Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Oct 1931, p. 8

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sale. A. S year AI' TOIepLon.sand C. 0. P. Ordéirs Carefully and QhicIly Doliver.d Charge Accounts Solicited fm.6m Reliabi. People IPIRIO CI CKNS Excoptionally fine milk-fed chiekens,. freshly dressd24/ SIRLOIN STEAK OnIy tender cuts-t4he choice of native beef, pr*.perlyr ageul-ready for the. "pan.": Lb.39 Prime rdb rast beef, Mb and 7th standing, iky and i~ tenade. Lb. 27 SWETBREADS W. seli only select-fresh and genuine sweetbreads.49 CHUCK ROAST Specîally select cuts, tender and flav ory.2 e POUCLOINS Bonelcss roll-no waste or banes, conter cuts, a delighý. fiai roast. Lb. LAMB IROAST Shoulder of Spring-1931-Lamb-a roast that you'II enjoy. 6 PORK iROAST 6(yn shur porlc roast. A Sundlay: Dinner ugsu I ton. L b. .. .. .. .... .. I MONDÂT SPECIALS 1145 Wiiimette Ave 91 $33 Wilmette 2814 and ;81 WJu G,.Iencoe.. Park Ave.. Glencoe 19 management o is son,*A*C .. m3. au meu Ssen, Jr., The Evanston store was,.dis- rposed of. several years ago, ln order .that undivlded attention ilght be given. to :the Wilmette store. Detailedl annouzncement of the Anni- versary sale la to befoundin this issue %' Ch1amber 'of* Commerce ~ oHear I ýtallaen Consul The date of, the niext regular , monthlv meeting: of the, Wilinette Chamber of Commerce lias been changed'froni Monday, November .2, to Tuesda.y, November 3, 'B. T. Clark, Ssecretary of the Chamnber, anniounced 1this week. This change -was made in Sorder to ol)ta iii> Dr. Gluseppe Cas- Struiccio, Italiaiconisul in Chicago. aS jspeaker. Thîe \Wilmette Chanîber o (f Coxnmercelhas heen trying for ýsomeè ~tiie to arranige for Dr. Castritclo to Sspe ak at one of its meetings. le wl1 talk onMusoii the Itaian ii ,c- itator. Personsi Xmas Cards. 10% EiIeetlit in orers . dtible liefore Nov. i5;ttm WILMTTE STATIONERY and GIFT SHOP -about town T HER incornes are offen quite. imited andi yet they b lossom out ovith exquisite coiffures. If you corne S1here you wiII se th.m and tearn l3eauty Salon 11I351/2 Central Avenue Ask Our Advice on Cosmetics, and Powdcr Blcnding. sitY-EiQ BeseI-; JvirverwJueg uauudmy- Bill Sellery'; University of Mnnesota- Mollie Mickey; Mount St. Mary collegê. -MarjoriQ Stanton; Mundelein college-, Crace Horky, Catherine Lea.ry, Eliza - beth Ronan, BettySpillatie. National College, of Education-"Hope Cailroll, Violet Freiberg, Yetive- Scha-. pio;National Park semlinary-Virginia Nelson, Normal College of AM. Gym- na.stie union-Ruth Wolter.. No)rth*estergiuniverslty -Edward Blomeyer, William. Caverl>'.William Covington, Ed Dierks, Alan Fuller, Paul Gilbert, Eugene Hildebrand, Williami 1l{orstlng. Lloyd Huguenôr, Henning Jans.son,, (.Nlght: School) Paul Jone-s, Louis Kuppenheime?, Lawrence Leviton. Fred Lind, Davis Lott, Eugene. Manci- nelli, Walterý Mockler, Eugene Nickel. Carlton Prouty, Winfield Rogers, Henry Schauffler, Dorr. Wolf, Robert Woods~. Phyllis Brown, Thedta Chllds,î Amy, Clagett, 'Mary Cowen, Victoria Dieb)ali. Mary Downle, Grace, Ericksoén, Betty Gariner, Margaret Gindele, Mary Kath- eryn (,Ileason, Loir, Goldstein, Helen Hodgkin. .Dorothy, Hunt, Agnes Jones, Charlotte Keator«,PFrances Lut z, Jean Meck, 2Mary iAgnes Mlile ayMai~- garetMlvnMa' Jane Mess, Jane Orr. Luicat Perrigo, Ethel Pierce, Harriet Sanidbe'aýg, Louise Shepard, 'Margel Smnall, Jane Sowers, Virgiia Sprague, Fran- em WhItman, Martha Wilen, (.\ight School), Dorothy VinebrJe Yost.nebug Tu t'ilivers i tv o! Notre Dame-John Con- leyV, Go Stewart; Oberlin college-- Elizaibethi Potter; 0hio State universit:y -Ro)nald Shepherd; Ohlo Wesley-an uni- verity- ;oronWehirly; Penn hall - MayEllen Boozer; University o)f Pennl- sylvnia- JmesAlsdorf, Hutgo Hart- milnn: Phililps Exeter academy- Gor-; don Cutler; The Principia- Harr!ettý' N'irginia Preston; kRensselae.r,.POl'r tecnictntitte.-jhnRobert Walgren , t'lvrstyof Rocliester-George Ogan: Rockford cOIlege-Winif.red Dfingle, Alice Hillinger, Jane Norman; Rosary collergt-' -Betty Houren; Sarah Lawrence col- legePauineSpilegel: Sargent .School of' Physical Education-Helene Adler- School of Nursing, S1t. Francis hos- ýpital-Evelyn Smith;.-Sch ool of N.\urs- ing, St. Luke's hosptl-Nancrjy Nordorf. Se-éhool of Nursing, Hospital, Whlite Plains, N. Y.-Dorothy' Miller; Univer- sity of Southern Callforna-Betty Buck- ett, Robert Shabino; Stephens college- - -Jane. Springer; The Stout Institute - MNary Swlstona; Sullins college-Phylli, IR EDA L Eý FIEPROOFWAREHOUSES UNI. 300WIIL. 1882 Chairs apd Tables, for Remit' 1 ,or

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