bc visited from time to time, . . Trimible, acting as representative, audited the various classes~ while they were i n session. According to coin- ments received, Mr. Trimble was very wvelI satisfied with curricular activi- tics, faculty requirements, and the getieral management of the school. 'flie first: general meeting of rThe 'dalliickrodt, Mothers* club was held on Wedneday, October 7.' The pur- pose of, the meeting ýwas to plan the activities for the new vyear. It was inally -agreed that on October 30 a card. party be held in The 'Mallin- ckrodt auditorium at 2:30 p. ni. Mrs. H. Arndt of 1Evanston was made- chairM*an' of the entertaining Coli - n ittee. T'lie Novenîber acivity, it 'wa s de- cidéd. will corisist of 'a drainatic dis- play. an operetta. staged ini Thé NMal- iinckrodt auditoiuni, bv' theSt. Greg- ory Dranatic club. Thle facultv wisli, to thank, the ilneil)bersof the Mothers' club for, thecir interest and cooperation in theý past. and hope thiat success attend tleir varlous undertakings throIgh-i tblit the conîing year. T1he Ma\Illinckrodt gymniasium irer- soundd it mani a hea rtv laugh Fridav when the freshmnen rade their ap)pearance in the informiaI initiation .pIrcgram sponlsore(l 1w the seniors. For davs previons, secret mùeetings and orinous posters -warned flic Ireshrnen of the comaing event. Hom- ever. the outcoine proved quite harm- less. as even the freshmen theniselves hiad to admit. D)re-ssedaccordliig to strict instruc- tions. the 'freshimen appeared at school. that morning carrying, every book in us.e init heir respective cl asses, anîd wearitigtheiruniforms backwards; l)esides. .a. conspicuous. green ribbhon adornied their heads. and cuml)ersoilne galoslies, ul)uckled, wer e woriv 0on the Wav to and f rom school. However,.,a pleasant surprise, awaitéd them at luncih hor. we each. senior escorted her allotted1 freshinan into the cafeteria he races on kunuje cars and i ny mcycIes;- given an, airpiane ride, by beîng raised into the air while standing blindfolded on a low bencb; tbey were made to demonstrate. a farce boxing mnatch-the sniallest and taîl- est, of the group l) ing selected a'nd equipped with real boxing.gloves, and o f course, the seniors taking care of the necessary fanning'at the close of the one-minute encouniter. Xari- cns other amusig jokes WeYre deinanld-. cd ai. the expense' of. the freshmenl. but victÎims as weIl as audience. en- ioyed the .afternoon to the fulIlest cex- tenit. The final demiand was tlie Sing- insz of the Mallincekrodtsehool Song, which of. course. was unfaniiliar as yet to the newcomers. However, the audience came, to the' resceue,. and with this. grand finiale, the progr am camne to a close, L eionA uxiliary (Peter J. Huerter Pos.t, No. 669). The Peter J.> Huerter Auxiliarv unit of Post 669 will sponsor its' third atinual dance for the patients at the U. S. Veterans' hospital at North Chicago (west of Great La.kes Naval training station') Wednesdav evening. October 21. Corne and dance with the boys from .7:30 to 9:30 and then with your Will ýkeep you in condition. a team emd Bowl régularly. BLESER'S Bowling Academy ;21 Ridge Rd. Willnatte 3544 Wilson H. DeCamp of Pittsburgh' spent last week-end with bis, parents. Mr. and Mrs. David R. DeCanp of 615 Abbottsford road, Kenilwortb. SPECIA L VALUES Ail stock as.brand ne w, put ,hased et the previiling low pri tes for ypur. beaiefit. Boiys ,School Oxfords, $2 Blmck, 1sizes 1-5Y2, spectal Child's Fancy Slipover'Sweaters, AUl wo ol,, new fal shades............ Men's Shirts ($1.50 -Value>,,$ White and plain colora.. Underwear, heavy weight, al sizes, for men, womna children. Everything for Baby's Needs; RIDGE DRY GOODS STORE, >Leis and Hlei 725 Rîdge Road Wilnmette 3324 Spar. tUbs, lb . . . . . . .. . . BuIk Saueu Kraut, - 2 lbs... ........... 15C Snaooed Butte, 2 lb.. 7 Beef and r, rUnd,25 Joues' Link Sausage, IL . . joues, Meat 'Sausage, l . . . . . . . . . 33c Specials, for Satuarday October i7 Legs of Genuine Spring26 Lamnb. lb. ... 6 Home, Dressed Roast- 0 lbg ...... 3 lb Cape Cod Cranberries,, 29c 7.tb L . . . . . . - l ý1 Early Ohio Potatoes, peck Bruss et sprouts, IL. ... Sweet Poôtate1si, 25C 21c 5c Spiced titrings, 29C lb. RUGEAVENUE PH-ARM14CY Opposite Si. Joseph Scia..! PHONE WILM«TH316 When it cornusfirom "Pornos'Siethte but W. Delvft Wihnette, KeniIwoeth, Win.tléa, Hubbard. Wum.ds, Che PEARSON'S MARKETi Ridge Avenue, Wilmtte Phones - WiImette 28W-2801-152, Buy it here fer lésa BUTTER, brick, or role>..* EGGS, strictly fresh', doz . .. ... .. .. RIB. lb.S RIS ROlb. 0F. 300o35cf LEGS of SPRING LAMB, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . - 9 C.C. R euueckar