,absorbent m tissue lu -Cotton -sott-, asr bent, and sterile as surgîcal gauze. Its' soft cieansing -fibre cleans like thesoft cotton swab a surgeon imight, use. SEMINOLE PAPER CORP..Chncaao DZ VIL iON4- INTERNAXIONAL PAPER MO. 100< llarrhioî, M., Evanston gL wS-S 4 auxiliary is giving its annual dance as a benefit for the U. S. Veterans hospital at North Chicago Octoberý 21. Ail members and their friends are cordially inivited, it is announced. .MEATS' Whenthe entire dinsieris buit around the choice of meat, it is neceasary that the choice and the" quality be. infallible. Phone Greenicaf 1222 For this week-end '"e suggest: PrVOJRK LOIN RODASTý YOUNGPIG PORK Othe Ooficii1and i.unofficoi observers. ,'Irvel.ers, w o.hsticins. jout'nisis ansd £'rown càlIpcriscof the world *to kher sed. ;in ore Ave ~rlýsin series o a MILIC-FED NATIVE VEAL Leç oaost . .*.*0LB. 20c Shoulder toast . LB. 14c e SI rarent-Tieacher groups ulrougnout this vast country have set to work this year to try and raise the standards of American cbildbood to the level of the 19 articles of this most significant char- t'Ir. As* the ýfirst requisite the necessity for adequate. héalth: training- to pro-' vide Anierican childbod with sound minds and -sound bodies bas been f elt. Wilmette bas answered this' need by introducing ývery tborougb medical ex- amnations in al our- public, and paro- chiai scbools this1 fali. ,Parents living here. may. congratulate tbemselves. on being identified with a conimunity. that recognizes and plans- for. the needs of their children. Carrving out the hope of the Chli- Idren's charter the Parent-Teacher as- sociation of the St. Francis Xaiier school is devoting its October meeting to stimulating a greater interest in child health. Dr. Herbert 0. Lussky of Ev- anston vil address this meeting with the hope of, ena bling the mnothers to promote better health progranis for~ their children. Dr. Lussky's name means much to many north shore parenits-a Chance to hear a public appeal hy iîni for our children's health-îý s a prîvilegé flot to be overlooked. Ail menibers of the various. parent-teacher organizations in Wilmette and Evanst on are niost cordiallv invitéd toattend this meeting to be h feld in' the school. hall Friday (tomorrow), October 16, at 2:30 p. m. ýMiss Marion Ortseifen, graduate of the Nortbwestern Scbool of Speech and well-known draînatic reader, ill give selections to interpret the -Cycle of -à Womnan's life." ARE ENTERTAINED Mr. and MNrs. 0. B. Dabhm of 721 Kent road, Kenilworth, are mioving to St. Louis on November 1. Thev have sold their home to Mr.. anà Mrs. -Frederick Schmidt of Milwau- kee. Arnong- the nunierous affairs give.n iii their honor before their de- parture was the dinner. Wednesday evening with Mrs. Edward C. Hil- dreth opf 200 Beecbwood avenue the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Redding of 1516 Elmwood avenue will entertain for themn on Friday eveining. October 16,. at a dinner and bridge. *Mrs. Whittieir Baer of 2115 l3eecli- wood avenue will give a luncheon atnd bridge for Mrs. Dahim next Wedneý,- Authorized, diI l Linde. aive.' WiImette,.III. PHILCO Dealer,' Phone Willmette t818 THE GREATATLANTIC APACIFIC TE^ CO'.. Blythe Akely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Akely, 615 Lake avenue, is recovering fromn a fractured ankie wbicli she suffered, about six weeks ago. In two weeks she wilI return to ber studies at Newv Trier, wbere she is a fréshman. g