitarnin P urotected Plain and Xtint-Fiavored Large Bottie SQUIB ADEX Tablets "Cod-Liver 011 Ta4blets"' A Vitamin Coneentrate of. Squibb Cod- Lîver Oil SQUIBB Uýud Pefrolatum (Squibb Minerai OU)1 The qafe, effective internaI lu- bricanit. Odorless, tasteless,. safe a's pure water. Non-habit-forin- înig, Non-fattenling. 1-oz. Bottie . .85c SQ1JIBB, Creamn ('oûttxin.s more Squibb Milk A b s olu t ely free f ro m soap.,, acids, and harsii abrasives. An ideal denmi- frice for the, whole family. Lar~ge tube 39e t is thrifty to buy 3 tubeI4 ut a Uie 1.00, SQUIBB Shaving Creamn Double-Action. . it shields thie face with a 'coat of balm,. miaking the razqgr glide swiftly and snmoothly.. then it re- places the delicete oiîs that. keep. the skiîî healthy an d conifortable. Large Tube ,.40c We Recommend These SQUI,8B HOME NECESSITIES For Your Medicine Cabinet ;Squibh Cod-Liver 011 witli Viost.rol-IOD--3-oz Bottle 75c Squibb Boric Acid-3-oz. Tin. >.. .................25e Squibb Liquid Petrolatum with Agar-16-oz. Bottie .... Squib Uquid Petrolatum with Agar and Phenolphthalein -'16-oz, Bottie......................... .....12 Squahb Castorý OiI-:-6-oz. Bottie...................45c Squibb Magnetia' Wafer-Tin of 18 .............25c SquibI> GIycerin. Suppositories-Bottle of 12.........30c Squibb Sodiuim Phosphate Effervescent- 14-lb1) Bottie .... 60c Squibb Zinc Olinent-Tube .. ..... ..... ... -25c Squibb Analgesic BaIm-T u be . . . . . ..... 5c Squibb Vitavos.-1-lb. Tin ...... .......... ..... .I MARRIED YESTERDAY Miss Carolyn Richiardson, 1523ý Spencer avenue, was married yester- day in Washington, D. C., to Shock Botler Of Washington. Aniong those who attended thewedcling.were the brides uncle, 'J. M. Cram; her aunt, Mrs., D. E.ý Bull-,; and her. mother, Mrs. Frank Richardson al of XiI- mette. Mrs. S. P. Hatrnond of Denver, Colo., is visiting Mrs. James C. Lieb- mani of. 720 Maclean avenue, Kenil worth. -MI OCT: 16TH TO 22,xD O.,i.v *ý' lu d Pure SiIk Hiosiery 79c. Pcoted topped-a newly Pa tented run stop in either 'a- very sheer chiffon or iqhtweight serv Ce . n a-i colors. Frankly, this offer is made ta, aquaint inore people with the except onal values offered by this shop.. The coroner's jury returned aii openi verdict in. the case. Mr. Moore was superintendent oi the emnployes' service drpartruett of the Peoples Gas, Light Cokc coînpany and had .been with the coini- pany thirty-eight years., He ivas..5 years ýol d and had livred in Wilmettc. for. the past fif teen' years,. He is survived by bis widow, Mrs. Anna -C.. Moore, and by two , son s Samuel H., Jr.', a* senior at Dart- mnouth, and: Paul Andrew, a, sopho- miore at Loyola. academy. Plans 'Series of Games to ClIoselGrid Season Robert W.ý Towvnley, atbletic director at the joseph Sears school in ,Kenilr wvorth, plans, to bring the initramural football wvork at the school' to a'close about Noývemhber 1 with, a series of games betveen ail-star teams répre- senting the Wildcats and Tigers, the two sections. auto which pùpils ini the school are divided for purposes. of coin- This is- the first time that such a plan libas been f ollowved. There wvill be sev'- eral games to decide the champlionship of theschool, the teanis bein.g made- up of boys ot varlous weight classifiica- tiolis. The third annual, joseph Sears foot- ball field day is scheduled for Saturday, November 14. On that datelthere ývilI be. conitests in punting for distance, drop kicking for distance, forward passing for distance and for accuracy. 'drop kicking over the goal, and a football race across a regulation size field Nvith coin- plete football equipnent on. HAS B[RTHDAY PARTY Dorothy Jane Braun, daugliter of Mr. -antd Mrs. Edward A.- Braun',.1204 Gregory,,aveniue, entert 1ainied a. dozen of' liber friends at a birthday. party last >Saturday afternoon. She was -8 years, old. .,Guests were classmateS ini the third g r a d e at St. Francis school. MORE WHOOPING COUGH, Cent ral-Wilmett. Avenues I . Phonos: WiImtt. 28 -and .29 e Rate& by Met..,, Hour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE e