rwoo '00 000 o QO Pie Lke -Mother Used- to MaXke! The delicious. tang of f resh fruit, suae. just, rigbt, tender flaky crust baked to g tempting brown crsness-The f avorite- American, Oessert at its best-at WEEKS' o >Diiïing Room 1131 Central Avenue: WILMETTE WiIrniette35 A 1 rt/aur Seibold, Jrh of WiImeétteY is t pIai the, port o! Torrqntcc whe te'hcn-ncecPla.vers Preseni 'Cock Robin' (ilicheclub Frida.v and Saturday eveni ngs of next ï0cek. The star v ix a play wvithin aà plaY. The performance iii- whiich thec plot develops is ait old faslîioied )-'-ialish inelod raima, during the per- for-mance of which a imurder takes place, ami the solving of flic mys- Pe tikrs place o11flhc stage. , Mules ofthte contest were published in the September 24 issue of WJLmerTE LimE If you haven't- a--eopy,, drop in and see the Baby Contest Editor, who'l1 be happy to supply the needed informa- tion. Definition of, Peddler Question IBefore Board Who is a peddler and Who is îiot. apeddler?, That,:was' the question confrontîig the. Wilimette Village board at its regular. meeting Iast. week. Village Manager C.* M. Os-* ýborn reportcd that a numiber of per- sons had approached him for perinits to solicit magazine subscriptions ini Xilmette, and the Village code is not specific as to, whether or not a mnaga-, zine salesmnan is a peddler. M r. Os- born was, instructed by the board to defer the granting..of any permits to these salesmen, and the matter was referred to the public service commiiit- tee. ýof Wh1.ich Mrs. Ruth H. Snvder- is chai rman. TO GIVE LECTURE .\lert Vail. the national ,Baia'i teacher, will speak on1 "The Baia«i Program for Universal Ecotioinic Wellbeinig" Sunday afternoon, Octo- b)er 18. The lecture will be delivered in the Founidation hall of the: Baha'i temple, Linden avenue niear Sheridan road, W;1iinette, at 3 :30 o'clock. The public is cordiallYiivitedt. - Y U ô. Loy O' Not Neglecting the Quaity-Pleasant, Courteous - Service Free Delivery-Credit Cau Be Arranged SPZCIAL SALE-FIA n ATRA C.16-1 I SPECIAL Fre~h lJre'.sed CNICKENS For Stewinir For Frylng or Rua stlnq lb. 27e les- WELMETTE Kw>à»ILWORTH LEVO 6re Wiumette,1870 WINNETIKA 1' 'o f o o Q o c> 1