Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 11

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ters U43 rr2ua5 airernoon .. o~Ji J* * -week, and to the anniversary of the C h i ca go fire. With beautiful old furnit ure and hooked rugs, with quaint.prints in even quainter framnes on the mnantel of tbe lounge of the ý\Vomian's club,, and Nwith costumnes mnade especially for the occasionI one'1s imaginationr easily wvas tricked inito reliving that disastrous« epoch ii Chi-, cago's. early history. A letter fronm Mrs. Mary- Fale s re- couniting lier lîarrowing experiences in the, fire was read. Mrs. George Beaudin read her ..instructive- pape,- tracing the history and art of the inaking of hooked rugs. wvhich slt (Ieined as 'triuniphs of feiinie iin- genéiu.ity." Athough, she proclaimetd. they are thoroughly practical;, in. uti- lization . of ina terials no longe: needed, the evolving of their liatterns, and the art of their colorinig.satisfiedi a need of self expression. Histor.ç: itself lias. been woveni into. sonie ot thèse rare old -rugs. Tl') make the.>histor%" of the.vear of 1871 more alive, Mrs. Ursula *Hei ss, % ith lier ringing; w,%arni contralto voice. sang "Listen to the MIockiing' Bird," publislied that year. and other. songs l)olular sixty years, ago.: NI rs. Kearns. Kirchb1erg. withi charnîing sinicetit, gave a: reading of Janlet airbank's, "ý'rhç.Smithis' dwveling uponi the' dramiatic inicidents of the Chicago fire. [lu Mrs. flbar' living rooni a, fasl.ioni show' of 1871 wvas staged -%itiî Mrs. H-uhbard depicted by Mr. t-eorge Beaudin; The Youig . Matron,1 * Mrs. Kirchberg; The Young Miss oi. the 'Suiiiier' of '71, Mrs. Albert Stal the bride, Mrs. George Lundy; Grand- niother and the Little Girl, Mrs% J P. Budinger and the entrancing baby,1 Roiert jamies Kearney, mnaking Ii, first l)uliiappearance. Mrs. Heiýss-and "Granidmothier" to- gethier sang songs of bygone 'years- leore theprga closed.. Mfiss Aune Whitmack, bef ore the assemblage was'transformdt18. svmptilathietically and understandingly, revîewed "The Green Pastures." M rs. H-arry B ettinghaus arranged the prograin and loaiied the settiîlgs. Mrs. Henry Schinidt' designed the at- tiactive and authentic costumies, and Mrs. Banlford Langili was the acconxi. Two years ago the club held a gar- deni fair in the Kenilwotth club and on the grounds. At that time a rock garden was built j ust west of the steps and was of great charmn. Trîe club niembers voted to keep thi s gardeni and niake it a permanent addi- tion to tle grounds. This yearF thejy are addinig two lîundred blue violets. twvo lundred niertensia, two hundred blue wild phlox, two hundred hepatica, one hundred twcenty-fiveý ferns of sev- eral varieties. a number of w~ild closed gentian -plants, wild ginger.' and. other si)1ecîinien s native t<) this locality. It is the hope to niake thîs a real wild flowver preserve adding Ito tlhe listcd grýoup j>üther iuteresting flora f roui tile to tîme. There will be a back- g1ronnid of wild Ilum trees. Mrs. Harry Olin lias charge of the planting. Trhis project is but. one of tlîe scveraýl which the Kenlilworth Garden club is planning. Thé club bas 'been active. in civic matters . for a number (if years but this seafion's work is more concrete than lieretofore. It is watching witlî interest the land- scaping .of section w~est of the station hiaving. subrnited- plans for this. to tlhe village, some time ago. Active workiii the: club will be re-' ,;Iued inithe spriîîg. MIrs. G, A. Schlueter, -305 Eight- eenth street, euter>tainied. Miss tEmilie Novak of Berwvuoe the week-etnd. DOES ADMIRE TUE i'eguýilailly visits the' ('ayr-Leen Beauty Salon NOT d re a dt he years. Folks Your persoriai Radio at your command. "'Modernistie" lacquer1 finish, in black, blue, -green, red, brown> or plain wainut. Four, tubes-ail eiectric-weighgS 8/z Ibis. no antenna-guaranteed. IdealI for the bedroom, kitchen, maid's room, laundry or dining room. A phone.cal 1Wiil brihg' one to you immrediately--no obligation. Telephone Wilmette 1985 Now North Shore Distributor Make Someone 's Day Sweeter on the- -~_Sweetest Dy of the Year. 1)' auty, of her liair, lier niani- 'cur'e and the BERENICE VIOLE Teacher and Pianist Studio: 114. Third St. Phone WiImette 1705 1167 'Wilmette Ave. Phono lVlmette 4598 Evauston 5h.> Orringtoir and Davis, Wilmette .Sho> 1187 Wilmnette A veý. Lake Forest Sho> 281 E. Deerpalh A ve. DýOCTOBER 17 ,Make scmeone'9s ;day home a box of1 sweeter on "Sweetest DaiyO by lusejous Dutch Mill Home Made you in 101 uniusual varieties, and v dv f rom the purest and moot wooo-wl,

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